#!/bin/bash # UniFi Easy Remote Adoption Script # Version | 1.0.0 # Author | Glenn Rietveld # Email | glennrietveld8@hotmail.nl # Website | https://GlennR.nl ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Color Codes # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### RESET='\033[0m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' #GRAY='\033[0;37m' #WHITE='\033[1;37m' GRAY_R='\033[39m' WHITE_R='\033[39m' RED='\033[1;31m' # Light Red. GREEN='\033[1;32m' # Light Green. #BOLD='\e[1m' ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Start Checks # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### netmask_converter() { # shellcheck disable=SC2086 subnet_mask="0" var="0""$( printf '%o' ${1//./ } )" while [ "${var}" -gt "0" ]; do # shellcheck disable=SC2219 let subnet_mask+=$((var%2)) 'var>>=1' done echo /"${subnet_mask}" } header() { clear clear echo -e "${GREEN}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" } header_red() { clear clear echo -e "${RED}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" } # Check for root (SUDO). if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script need to be run as root...\\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} For Ubuntu based systems run the command below to login as root" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} sudo -i\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} For Debian based systems run the command below to login as root" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} su\\n\\n" exit 1 fi if ! grep -iq "udm" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then if ! env | grep "LC_ALL\\|LANG" | grep -iq "en_US\\|C.UTF-8"; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your language is not set to English ( en_US ), the script will temporarily set the language to English." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Information: This is done to prevent issues in the script.." export LC_ALL=C &> /dev/null set_lc_all="true" sleep 3 fi fi abort() { if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then unset LC_ALL; fi echo -e "\\n\\n${RED}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} An error occurred. Aborting script..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the UI Community Forums!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UI Community Thread: https://community.ui.com/questions/ccbc7530-dd61-40a7-82ec-22b17f027776 \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Creating support file..." mkdir -p "/tmp/EUS/support" &> /dev/null if dpkg -l lsb-release 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then lsb_release -a &> "/tmp/EUS/support/lsb-release"; fi df -h &> "/tmp/EUS/support/df" free -hm &> "/tmp/EUS/support/memory" uname -a &> "/tmp/EUS/support/uname" dpkg -l | grep "mongo\\|oracle\\|openjdk\\|unifi\\|temurin" &> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi-packages" dpkg -l &> "/tmp/EUS/support/dpkg-list" dpkg --print-architecture &> "/tmp/EUS/support/architecture" # shellcheck disable=SC2129 sed -n '3p' "${script_location}" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/script" grep "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n1 &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/script" support_file_time="$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M_%S%N)" if dpkg -l tar 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then tar czvfh "/tmp/eus_support_${support_file_time}.tar.gz" --exclude="${eus_dir}/unifi_db" "/tmp/EUS" "${eus_dir}" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/"&> /dev/null support_file="/tmp/eus_support_${support_file_time}.tar.gz" elif dpkg -l zip 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then zip -r "/tmp/eus_support_${support_file_time}.zip" "/tmp/EUS/" "${eus_dir}/" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" -x "${eus_dir}/unifi_db/*" &> /dev/null support_file="/tmp/eus_support_${support_file_time}.zip" fi if [[ -n "${support_file}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Support file has been created here: ${support_file} \\n"; fi exit 1 } eus_directories() { if uname -a | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -iq "cloudkey\\|uck\\|ubnt-mtk"; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' elif grep -iq "UCKP\\|UCKG2\\|UCK" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' else eus_dir='/usr/lib/EUS' fi mkdir -p "${eus_dir}/logs" mkdir -p "${eus_dir}" mkdir -p "/tmp/EUS" } script_logo() { cat << "EOF" _______________ ___ _________ _____ .___ __ \_ _____/ | \/ _____/ / _ \ __| _/____ _______/ |_ | __)_| | /\_____ \ / /_\ \ / __ |/ _ \\____ \ __\ | \ | / / \ / | \/ /_/ ( <_> ) |_> > | /_______ /______/ /_______ / \____|__ /\____ |\____/| __/|__| \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| EOF } start_script() { script_location="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" script_name=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") eus_directories header script_logo echo -e " UniFi Easy Remote Adoption Script!" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting the Easy Remote Adoption Script.." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Thank you for using my Easy Remote Adoption Script :-)\\n\\n" sleep 4 } start_script help_script() { if [[ "${script_option_help}" == 'true' ]]; then header; script_logo; else echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi echo -e " UniFi Easy Remote Adoption Script assistance\\n" echo -e " Script usage: bash ${script_name} [options] Script options: --subnet Specify the subnet where the unadopted UniFi Devices exist. example: --subnet --domain-name Specify the domain name/FQDN of the UniFi Network Application Server. example: --domain-name unifi.example.com --ip-address Specify the IP address of the UniFi Network Application Server. example: --ip-address --inform-port Specify the Inform Port used by your UniFi Network Application Server. example: --inform-port 8080 --help Shows this information :)\\n\\n" exit 0 } rm --force /tmp/EUS/script_options &> /dev/null script_option_list=(--subnet --fqdn --domain-name --ip --ip-address --port --inform-port --help) while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in --subnet) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--subnet ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options subnet="${2}" shift;; --fqdn | --domain-name) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--domain-name ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options fqdn="${2}" shift;; --ip | --ip-address) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--ip-address ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options ip="${2}" shift;; --port | --inform-port) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--port ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options port="${2}" shift;; --help) script_option_help="true" help_script;; esac shift done # Set variables if empty. if [[ -z "${port}" ]]; then port="8080"; fi if [[ -z "${subnet}" ]]; then subnet="$(route -n | grep 'U[ \t]' | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)$(netmask_converter "$(route -n | grep 'U[ \t]' | awk '{print $3}' | head -n1)")"; fi if [[ -z "${fqdn}" && -z "${ip}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You must specify the UniFi Network Application IP or FQDN/Domain Name... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi if [[ -z "${fqdn}" && -n "${ip}" ]]; then fqdn="${ip}"; fi # Check script options. if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/script_options && -s /tmp/EUS/script_options ]]; then IFS=" " read -r script_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/script_options)"; fi # Check if --show-progrss is supported in wget version if wget --help | grep -q '\--show-progress'; then if ! grep -q "show-progress" /tmp/EUS/wget_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--show-progress" &>> /tmp/EUS/wget_option; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/wget_option && -s /tmp/EUS/wget_option ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a wget_progress <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/wget_option)"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/wget_option &> /dev/null; fi # Check if --allow-change-held-packages is supported in apt # Disabled for arm64 due to MongoDB 4.4 issues architecture=$(dpkg --print-architecture) if ! [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -ge "1" ]] || [[ "$(dpkg -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "1" ]] && [[ "$(dpkg -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -ge "1" ]]; then if ! grep -q "allow-change-held-packages" /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--allow-change-held-packages" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt_option; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/apt_option && -s /tmp/EUS/apt_option ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a apt_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/apt_option)"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; fi fi find "${eus_dir}/logs/" -printf "%f\\n" | grep '.*.log' | awk '!a[$0]++' &> /tmp/EUS/log_files while read -r log_file; do if [[ -f "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" ]]; then log_file_size=$(stat -c%s "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}") if [[ "${log_file_size}" -gt "10485760" ]]; then tail -n1000 "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" &> "${log_file}.tmp" mv "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}.tmp" "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" fi fi done < /tmp/EUS/log_files rm --force /tmp/EUS/log_files # Get distro. get_distro() { if [[ -z "$(command -v lsb_release)" ]]; then if [[ -f "/etc/os-release" ]]; then if grep -iq VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release; then os_codename=$(grep VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/VERSION_CODENAME//g' | tr -d '="' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') elif ! grep -iq VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release; then os_codename=$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | tr -d '="' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\((\|)\)//g' | sed 's/\/sid//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ -z "${os_codename}" ]]; then os_codename=$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | tr -d '="' | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\((\|)\)//g' | sed 's/\/sid//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') fi fi fi else os_codename=$(lsb_release -cs | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ "${os_codename}" == 'n/a' ]]; then os_codename=$(lsb_release -is | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') fi fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(precise|maya|luna)$ ]]; then repo_codename=precise; os_codename=precise elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|freya)$ ]]; then repo_codename=trusty; os_codename=trusty elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki)$ ]]; then repo_codename=xenial; os_codename=xenial elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno)$ ]]; then repo_codename=bionic; os_codename=bionic elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(focal|ulyana|ulyssa|uma|una)$ ]]; then repo_codename=focal; os_codename=focal elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(jammy|vanessa|vera|victoria)$ ]]; then repo_codename=jammy; os_codename=jammy elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(stretch|continuum)$ ]]; then repo_codename=stretch; os_codename=stretch elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(buster|debbie|parrot|engywuck-backports|engywuck|deepin)$ ]]; then repo_codename=buster; os_codename=buster elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bullseye|kali-rolling|elsie|ara)$ ]]; then repo_codename=bullseye; os_codename=bullseye else repo_codename="${os_codename}" fi } get_distro get_repo_url() { unset archived_repo if dpkg -l apt-transport-https 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then http_or_https="https" add_repositories_http_or_https="http[s]*" if [[ "${copied_source_files}" == 'true' ]]; then while read -r revert_https_repo_needs_http_file; do if [[ "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" == 'source.list' ]]; then mv "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" "/etc/apt/source.list" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/revert-https-repo-needs-http.log" else mv "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" "/etc/apt/source.list.d/$(basename "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/revert-https-repo-needs-http.log" fi done < <(find "${eus_dir}/repositories" -type f -name "*.list") fi else http_or_https="http" add_repositories_http_or_https="http" fi if dpkg -l curl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic) ]]; then if curl -s http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"; else repo_url="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"; fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if curl -s http://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/ | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian"; else repo_url="${http_or_https}://ftp.debian.org/debian"; fi fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic) ]]; then repo_url="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian" fi fi } get_repo_url add_repositories() { # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [[ $(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep -c "^deb ${add_repositories_http_or_https}://$(echo -e "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g')${repo_url_arguments} ${repo_codename}${repo_arguments}") -eq 0 ]]; then if ! echo -e "deb ${repo_url}${repo_url_arguments} ${repo_codename}${repo_arguments}" &>> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list; then echo -e "${RED}#{WHITE_R} Failed to add repository...\\n" abort fi if [[ -n "${missing_key}" ]]; then if ! echo -e "${missing_key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys; then echo -e "${RED}#{WHITE_R} Failed to add missing key \"${missing_key}\" to \"/tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys\"...\\n"; fi; fi unset missing_key unset repo_url_arguments fi if [[ "${add_repositories_http_or_https}" == 'http' ]]; then if ! [[ -d "${eus_dir}/repositories" ]]; then if ! mkdir -p "${eus_dir}/repositories"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to create required EUS Repositories directory..."; fi; fi while read -r https_repo_needs_http_file; do if [[ -d "${eus_dir}/repositories" ]]; then cp "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" "${eus_dir}/repositories/$(basename "${https_repo_needs_http_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" copied_source_files="true" fi sed -i '/https/{s/^/#/}' "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" sed -i 's/##/#/g' "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" done < <(grep -ril "^deb https*://$(echo -e "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g') ${repo_codename}${repo_arguments}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*) fi } # Check if system runs Unifi OS if dpkg -l unifi-core 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then header_red echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} This script shouldn't be ran on UniFi OS Consoles... \\n" && sleep 2 exit 0 fi run_apt_get_update() { if ! [[ -d /tmp/EUS/keys ]]; then mkdir -p /tmp/EUS/keys; fi if ! [[ -f /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys && -s /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys ]]; then if [[ "${hide_apt_update}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get update..." if apt-get update &> /tmp/EUS/keys/apt_update; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get update! \\n"; else echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Something went wrong during running apt-get update! \\n"; fi unset hide_apt_update else apt-get update 2>&1 | tee /tmp/EUS/keys/apt_update fi grep -o 'NO_PUBKEY.*' /tmp/EUS/keys/apt_update | sed 's/NO_PUBKEY //g' | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '!a[$0]++' &> /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys && -s /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys ]]; then #header #echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Some keys are missing.. The script will try to add the missing keys." #echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" if dpkg -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then while read -r key; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Key ${key} is missing.. adding!" http_proxy=$(env | grep -i "http.*Proxy" | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/[";]//g') if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${http_proxy}" --recv-keys "$key" &> /dev/null && echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n" || fail_key="true" elif [[ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ]]; then apt_http_proxy=$(grep "http.*Proxy" /etc/apt/apt.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[";]//g') if [[ -n "${apt_http_proxy}" ]]; then apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${apt_http_proxy}" --recv-keys "$key" &> /dev/null && echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n" || fail_key="true" fi else apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv "$key" &> /dev/null && echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n" || fail_key="true" fi if [[ "${fail_key}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying different method to get key: ${key}" gpg -vvv --debug-all --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys "${key}" &> /tmp/EUS/keys/failed_key debug_key=$(grep "KS_GET" /tmp/EUS/keys/failed_key | grep -io "0x.*") if wget -q "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=${debug_key}" -O- | gpg --dearmor > "/tmp/EUS/keys/EUS-${key}.gpg"; then mv "/tmp/EUS/keys/EUS-${key}.gpg" /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ && echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n" fi fi sleep 1 done < /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys rm --force /tmp/EUS/keys/missing_keys rm --force /tmp/EUS/keys/apt_update else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Keys appear to be missing..." && sleep 1 echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Required package dirmngr is missing... cannot recover keys... \\n" fi #header #echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get update again.\\n\\n" #sleep 2 apt-get update &> /tmp/EUS/keys/apt_update if dpkg -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then if grep -qo 'NO_PUBKEY.*' /tmp/EUS/keys/apt_update; then if [[ "${hide_apt_update}" != 'true' ]]; then hide_apt_update="true"; fi run_apt_get_update fi fi fi } christmass_new_year() { date_d=$(date '+%d' | sed "s/^0*//g; s/\.0*/./g") date_m=$(date '+%m' | sed "s/^0*//g; s/\.0*/./g") if [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" -ge '18' && "${date_d}" -lt '26' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} GlennR wishes you a Merry Christmas! May you be blessed with health and happiness!" christmas_message="true" fi if [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" -ge '24' && "${date_d}" -le '30' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date -d "+1 year" +"%Y") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} May the new year turn all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements!" new_year_message="true" elif [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" == '31' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date -d "+1 year" +"%Y") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!" new_year_message="true" fi if [[ "${date_m}" == '1' && "${date_d}" -le '5' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date '+%Y') echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements" new_year_message="true" fi } author() { if [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list" ]]; then awk '{print $3}' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed "/${os_codename}/d" | sed 's/ //g' &> /tmp/EUS/sourcelist while read -r sourcelist_os_codename; do sed -i "/${sourcelist_os_codename}/d" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list &> /dev/null done < /tmp/EUS/sourcelist rm --force /tmp/EUS/sourcelist &> /dev/null if ! [[ -s "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list" ]]; then rm --force /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list &> /dev/null fi fi christmass_new_year if [[ "${new_year_message}" == 'true' || "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Looks like you're using a ${RED}EOL/unsupported${RESET} OS Release (${os_codename})\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Please update to a supported release...\\n"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Author | ${WHITE_R}Glenn R.${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Email | ${WHITE_R}glennrietveld8@hotmail.nl${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Website | ${WHITE_R}https://GlennR.nl${RESET}\\n\\n" } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Script Update # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### script_online_version_dots=$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/tools/unifi-remote-adoption.sh | grep -i "# Version" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g') script_local_version_dots=$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g') script_online_version="${script_online_version_dots//./}" script_local_version="${script_local_version_dots//./}" # Script version check. if [[ "${script_online_version::3}" -gt "${script_local_version::3}" ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You're currently running script version ${script_local_version_dots} while ${script_online_version_dots} is the latest!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading and executing version ${script_online_version_dots} of the Easy UniFi Device Set Inform Script..\\n\\n" sleep 3 rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null rm --force unifi-remote-adoption.sh 2> /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2068 wget -q "${wget_progress[@]}" https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/tools/unifi-remote-adoption.sh && bash unifi-remote-adoption.sh ${script_options[@]}; exit 0 fi ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Required Packages # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### install_required_packages() { sleep 2 installing_required_package=yes header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing required packages for the script..\\n" hide_apt_update="true" run_apt_get_update sleep 2 } apt_get_install_package() { unset update_ca_certificates_ran apt_get_install_package_variable="install" apt_get_install_package_variable_2="installed" hide_apt_update="true" run_apt_get_update echo -e "\\n------- ${required_package} installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg6::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${required_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ${apt_get_install_package_variable_2} ${required_package}! \\n" sleep 2 else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}...\\n" abort fi unset required_package } if ! dpkg -l nmap 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing nmap..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install nmap &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install nmap in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe" add_repositories repo_arguments=" main restricted" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="nmap" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed nmap! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! dpkg -l sshpass 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing sshpass..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install sshpass &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install sshpass in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe" add_repositories repo_arguments=" main restricted" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="sshpass" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed sshpass! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Variables # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### declare -a unifi_default_credentials=('ui/ui' 'ubnt/ubnt'); ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Finding devices # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Searching for devices on network ${subnet} that are listening on port 10001/udp..." while read -r device_ip; do if [[ "${found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Succesfully found devices that are listening on port 10001/udp... \\n"; found_message="true"; fi while read -r default_credentials; do username="$(echo -e "${default_credentials}" | cut -d'/' -f1)" password="$(echo -e "${default_credentials}" | cut -d'/' -f2)" echo -ne "\\r${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to SSH into ${device_ip} with credentials \"${default_credentials}\"... " if timeout 5 sshpass -p "${password}" ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${username}"@"${device_ip}" "mca-cli-op set-inform http://${fqdn}:${port}/inform" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Succesfully told ${device_ip} to reach out to ${fqdn}! \\n" break else echo -ne "\\r${RED}#${RESET} Failed to SSH into ${device_ip} with credentials \"${default_credentials}\"... " sleep 1 fi done < <(printf '%s\n' "${unifi_default_credentials[@]}") done < <(nmap -n -sU -p10001,22 "${subnet}" -oG - | awk '/10001\/open/{print $2}') echo -ne "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} All devices that the script found should now be pointing to ${fqdn}! \\n\\n\\n" author