#!/bin/bash # UniFi Network Application Easy Installation Script. ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # List of supported Distributions/Operating Systems # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # | Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ( 12.04 ) # | Ubuntu Trusty Tahr ( 14.04 ) # | Ubuntu Xenial Xerus ( 16.04 ) # | Ubuntu Bionic Beaver ( 18.04 ) # | Ubuntu Cosmic Cuttlefish ( 18.10 ) # | Ubuntu Disco Dingo ( 19.04 ) # | Ubuntu Eoan Ermine ( 19.10 ) # | Ubuntu Focal Fossa ( 20.04 ) # | Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla ( 20.10 ) # | Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo ( 21.04 ) # | Ubuntu Impish Indri ( 21.10 ) # | Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish ( 22.04 ) # | Ubuntu Kinetic Kudu ( 22.10 ) # | Ubuntu Lunar Lobster ( 23.04 ) # | Ubuntu Mantic Minotaur ( 23.10 ) # | Ubuntu Noble Numbat ( 24.04 ) # | Ubuntu Oracular Oriole ( 24.10 ) # | Debian Jessie ( 8 ) # | Debian Stretch ( 9 ) # | Debian Buster ( 10 ) # | Debian Bullseye ( 11 ) # | Debian Bookworm ( 12 ) # | Debian Trixie ( 13 ) # | Debian Forky ( 14 ) # | Linux Mint 13 ( Maya ) # | Linux Mint 17 ( Qiana | Rebecca | Rafaela | Rosa ) # | Linux Mint 18 ( Sarah | Serena | Sonya | Sylvia ) # | Linux Mint 19 ( Tara | Tessa | Tina | Tricia ) # | Linux Mint 20 ( Ulyana | Ulyssa | Uma | Una ) # | Linux Mint 21 ( Vanessa | Vera | Victoria | Virginia ) # | Linux Mint 22 ( Wilma ) # | Linux Mint 2 ( Betsy ) # | Linux Mint 3 ( Cindy ) # | Linux Mint 4 ( Debbie ) # | Linux Mint 5 ( Elsie ) # | Linux Mint 6 ( Faye ) # | MX Linux 18 ( Continuum ) # | BunsenLabs Linux ( Boron | Beryllium | Lithium | Helium ) # | Progress-Linux ( Engywuck ) # | Parrot OS ( Lory ) # | Elementary OS # | Kaisen Linux # | Deepin Linux ( Beige ) # | Pearl Linux ( Scootski | Cade | Preslee ) # | Kali Linux ( rolling ) ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # Script | UniFi Network Easy Installation Script # Version | 7.9.7 # Application version | 8.2.93-1c329ecd26 # Debian Repo version | 8.2.93-25939-1 # Author | Glenn Rietveld # Email | glennrietveld8@hotmail.nl # Website | https://GlennR.nl ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Color Codes # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### RESET='\033[0m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' #GRAY='\033[0;37m' #WHITE='\033[1;37m' GRAY_R='\033[39m' WHITE_R='\033[39m' RED='\033[1;31m' # Light Red. GREEN='\033[1;32m' # Light Green. #BOLD='\e[1m' ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Start Checks # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### header() { if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; clear; fi echo -e "${GREEN}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" } header_red() { if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; clear; fi echo -e "${RED}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" } # Exit script if not using bash. if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then script_name="$(basename "$0")" clear; clear; printf "\033[1;31m#########################################################################\033[0m\n" printf "\n\033[39m#\033[0m The script requires to be ran with bash, run the command printed below...\n" printf "\033[39m#\033[0m bash %s %s\n\n" "${script_name}" "$*" exit 1 fi # Check for root (SUDO). if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script need to be run as root...\\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} For Ubuntu based systems run the command below to login as root" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} sudo -i\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} For Debian based systems run the command below to login as root" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} su\\n\\n" exit 1 fi # Unset environment variables. if [[ -n "${PAGER}" ]]; then unset PAGER; fi if [[ -n "${LESS}" ]]; then unset LESS; fi if [[ "$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)" != 'systemd' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} This setup appears to be using \"$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)\" instead of \"systemd\"..." echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script has limited functionality on \"$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)\" systems..." limited_functionality="true" sleep 10 fi if ! grep -siq "udm" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then if ! env | grep "LC_ALL\\|LANG" | grep -iq "en_US\\|C.UTF-8\\|en_GB.UTF-8"; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your language is not set to English ( en_US ), the script will temporarily set the language to English." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Information: This is done to prevent issues in the script.." original_lang="$LANG" original_lcall="$LC_ALL" if [[ -e "/etc/locale.gen" ]]; then sed -i '/^#.*en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/ s/^#.*\(en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen 2> /dev/null if ! grep -q '^en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' /etc/locale.gen; then echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' &>> /etc/locale.gen; fi fi if ! locale -a 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "C.UTF-8\\|en_US.UTF-8"; then locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 &> /dev/null; fi if locale -a 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^C.UTF-8$"; then eus_lts="C.UTF-8"; elif locale -a 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^en_US.UTF-8$"; then eus_lts="en_US.UTF-8"; else eus_lts="en_US.UTF-8"; fi export LANG="${eus_lts}" &> /dev/null export LC_ALL=C &> /dev/null set_lc_all="true" sleep 3 fi fi cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos() { get_distro if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then list_of_distro_versions="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/list-versions?list-all" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)" else list_of_distro_versions="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/list-versions?list-all" 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/\[//g' -e 's/\]//g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,//g' | grep .)" fi found_codenames=() if [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list" ]]; then while IFS= read -r line; do while read -r codename; do if [[ "$line" == *"$codename"* && "$codename" != "$os_codename" ]]; then found_codenames+=("$codename") fi done <<< "${list_of_distro_versions}" done < <(grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list") IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a unique_found_codenames < <(printf "%s\n" "${found_codenames[@]}" | sort -u && printf '\0') if [[ "${#unique_found_codenames[@]}" -gt "0" ]]; then for codename in "${unique_found_codenames[@]}"; do sed -i "/$codename/d" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list" >/dev/null 2>&1 done fi fi if [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.sources" ]]; then while IFS= read -r line; do while read -r codename; do if [[ "$line" == *"$codename"* && "$codename" != "$os_codename" ]]; then found_codenames+=("$codename") fi done <<< "${list_of_distro_versions}" done < <(grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.sources") IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a unique_found_codenames < <(printf "%s\n" "${found_codenames[@]}" | sort -u && printf '\0') if [[ "${#unique_found_codenames[@]}" -gt "0" ]]; then for codename in "${unique_found_codenames[@]}"; do entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"${codename}"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.sources" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.sources")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}d" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.sources" &>/dev/null done fi fi } cleanup_unifi_repos() { repo_file_patterns=( "ui.com\\/downloads" "ubnt.com\\/downloads" ) while read -r repo_file; do for pattern in "${repo_file_patterns[@]}"; do sed -e "/${pattern}/ s/^#*/#/g" -i "${repo_file}" done done < <(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list" -exec grep -ilE 'ui.com|ubnt.com' {} +) # Handle .sources files if using DEB822 format while read -r sources_file; do for pattern in "${repo_file_patterns[@]}"; do entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"${pattern}"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "${sources_file}" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "${sources_file}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${sources_file}" &>/dev/null done done < <(find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -type f -name "*.sources") } if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -type f \( -name "*.sources" -o -name "*.list" \) -exec grep -lE '^[^#]*\b(ui|ubnt)\.com' {} + | wc -l)" -gt "1" ]]; then cleanup_unifi_repos; fi check_dns() { system_dns_servers="($(grep -s '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'))" local domains=("mongodb.com" "repo.mongodb.org" "pgp.mongodb.com" "ubuntu.com" "ui.com" "ubnt.com" "glennr.nl" "raspbian.org" "adoptium.org") if command -v host &> /dev/null; then dns_check_command="host"; elif command -v ping &> /dev/null; then dns_check_command="ping -c 1 -W2"; fi if [[ -n "${dns_check_command}" ]]; then for domain in "${domains[@]}"; do if ! ${dns_check_command} "${domain}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "Failed to resolve ${domain}..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dns-check.log" local dns_servers=("" "") for dns_server in "${dns_servers[@]}"; do if ! grep -qF "${dns_server}" /etc/resolv.conf; then if echo "nameserver ${dns_server}" | tee -a /etc/resolv.conf >/dev/null; then echo -e "Added ${dns_server} to /etc/resolv.conf..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dns-check.log" if ${dns_check_command} "${domain}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "Successfully resolved ${domain} after adding ${dns_server}." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dns-check.log" return 0 fi fi fi done return 1 fi done fi return 1 } check_repository_key_permissions() { if [[ "$(stat -c %a "${repository_key_location}")" != "644" ]]; then if chmod 644 "${repository_key_location}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-repository-key-permissions.log"; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Successfully updated the permissions for ${repository_key_location} to 644!" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-repository-key-permissions.log" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Failed to set the permissions for ${repository_key_location} to 644..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-repository-key-permissions.log" fi fi unset repository_key_location } check_apt_listbugs() { if "$(which dpkg)" -l apt-listbugs 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ -e "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs" && "${apt_listbugs_deactivated}" != 'true' ]]; then IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a lines < <(grep -n -v '^//' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs | awk -F':' '{print $1}' && printf '\0') for line in "${lines[@]}"; do sed -i "${line}s/^/\/\/ EUS Disabled \/\/ /" /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs 2> /dev/null; done apt_listbugs_deactivated="true" elif [[ "${apt_listbugs_deactivated}" == 'true' ]]; then sed -i 's/^\/\/ EUS Disabled \/\/ //' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs 2> /dev/null fi } set_curl_arguments() { if [[ "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then ssl_check_status="$(curl --silent "https://api.glennr.nl/api/ssl-check" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.status' 2> /dev/null)"; else ssl_check_status="$(curl --silent "https://api.glennr.nl/api/ssl-check" 2> /dev/null | grep -oP '(?<="status":")[^"]+')"; fi if [[ "${ssl_check_status}" != "OK" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/ssl/certs/" ]]; then if [[ "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then ssl_check_status="$(curl --silent --capath /etc/ssl/certs/ "https://api.glennr.nl/api/ssl-check" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.status' 2> /dev/null)"; else ssl_check_status="$(curl --silent --capath /etc/ssl/certs/ "https://api.glennr.nl/api/ssl-check" 2> /dev/null | grep -oP '(?<="status":")[^"]+')"; fi if [[ "${ssl_check_status}" == "OK" ]]; then curl_args="--capath /etc/ssl/certs/"; fi fi if [[ -z "${curl_args}" && "${ssl_check_status}" != "OK" ]]; then curl_args="--insecure"; fi fi if [[ -z "${curl_args}" ]]; then curl_args="--silent"; elif [[ "${curl_args}" != *"--silent"* ]]; then curl_args+=" --silent"; fi if [[ "${curl_args}" != *"--show-error"* ]]; then curl_args+=" --show-error"; fi if [[ "${curl_args}" != *"--retry"* ]]; then curl_args+=" --retry 3"; fi IFS=' ' read -r -a curl_argument <<< "${curl_args}" trimmed_args="${curl_args//--silent/}" trimmed_args="$(echo "$trimmed_args" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//')" IFS=' ' read -r -a nos_curl_argument <<< "${trimmed_args}" } if [[ "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then set_curl_arguments; fi check_unifi_folder_permissions() { while read -r target; do echo -e "\\nPermissions for target: ${target}" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/${check_unifi_folder_permissions_state}-folder-permisisons" ls -lL "${target}" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/${check_unifi_folder_permissions_state}-folder-permisisons" if [[ -d "${target}" ]]; then ls -l "${target}"/* &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/${check_unifi_folder_permissions_state}-folder-permisisons" fi done < <(find "/usr/lib/unifi" -maxdepth 1) } check_docker_setup() { if [[ -f /.dockerenv ]] || grep -sq '/docker/' /proc/1/cgroup || { command -v pgrep &>/dev/null && (pgrep -f "^dockerd" &>/dev/null || pgrep -f "^containerd" &>/dev/null); }; then docker_setup="true"; container_system="true"; else docker_setup="false"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"docker-container": "'"${docker_setup}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg docker_setup "$docker_setup" '.database = (.database + {"docker-container": $docker_setup})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi } check_lxc_setup() { if grep -sqa "lxc" /proc/1/environ /proc/self/mountinfo /proc/1/environ; then lxc_setup="true"; container_system="true"; else lxc_setup="false"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"lxc-container": "'"${lxc_setup}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg lxc_setup "$lxc_setup" '.database = (.database + {"lxc-container": $lxc_setup})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi } locate_http_proxy() { env_proxies="$(grep -E "^[^#]*http_proxy|^[^#]*https_proxy" "/etc/environment" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | tr -d '"')" profile_proxies="$(find /etc/profile.d/ -type f -exec sh -c 'grep -E "^[^#]*http_proxy|^[^#]*https_proxy" "$1" | awk -F "=" "{print \$2}" | tr -d "\"" ' _ {} \;)" # Combine, normalize (remove trailing slashes), and sort unique proxies all_proxies="$(echo -e "$env_proxies\n$profile_proxies" | sed 's:/*$::' | sort -u | grep -v '^$')" http_proxy="$(echo "$all_proxies" | tail -n1)" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then json_proxies="$(echo "$all_proxies" | jq -R -s 'split("\n") | map(select(length > 0))')" jq --argjson proxies "$json_proxies" '.database."http-proxy" = $proxies' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else json_proxies="$(echo "$all_proxies" | awk 'NF' | awk '{ printf "%s\n", $0 }' | sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/' | paste -sd, - | sed 's/^/[/;s/$/]/')" jq '.database["http-proxy"] = '"$json_proxies"'' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi if [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]]; then noproxy_curl_argument=('--noproxy' ',localhost'); fi } update_eus_db() { if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ -n "${script_local_version_dots}" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= if .["versions-ran"] | index("'"${script_local_version_dots}"'") | not then .["versions-ran"] += ["'"${script_local_version_dots}"'"] else . end' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg script_local_version_dots "$script_local_version_dots" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (if (.["versions-ran"] | map(select(. == $script_local_version_dots)) | length == 0) then .["versions-ran"] += [$script_local_version_dots] else . end)' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi if [[ -z "${abort_reason}" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then script_success="$(jq -r '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'".success' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" else script_success="$(jq --arg script_name "$script_name" -r '.scripts[$script_name]["success"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" fi ((script_success=script_success+1)) if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg script_success "${script_success}" '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"success": "'"${script_success}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg script_success "$script_success" '.scripts[$script_name] += {"success": $script_success}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi if [[ "${update_at_support_file}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then script_total_runs="$(jq -r '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'"."total-runs"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" else script_total_runs="$(jq --arg script_name "$script_name" -r '.scripts[$script_name]["total-runs"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" fi ((script_total_runs=script_total_runs+1)) if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg script_total_runs "${script_total_runs}" '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"total-runs": "'"${script_total_runs}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg script_total_runs "$script_total_runs" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (. + {"total-runs": $script_total_runs})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi if [[ "${update_at_start_script}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"last-run": "'"$(date +%s)"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg last_run "$(date +%s)" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (. + {"last-run": $last_run})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move unset update_at_start_script fi json_system_dns_servers="$(echo "$system_dns_servers" | sed 's/[()]//g' | tr ' ' '\n' | jq -R . | jq -s . | jq -c .)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --argjson dns "$json_system_dns_servers" '.database["name-servers"] = $dns' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq '.database["name-servers"] = '"$json_system_dns_servers"'' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move unset update_at_support_file fi check_docker_setup check_lxc_setup locate_http_proxy } eus_database_move() { if [[ -z "${eus_database_move_file}" ]]; then eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/db/db.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log"; fi if [[ -s "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" ]] && jq . "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" >/dev/null 2>&1; then mv "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" "${eus_database_move_file}" &>> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" else if ! [[ -s "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"${eus_database_move_file}.tmp\" is empty." >> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"${eus_database_move_file}.tmp\" does not contain valid JSON. Contents:" >> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" cat "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" >> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" fi fi unset eus_database_move_file } get_timezone() { if command -v timedatectl >/dev/null 2>&1; then timezone="$(timedatectl | grep -i 'Time zone' | awk '{print $3}')"; if [[ -n "$timezone" ]]; then return; fi; fi if [[ -L /etc/localtime ]]; then timezone="$(readlink /etc/localtime | awk -F'/zoneinfo/' '{print $2}')"; if [[ -n "$timezone" ]]; then return; fi; fi if [[ -f /etc/timezone ]]; then timezone="$(cat /etc/timezone)"; if [[ -n "$timezone" ]]; then return; fi; fi timezone="$(date +"%Z")"; if [[ -n "$timezone" ]]; then return; fi } support_file() { if [[ "${update_at_support_file}" != 'true' ]]; then update_at_support_file="true"; update_eus_db; fi get_timezone if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${script_option_support_file}" == 'true' ]]; then header; abort_reason="Support File script option was issued"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Creating support file..." eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "support" check_unifi_folder_permissions_state="abort-install" if [[ -d "/usr/lib/unifi" ]]; then check_unifi_folder_permissions; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l lsb-release 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then lsb_release -a &> "/tmp/EUS/support/lsb-release"; else cat /etc/os-release &> "/tmp/EUS/support/os-release"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then df -hP | awk 'BEGIN {print"{\"disk-usage\":["}{if($1=="Filesystem")next;if(a)print",";print"{\"mount\":\""$6"\",\"size\":\""$2"\",\"used\":\""$3"\",\"avail\":\""$4"\",\"use%\":\""$5"\"}";a++;}END{print"]}";}' | jq &> "/tmp/EUS/support/disk-usage.json" else df -h &> "/tmp/EUS/support/df" fi if [[ "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' && -n "$(apt-cache search debsums | awk '/debsums/{print$1}')" ]]; then if ! [[ "$(command -v debsums)" ]]; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install debsums &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log"; fi if [[ "$(command -v debsums)" ]]; then debsums -c &> "/tmp/EUS/support/debsums-check-results"; fi fi uname -a &> "/tmp/EUS/support/uname-results" lscpu &> "/tmp/EUS/support/lscpu-results" dmesg &> "/tmp/EUS/support/dmesg-results" locale &> "/tmp/EUS/support/locale-results" { echo -e "-----( --get-selections )----- \n"; update-alternatives --get-selections 2> /dev/null echo -e "-----( --display java )----- \n"; update-alternatives --display java 2> /dev/null echo -e "-----( JAVA_HOME results )----- \n"; grep -r 'JAVA_HOME' /etc/ 2> /dev/null echo -e "-----( readlink java )----- \n"; readlink -f /usr/bin/java 2> /dev/null } >> "/tmp/EUS/support/java-details.log" grep -is '^unifi:' /etc/passwd /etc/group &> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi-user-group-results" find /usr/sbin -name "unifi*" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c 'echo -e "\n------[ {} ]------\n"; cat "{}"; echo;' &> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi-helper-results" ps -p $$ -o command= &> "/tmp/EUS/support/script-usage" echo "$PATH" &> "/tmp/EUS/support/PATH" cp "${script_location}" "/tmp/EUS/support/${script_file_name}" &> /dev/null "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongo\\|oracle\\|openjdk\\|unifi\\|temurin" &> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi-packages-list" "$(which dpkg)" -l &> "/tmp/EUS/support/dpkg-packages-list" journalctl -u unifi -p debug --since "1 week ago" --no-pager &> "/tmp/EUS/support/ujournal.log" journalctl --since yesterday &> "/tmp/EUS/support/journal.log" if [[ -e "/tmp/EUS/support/no-disk-space-info" ]]; then rm --force "/tmp/EUS/support/no-disk-space-info" &> /dev/null; fi while read -r ood_dir; do { echo -e "-----( du -sh ${ood_dir} )----- \n" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/no-disk-space-info" du -sh "${ood_dir}" echo -e "-----( df -h ${ood_dir} )----- \n" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/no-disk-space-info" df -h "${ood_dir}" echo -e "-----( df -hi ${ood_dir} )----- \n" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/no-disk-space-info" df -hi "${ood_dir}" } &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/no-disk-space-info" done < <(grep -i "no space left on device" "${eus_dir}"/logs/* | grep -oP '(?<=to )/[^: ]+' | sort -u) if [[ "$(command -v timedatectl)" ]]; then { echo -e "-----( timedatectl )----- \n" if timedatectl --help | grep -ioq "\--all" 2> /dev/null; then timedatectl --all --no-pager 2> /dev/null; else timedatectl --no-pager 2> /dev/null; fi if timedatectl --help | grep -ioq "show-timesync" 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "\n-----( timedatectl show-timesync )----- \n"; timedatectl show-timesync --no-pager 2> /dev/null; fi if timedatectl --help | grep -ioq "timesync-status" 2> /dev/null; then echo -e "\n-----( timedatectl timesync-status )----- \n"; timedatectl timesync-status --no-pager 2> /dev/null; fi } >> "/tmp/EUS/support/timedatectl" fi ps axjf &> "/tmp/EUS/support/process-tree" if [[ "$(command -v netstat)" ]]; then netstat -tulp &> "/tmp/EUS/support/netstat-results"; fi # lsblk -iJ -fs &> "/tmp/EUS/support/disk-layout.json" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then system_hostname="$(uname --nodename)" system_kernel_name="$(uname --kernel-name)" system_kernel_release="$(uname --kernel-release)" system_kernel_version="$(uname --kernel-version)" system_machine="$(uname --machine)" system_hardware="$(uname --hardware-platform)" system_os="$(uname --operating-system)" if [[ -n "$(command -v runlevel)" ]]; then system_runlevel="$(runlevel | awk '{print $2}')"; else system_runlevel="command not found"; fi process_with_pid_1="$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)" cpu_cores="$(grep -ic processor /proc/cpuinfo)" cpu_usage="$(awk '{u=$2+$4; t=$2+$4+$5; if (NR==1){u1=u; t1=t;} else print ($2+$4-u1) * 100 / (t-t1) "%"; }' <(grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat) <(sleep 1;grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat))" cpu_cores="$(grep -ic processor /proc/cpuinfo)" cpu_architecture="$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture)" cpu_type="$(uname -p)" mem_total="$(grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_free="$(grep "^MemFree:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_available="$(grep "^MemAvailable:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_used="$(($(grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') - $(grep "MemAvailable" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')))" mem_used_percentage="$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ((${mem_total} - ${mem_available}) / ${mem_total}) * 100}")" mem_buffers="$(grep "^Buffers:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_cached="$(grep "^Cached:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_active="$(grep "^Active:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_inactive="$(grep "^Inactive:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_dirty="$(grep "^Dirty:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" swap_total="$(grep "^SwapTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" swap_free="$(grep "^SwapFree:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" swap_used="$(($(grep "^SwapTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') - $(grep "SwapFree" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')))" swap_cached="$(grep "^SwapCached:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq -n \ --argjson "system-stats" "$( jq -n \ --argjson "system" "$( jq -n \ --arg system_hostname "${system_hostname}" \ --arg system_kernel_name "${system_kernel_name}" \ --arg system_kernel_release "${system_kernel_release}" \ --arg system_kernel_version "${system_kernel_version}" \ --arg system_machine "${system_machine}" \ --arg system_hardware "${system_hardware}" \ --arg system_os "${system_os}" \ --arg timezone "${timezone}" \ --arg system_runlevel "${system_runlevel}" \ --arg process_with_pid_1 "${process_with_pid_1}" \ "{ \"hostname\" : \"$system_hostname\", \"kernel-name\" : \"$system_kernel_name\", \"kernel-release\" : \"$system_kernel_release\", \"kernel-version\" : \"$system_kernel_version\", \"machine\" : \"$system_machine\", \"hardware\" : \"$system_hardware\", \"operating-system\" : \"$system_os\", \"timezone\" : \"$timezone\", \"runlevel\" : \"$system_runlevel\", \"init\" : \"$process_with_pid_1\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' \ jq -n \ --argjson "cpu" "$( jq -n \ --arg cpu_usage "${cpu_usage}" \ --arg cpu_cores "${cpu_cores}" \ --arg cpu_architecture "${cpu_architecture}" \ --arg cpu_type "${cpu_architecture}" \ "{ \"usage\" : \"$cpu_usage\", \"cores\" : \"$cpu_cores\", \"architecture\" : \"$cpu_architecture\", \"type\" : \"$cpu_type\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' \ jq -n \ --argjson "memory" "$( jq -n \ --arg mem_total "${mem_total}" \ --arg mem_free "${mem_free}" \ --arg mem_available "${mem_available}" \ --arg mem_used "${mem_used}" \ --arg mem_used_percentage "${mem_used_percentage}" \ --arg mem_buffers "${mem_buffers}" \ --arg mem_cached "${mem_cached}" \ --arg mem_active "${mem_active}" \ --arg mem_inactive "${mem_inactive}" \ --arg mem_dirty "${mem_dirty}" \ "{ \"total\" : \"$mem_total\", \"free\" : \"$mem_free\", \"available\" : \"$mem_available\", \"used\" : \"$mem_used\", \"used_percentage\" : \"$mem_used_percentage\", \"buffers\" : \"$mem_buffers\", \"cached\" : \"$mem_cached\", \"active\" : \"$mem_active\", \"inactive\" : \"$mem_inactive\", \"dirty\" : \"$mem_dirty\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' \ jq -n \ --argjson "swap" "$( jq -n \ --arg swap_total "${swap_total}" \ --arg swap_free "${swap_free}" \ --arg swap_used "${swap_used}" \ --arg swap_cached "${swap_cached}" \ "{ \"total\" : \"$swap_total\", \"free\" : \"$swap_free\", \"used\" : \"$swap_used\", \"cached\" : \"$swap_cached\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' &> "/tmp/EUS/support/sysstat.json" else jq -n \ --arg system_hostname "${system_hostname}" \ --arg system_kernel_name "${system_kernel_name}" \ --arg system_kernel_release "${system_kernel_release}" \ --arg system_kernel_version "${system_kernel_version}" \ --arg system_machine "${system_machine}" \ --arg system_hardware "${system_hardware}" \ --arg system_os "${system_os}" \ --arg timezone "${timezone}" \ --arg system_runlevel "${system_runlevel}" \ --arg process_with_pid_1 "${process_with_pid_1}" \ --arg cpu_usage "${cpu_usage}" \ --arg cpu_cores "${cpu_cores}" \ --arg cpu_architecture "${cpu_architecture}" \ --arg cpu_type "${cpu_type}" \ --arg mem_total "${mem_total}" \ --arg mem_free "${mem_free}" \ --arg mem_available "${mem_available}" \ --arg mem_used "${mem_used}" \ --arg mem_used_percentage "${mem_used_percentage}" \ --arg mem_buffers "${mem_buffers}" \ --arg mem_cached "${mem_cached}" \ --arg mem_active "${mem_active}" \ --arg mem_inactive "${mem_inactive}" \ --arg mem_dirty "${mem_dirty}" \ --arg swap_total "${swap_total}" \ --arg swap_free "${swap_free}" \ --arg swap_used "${swap_used}" \ --arg swap_cached "${swap_cached}" \ '{ system: { hostname: $system_hostname, "kernel-name": $system_kernel_name, "kernel-release": $system_kernel_release, "kernel-version": $system_kernel_version, machine: $system_machine, hardware: $system_hardware, "operating-system": $system_os, "timezone": $timezone, runlevel: $system_runlevel, init: $process_with_pid_1 }, cpu: { usage: $cpu_usage, cores: $cpu_cores, architecture: $cpu_architecture, type: $cpu_type }, memory: { total: $mem_total, free: $mem_free, available: $mem_available, used: $mem_used, "used-percentage": $mem_used_percentage, buffers: $mem_buffers, cached: $mem_cached, active: $mem_active, inactive: $mem_inactive, dirty: $mem_dirty }, swap: { total: $swap_total, free: $swap_free, used: $swap_used, cached: $swap_cached } }' &> "/tmp/EUS/support/sysstat.json" fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2129 sed -n '3p' "${script_location}" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/script" grep "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n1 &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/script" find "${eus_dir}" -type d -print -o -type f -print &> "/tmp/EUS/support/dirs_and_files" # Create a copy of the system.properties file and remove any mongodb PII if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" ]]; then while read -r system_properties_files; do { echo -e "\n-----( ${system_properties_files} )----- \n" cat "${system_properties_files}" } >> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties" done < <(find /usr/lib/unifi/data/ -name "system.properties*" -type f) if grep -qE 'mongo\.password|mongo\.uri' "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties"; then sed -i -e '/mongo.password/d' -e '/mongo.uri/d' "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties"; echo "# Removed mongo.password and mongo.uri for privacy reasons" >> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties"; fi fi support_file_time="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S%N)" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then support_file_uuid="$(jq -r '.database.uuid' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")-"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l xz-utils 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then support_file="/tmp/eus-support-${support_file_uuid}${support_file_time}.tar.xz" support_file_name="$(basename "${support_file}")" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= . + {"support": (.support + {("'"${support_file_name}"'"): {"abort-reason": "'"${abort_reason}"'","upload-results": ""}})}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg support_file_name "$support_file_name" --arg abort_reason "$abort_reason" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (. + {support: ((.support // {}) + {($support_file_name): {"abort-reason": $abort_reason,"upload-results": ""}})})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move tar cJvfh "${support_file}" --exclude="${eus_dir}/go.tar.gz" --exclude="${eus_dir}/unifi_db" --exclude="/tmp/EUS/downloads" --exclude="/usr/lib/unifi/logs/remote" "/tmp/EUS" "${eus_dir}" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences" "/etc/apt/keyrings" "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" "/etc/default/unifi" "/etc/environment" "/var/log/dpkg.log"* "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" "/lib/systemd/system/unifi.service" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" "/var/lib/apt/" &> /dev/null elif "$(which dpkg)" -l zstd 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then support_file="/tmp/eus-support-${support_file_uuid}${support_file_time}.tar.zst" support_file_name="$(basename "${support_file}")" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= . + {"support": (.support + {("'"${support_file_name}"'"): {"abort-reason": "'"${abort_reason}"'","upload-results": ""}})}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg support_file_name "$support_file_name" --arg abort_reason "$abort_reason" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (. + {support: ((.support // {}) + {($support_file_name): {"abort-reason": $abort_reason,"upload-results": ""}})})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move tar --use-compress-program=zstd -cvf "${support_file}" --exclude="${eus_dir}/go.tar.gz" --exclude="${eus_dir}/unifi_db" --exclude="/tmp/EUS/downloads" --exclude="/usr/lib/unifi/logs/remote" "/tmp/EUS" "${eus_dir}" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences" "/etc/apt/keyrings" "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" "/etc/default/unifi" "/etc/environment" "/var/log/dpkg.log"* "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" "/lib/systemd/system/unifi.service" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" "/var/lib/apt/" &> /dev/null elif "$(which dpkg)" -l tar 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then support_file="/tmp/eus-support-${support_file_uuid}${support_file_time}.tar.gz" support_file_name="$(basename "${support_file}")" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= . + {"support": (.support + {("'"${support_file_name}"'"): {"abort-reason": "'"${abort_reason}"'","upload-results": ""}})}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg support_file_name "$support_file_name" --arg abort_reason "$abort_reason" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (. + {support: ((.support // {}) + {($support_file_name): {"abort-reason": $abort_reason,"upload-results": ""}})})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move tar czvfh "${support_file}" --exclude="${eus_dir}/go.tar.gz" --exclude="${eus_dir}/unifi_db" --exclude="/tmp/EUS/downloads" --exclude="/usr/lib/unifi/logs/remote" "/tmp/EUS" "${eus_dir}" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences" "/etc/apt/keyrings" "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" "/etc/default/unifi" "/etc/environment" "/var/log/dpkg.log"* "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" "/lib/systemd/system/unifi.service" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" "/var/lib/apt/" &> /dev/null elif "$(which dpkg)" -l zip 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then support_file="/tmp/eus-support-${support_file_uuid}${support_file_time}.zip" support_file_name="$(basename "${support_file}")" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= . + {"support": (.support + {("'"${support_file_name}"'"): {"abort-reason": "'"${abort_reason}"'","upload-results": ""}})}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg support_file_name "$support_file_name" --arg abort_reason "$abort_reason" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (. + {support: ((.support // {}) + {($support_file_name): {"abort-reason": $abort_reason,"upload-results": ""}})})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move zip -r "${support_file}" "/tmp/EUS/" "${eus_dir}/" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences" "/etc/apt/keyrings" "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" "/etc/default/unifi" "/etc/environment" "/var/log/dpkg.log"* "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" "/lib/systemd/system/unifi.service" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" "/var/lib/apt/" -x "${eus_dir}/go.tar.gz" -x "${eus_dir}/unifi_db/*" -x "/tmp/EUS/downloads" -x "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/remote" &> /dev/null fi if [[ -n "${support_file}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Support file has been created here: ${support_file} \\n" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(jq -r '.database["support-file-upload"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to upload the support file so that Glenn R. can review it and improve the script? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") eus_support_one_time_upload="true";; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi if [[ "$(jq -r '.database["support-file-upload"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${eus_support_one_time_upload}" == 'true' ]]; then upload_result="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -X POST -F "file=@${support_file}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/eus-support" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'".support."'"${support_file_name}"'"."upload-results" = "'"${upload_result}"'"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg support_file_name "$support_file_name" --arg upload_result "$upload_result" '.scripts[$script_name].support[$support_file_name]["upload-results"] = $upload_result' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" fi eus_database_move fi fi fi if [[ "${script_option_support_file}" == 'true' ]]; then exit 0; fi } abort() { if [[ -n "${abort_reason}" && "${abort_function_skip_reason}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} ${abort_reason}.. \\n"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then script_aborts="$(jq -r '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'".aborts' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" else script_aborts="$(jq --arg script_name "$script_name" -r '.scripts[$script_name].aborts' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" fi ((script_aborts=script_aborts+1)) if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg script_aborts "${script_aborts}" '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"aborts": "'"${script_aborts}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg script_aborts "$script_aborts" '.scripts[$script_name] += {"aborts": $script_aborts}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${stopped_unattended_upgrade}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl start unattended-upgrades &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unattended-upgrades.log"; unset stopped_unattended_upgrade; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list && -s /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list ]]; then while read -r service; do echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting ${service}.." if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if service "${service}" start &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/abort-script-service-start.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started ${service}!"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to start ${service}!"; fi else if systemctl start "${service}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/abort-script-service-start.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started ${service}!"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to start ${service}!"; fi fi done < /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list fi echo -e "\\n\\n${RED}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" if [[ "$(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')" -le '5368709120' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} You only have $(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') of disk space available on \"/\"... \\n"; fi if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log" ]]; then if grep -ioq "Invalid access at address.*Bus error" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You've got \"Invalid access at address\" messages in your logs, this is often caused by bad storage or bad memory... \\n"; fi; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} An error occurred. Aborting script..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the UI Community Forums!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UI Community Thread: https://community.ui.com/questions/ccbc7530-dd61-40a7-82ec-22b17f027776 \\n" support_file update_eus_db cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos exit 1 } eus_create_directories() { for dir_name in "$@"; do if ! [[ -d "${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}" ]]; then if ! [[ -d "${eus_dir}/logs" ]]; then if ! mkdir -p "${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}"; then abort_reason="Failed to create directory ${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}."; header_red; abort fi else if ! mkdir -p "${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/create-directories.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to create directory ${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}."; header_red; abort fi fi fi done eus_directory_location="${eus_dir}" } eus_directories() { if uname -a | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -iq "cloudkey\\|uck\\|ubnt-mtk"; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' is_cloudkey="true" elif grep -iq "UCKP\\|UCKG2\\|UCK" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' is_cloudkey="true" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l unifi-core 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' else eus_dir='/usr/lib/EUS' is_cloudkey="false" fi if [[ "${eus_dir}" == '/srv/EUS' ]]; then if findmnt -no OPTIONS "$(df --output=target /srv | tail -1)" | grep -ioq "ro"; then eus_dir='/usr/lib/EUS'; fi; fi eus_directory_location="${eus_dir}" eus_create_directories "logs" if ! rm -rf /tmp/EUS &> /dev/null; then abort_reason="Failed to remove /tmp/EUS."; header_red; abort; fi eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "upgrade" "dpkg" "repository" grep -sriIl "unifi-[0-9].[0-9]" /etc/apt/sources.list* &> /tmp/EUS/repository/unifi-repo-file if [[ "${is_cloudkey}" == "true" ]]; then if grep -iq "UCK.mtk7623" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then cloudkey_generation="1"; fi; fi if ! [[ -d "/etc/apt/keyrings" ]]; then if ! install -m "0755" -d "/etc/apt/keyrings" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log"; then if ! mkdir -p "/etc/apt/keyrings" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to create /etc/apt/keyrings."; abort; fi; fi; if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log" ]]; then rm --force "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log"; fi; fi if [[ "$(command -v stat)" ]]; then tmp_permissions="$(stat -c '%a' /tmp)"; echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"/tmp\" has permissions \"${tmp_permissions}\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-tmp-permissions.log"; fi # shellcheck disable=SC2012 if [[ "${tmp_permissions}" != '1777' ]]; then if [[ -z "${tmp_permissions}" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"/tmp\" has permissions \"$(ls -ld /tmp | awk '{print $1}')\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-tmp-permissions.log"; fi; chmod 1777 /tmp &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-tmp-permissions.log"; fi if find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name "*.sources" | grep -ioq /etc/apt; then use_deb822_format="true"; fi if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then source_file_format="sources"; else source_file_format="list"; fi } script_logo() { cat << "EOF" _______________ ___ _________ .___ __ .__ .__ \_ _____/ | \/ _____/ | | ____ _______/ |______ | | | | | __)_| | /\_____ \ | |/ \ / ___/\ __\__ \ | | | | | \ | / / \ | | | \\___ \ | | / __ \| |_| |__ /_______ /______/ /_______ / |___|___| /____ > |__| (____ /____/____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ EOF } start_script() { script_location="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" if ! [[ -f "${script_location}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script needs to be saved on the disk in order to work properly, please follow the instructions...\\n${YELLOW}#${RESET} Usage: curl -sO https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/install_latest/unifi-latest.sh && bash unifi-latest.sh\\n\\n"; exit 1; fi script_file_name="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" script_name="$(grep -i "# Script" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ //g')" eus_directories header script_logo echo -e " Easy UniFi Network Application Install Script" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting the Easy UniFi Install Script.." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Thank you for using my Easy UniFi Install Script :-)\\n\\n" if [[ "${update_at_start_script}" != 'true' ]]; then update_at_start_script="true"; update_eus_db; fi if pgrep -f unattended-upgrade &> /dev/null; then if systemctl stop unattended-upgrades &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unattended-upgrades.log"; then stopped_unattended_upgrade="true"; fi; fi } start_script check_dns check_apt_listbugs help_script() { check_apt_listbugs if [[ "${script_option_help}" == 'true' ]]; then header; script_logo; else echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi echo -e " Easy UniFi Network Application Install Script assistance\\n" echo -e " Script usage: bash ${script_file_name} [options] Script options: --skip Skip any kind of manual input. --skip-swap Skip swap file check/creation. --add-repository Add UniFi Repository if --skip is used. --local-install Inform script that it's a local UniFi Network installation, to open port 10001/udp ( discovery ). --custom-url [argument] Manually provide a UniFi Network Application download URL. example: --custom-url https://dl.ui.com/unifi/7.4.162/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb --help Shows this information :)\\n\\n Script options for UniFi Easy Encrypt: --v6 Run the script in IPv6 mode instead of IPv4. --email [argument] Specify what email address you want to use for renewal notifications. example: --email glenn@glennr.nl --fqdn [argument] Specify what domain name ( FQDN ) you want to use, you can specify multiple domain names with : as seperator, see the example below: --fqdn glennr.nl:www.glennr.nl --server-ip [argument] Specify the server IP address manually. example: --server-ip --retry [argument] Retry the unattended script if it aborts for X times. example: --retry 5 --external-dns [argument] Use external DNS server to resolve the FQDN. example: --external-dns --force-renew Force renew the certificates. --dns-challenge Run the script in DNS mode instead of HTTP. --dns-provider Specify your DNS server provider. example: --dns-provider ovh Supported providers: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, dnsmadeeasy, gehirn, google, linode, luadns, nsone, ovh, rfc2136, route53, sakuracloud --dns-provider-credentials Specify where the API credentials of your DNS provider are located. example: --dns-provider-credentials ~/.secrets/EUS/ovh.ini --private-key [argument] Specify path to your private key (paid certificate) example: --private-key /tmp/PRIVATE.key --signed-certificate [argument] Specify path to your signed certificate (paid certificate) example: --signed-certificate /tmp/SSL_CERTIFICATE.cer --chain-certificate [argument] Specify path to your chain certificate (paid certificate) example: --chain-certificate /tmp/CHAIN.cer --intermediate-certificate [argument] Specify path to your intermediate certificate (paid certificate) example: --intermediate-certificate /tmp/INTERMEDIATE.cer --own-certificate Requirement if you want to import your own paid certificates with the use of --skip. --run-easy-encrypt Run the UniFi Easy Encrypt script if an FQDN is specified via --fqdn.\\n\\n" exit 0 } rm --force /tmp/EUS/script_options &> /dev/null rm --force /tmp/EUS/le_script_options &> /dev/null script_option_list=(-skip --skip --skip-swap --add-repository --local --local-controller --local-install --custom-url --help --v6 --ipv6 --email --mail --fqdn --domain-name --server-ip --server-address --retry --external-dns --force-renew --renew --dns --dns-challenge --dns-provider --dns-provider-credentials --debug --run-easy-encrypt --support-file) dns_provider_list=(cloudflare digitalocean dnsimple dnsmadeeasy gehirn google linode luadns nsone ovh rfc2136 route53 sakuracloud) dns_multi_provider_list=(akamaiedgedns alibabaclouddns allinkl amazonlightsail arvancloud auroradns autodns azuredns bindman bluecat brandit bunny checkdomain civo cloudru clouddns cloudns cloudxns conoha constellix derakcloud desecio designatednsaasforopenstack dnshomede domainoffensive domeneshop dreamhost duckdns dyn dynu easydns efficientip epik exoscale externalprogram freemyip gcore gandi gandilivedns glesys godaddy hetzner hostingde hosttech httprequest httpnet hurricaneelectricdns hyperone ibmcloud iijdnsplatformservice infoblox infomaniak internetinitiativejapan internetbs inwx ionos ipv64 iwantmyname joker joohoisacmedns liara liquidweb loopia metaname mydnsjp mythicbeasts namecom namecheap namesilo nearlyfreespeechnet netcup netlify nicmanager nifcloud njalla nodion opentelekomcloud oraclecloud pleskcom porkbun powerdns rackspace rcodezero regru rimuhosting scaleway selectel servercow simplycom sonic stackpath tencentclouddns transip ukfastsafedns ultradns variomedia vegadns vercel versionl versioeu versiouk vinyldns vkcloud vscale vultr webnames websupport wedos yandex360 yandexcloud yandexpdd zoneee zonomi) while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in -skip | --skip) script_option_skip="true" echo "--skip" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options echo "--skip" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --skip-swap) script_option_skip_swap="true" echo "--skip-swap" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options;; --add-repository) script_option_add_repository="true" echo "--add-repository" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options;; --local | --local-controller | --local-install) script_option_local_install="true" echo "--local-install" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options;; --custom-url) if [[ -n "${2}" ]]; then if echo "${2}" | grep -ioq ".deb"; then custom_url_down_provided="true"; custom_download_url="${2}"; else header_red; echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Provided URL does not have the 'deb' extension...\\n"; help_script; fi; fi script_option_custom_url="true" if [[ "${custom_url_down_provided}" == 'true' ]]; then echo "--custom-url ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options; else echo "--custom-url" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options; fi;; --help) script_option_help="true" help_script;; --v6 | --ipv6) echo "--v6" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --email | --mail) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--email ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --fqdn | --domain-name) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--fqdn ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options fqdn_specified="true" shift;; --server-ip | --server-address) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--server-ip ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --retry) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--retry ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --external-dns) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then echo -e "--external-dns" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options; else echo -e "--external-dns ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options; fi done;; --force-renew | --renew) echo -e "--force-renew" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --dns | --dns-challenge) echo -e "--dns-challenge" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --dns-provider) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done for dns_provider_check in "${dns_provider_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${dns_provider_check}" == "$2" ]]; then supported_provider="true"; break; fi; done for dns_provider_check in "${dns_multi_provider_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${dns_provider_check}" == "$2" ]]; then supported_provider="true"; break; fi; done if [[ "${supported_provider}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} DNS Provider ${2} is not supported... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi echo "--dns-provider ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --dns-provider-credentials) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--dns-provider-credentials ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --priv-key | --private-key) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--private-key ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --signed-crt | --signed-certificate) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--signed-certificate ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --chain-crt | --chain-certificate) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--chain-certificate ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --intermediate-crt | --intermediate-certificate) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--intermediate-certificate ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --own-certificate) echo "--own-certificate" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --run-easy-encrypt) run_easy_encrypt="true";; --debug) script_option_debug="true";; --support-file) script_option_support_file="true" support_file;; esac shift done # Check script options. if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/script_options && -s /tmp/EUS/script_options ]]; then IFS=" " read -r script_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/script_options)"; fi # Create EUS database. create_eus_database() { eus_create_directories "db" if [[ -z "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then return "1"; fi if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]] || ! jq empty "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > /dev/null 2>&1; then uuid="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid 2>> /dev/null)"; if [[ -z "${uuid}" ]]; then uuid="$(uuidgen -r 2>> /dev/null)"; fi architecture="$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture)" jq -n \ --arg uuid "${uuid}" \ --arg os_codename "${os_codename}" \ --arg architecture "${architecture}" \ --arg script_name "${script_name}" \ ' { "database": { "uuid": "'"${uuid}"'", "support-file-upload": "false", "opt-in-requests": "0", "opt-in-rotations": "0", "distribution": "'"${os_codename}"'", "architecture": "'"${architecture}"'" }, "scripts": { "'"${script_name}"'": { "aborts": "0", "success": "0", "total-runs": "0", "last-run": "'"$(date +%s)"'", "versions-ran": ["'"$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')"'"], "support": {} } } } | if "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Update Script" or "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Installation Script" then .scripts["'"${script_name}"'"] |= . + { ( if "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Update Script" then "upgrade-path" elif "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Installation Script" then "install-version" else empty end ): [] } else . end ' &> "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" else jq --arg script_name "${script_name}" ' .scripts |= if has("'"${script_name}"'") then . else .["'"${script_name}"'"] = { "aborts": "0", "success": "0", "total-runs": "0", "last-run": "'"$(date +%s)"'", "versions-ran": ["'"$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')"'"], "support": {} } + ( if "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Update Script" then {"upgrade-path": []} elif "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Installation Script" then {"install-version": []} else {} end ) end ' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi } create_eus_database if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep -c "downloads-distro.mongodb.org")" -gt 0 ]]; then grep -riIl "downloads-distro.mongodb.org" /etc/apt/ &>> /tmp/EUS/repository/dead_mongodb_repository while read -r glennr_mongo_repo; do sed -i '/downloads-distro.mongodb.org/d' "${glennr_mongo_repo}" 2> /dev/null if ! [[ -s "${glennr_mongo_repo}" ]]; then rm --force "${glennr_mongo_repo}" 2> /dev/null fi done < /tmp/EUS/repository/dead_mongodb_repository rm --force /tmp/EUS/repository/dead_mongodb_repository fi # Check if DST_ROOT certificate exists if grep -siq "^mozilla/DST_Root" /etc/ca-certificates.conf; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Detected DST_Root certificate..." if sed -i '/^mozilla\/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt$/ s/^/!/' /etc/ca-certificates.conf; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully commented out the DST_Root certificate! \\n" update-ca-certificates &> /dev/null else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to comment out the DST_Root certificate... \\n" fi fi # Check if apt-key is deprecated aptkey_depreciated() { if [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -gt "2" ]] || [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "2" && "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -ge "2" ]]; then apt_key_deprecated="true"; fi if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" != 'true' ]]; then apt-key list >/tmp/EUS/aptkeylist 2>&1 if grep -ioq "apt-key is deprecated" /tmp/EUS/aptkeylist; then apt_key_deprecated="true"; fi rm --force /tmp/EUS/aptkeylist fi } aptkey_depreciated find "${eus_dir}/logs/" -printf "%f\\n" | grep '.*.log' | awk '!a[$0]++' &> /tmp/EUS/log_files while read -r log_file; do if [[ -f "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" ]]; then log_file_size=$(stat -c%s "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}") if [[ "${log_file_size}" -gt "10485760" ]]; then tail -n1000 "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" &> "${log_file}.tmp" mv "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}.tmp" "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" fi fi done < /tmp/EUS/log_files rm --force /tmp/EUS/log_files check_package_cache_file_corruption() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then if grep -ioqE '^E: The package cache file is corrupted' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log; then rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* &> "${eus_dir}/logs/package-cache-corruption.log" mkdir /var/lib/apt/lists/partial &> "${eus_dir}/logs/package-cache-corruption.log" repository_changes_applied="true" fi fi } check_extended_states_corruption() { while IFS= read -r log_file; do if [[ -e "/var/lib/apt/extended_states" ]]; then mv "/var/lib/apt/extended_states" "/var/lib/apt/extended_states.EUS-corruption-detect-$(date +%s).bak" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-extended-states-corruption.log" repository_changes_applied="true" fi sed -i "s|Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/extended_states|Unable to parse package file (completed) /var/lib/apt/extended_states|g" "${log_file}" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-extended-states-corruption.log" done < <(grep -slE '^E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/extended_states' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log "${eus_dir}"/logs/*.log | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) } https_died_unexpectedly_check() { while IFS= read -r log_file; do if [[ -n "${GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE}" ]] && grep -sq "GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=" "/etc/environment" &> /dev/null; then previous_value="$(grep "GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=" "/etc/environment" | cut -d '=' -f2)" if [[ "${https_died_unexpectedly_check_logged_1}" != 'true' ]] && [[ "${previous_value}" == "0x1" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Previous GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE value is: ${previous_value}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log"; https_died_unexpectedly_check_logged_1="true"; fi if [[ "${previous_value}" != "0x1" ]]; then if sed -i 's/^GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=.*/GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x1/' "/etc/environment" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log"; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Successfully updated GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE to 0x1!" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/environment repository_changes_applied="true" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Failed to update GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE to 0x1..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log" fi fi else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Adding \"export GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x1\" to /etc/environment..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log" if echo "export GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x1" &>> /etc/environment; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Successfully added \"export GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x1\" to /etc/environment..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/environment repository_changes_applied="true" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Failed to add \"export GNUTLS_CPUID_OVERRIDE=0x1\" to /etc/environment..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log" fi fi sed -i "s/Method https has died unexpectedly\!/Method https has died unexpectedly (completed)\!/g" "${log_file}" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-died-unexpectedly.log" done < <(grep -slE '^E: Method https has died unexpectedly!' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log "${eus_dir}"/logs/*.log | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) } check_time_date_for_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then if grep -ioqE '^E: Release file for .* is not valid yet \(invalid for another' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log; then get_timezone if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then current_api_time="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '."current_time_ns"' 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d')"; else current_api_time="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | grep -o '"current_time_ns":"[^"]*"' | cut -d'"' -f4)"; fi if [[ "${current_api_time}" != "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")" ]]; then if command -v timedatectl &> /dev/null; then ntp_status="$(timedatectl show --property=NTP 2> /dev/null | awk -F '[=]' '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${ntp_status}" ]]; then ntp_status="$(timedatectl status 2> /dev/null | grep -i ntp | cut -d':' -f2 | sed -e 's/ //g')"; fi if [[ -z "${ntp_status}" ]]; then ntp_status="$(timedatectl status 2> /dev/null | grep "systemd-timesyncd" | awk -F '[:]' '{print$2}' | sed -e 's/ //g')"; fi if [[ "${ntp_status}" == 'yes' ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l systemd-timesyncd 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then timedatectl set-ntp false &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log"; fi; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then timedatectl set-time "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '."current_time"' 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d')" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log" else timedatectl set-time "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | grep -o '"current_time":"[^"]*"' | cut -d'"' -f4)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log" fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l systemd-timesyncd 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then timedatectl set-ntp true &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log"; fi repository_changes_applied="true" elif command -v date &> /dev/null; then if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then date +%Y%m%d -s "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '."current_time"' 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' | cut -d' ' -f1)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log" date +%T -s "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '."current_time"' 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' | cut -d' ' -f2)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log" else date +%Y%m%d -s "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | grep -o '"current_time":"[^"]*"' | cut -d'"' -f4 | cut -d' ' -f1)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log" date +%T -s "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/current-time?timezone=${timezone}" 2> /dev/null | grep -o '"current_time":"[^"]*"' | cut -d'"' -f4 | cut -d' ' -f2)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/invalid-time.log" fi repository_changes_applied="true" fi fi fi fi } cleanup_malformed_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be malformed repositories..." cleanup_malformed_repositories_found_message="true" fi cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path="$(echo "${line}" | sed -n 's/.*\(in sources file \|in source file \|in source list \|in list file \)\([^ ]*\).*/\2/p')" cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1)" if [[ -f "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" ]]; then if [[ "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" == *".sources" ]]; then # Handle deb822 format entry_block_start_line="$(awk -v cleanup_line="${cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number}" 'BEGIN { block = 0; in_block = 0; start_line = 0 } /^[^#]/ { if (!in_block) { start_line = NR; in_block = 1; } } /^$/ { if (in_block) { block++; in_block = 0; if (block == cleanup_line) { print start_line; } } } END { if (in_block) { block++; if (block == cleanup_line) { print start_line; } } }' "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}")" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" ' NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; found=1; exit } NR > start_line { last_non_blank=NR } END { if (!found) print last_non_blank }' "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^/#/" "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" &>/dev/null elif [[ "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" == *".list" ]]; then # Handle regular format sed -i "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number}s/^/#/" "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" &>/dev/null else mv "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" "{eus_dir}/repository/$(basename "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}").corrupted" &>/dev/null fi cleanup_malformed_repositories_changes_made="true" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Malformed repository commented out in '${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}' at line $cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-malformed-repository-lists.log" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Warning: Invalid file path '${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}'. Skipping." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-malformed-repository-lists.log" fi done < <(grep -E '^E: Malformed entry |^E: Malformed line |^E: Malformed stanza |^E: Type .* is not known on line' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log | awk -F': Malformed entry |: Malformed line |: Malformed stanza |: Type .*is not known on line ' '{print $2}' | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The malformed repositories have been commented out! \\n" repository_changes_applied="true" fi unset cleanup_malformed_repositories_found_message unset cleanup_malformed_repositories_changes_made fi } cleanup_duplicated_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be duplicated repositories..." cleanup_duplicated_repositories_found_message="true" fi cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f1)" cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1)" if [[ -f "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" ]]; then if [[ "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" == *".sources" ]]; then # Handle deb822 format entry_block_start_line="$(awk 'BEGIN { block = 0 } { if ($0 ~ /^Types:/) { block++ } if (block == '"$cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number"') { print NR; exit } }' "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}")" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" ' NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; found=1; exit } NR > start_line { last_non_blank=NR } END { if (!found) print last_non_blank }' "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" &>/dev/null elif [[ "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" == *".list" ]]; then # Handle regular format sed -i "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number}s/^/#/" "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" &>/dev/null fi cleanup_duplicated_repositories_changes_made="true" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Duplicates commented out in '${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}' at line $cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-duplicate-repository-lists.log" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Warning: Invalid file path '${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}'. Skipping." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-duplicate-repository-lists.log" fi done < <(grep -E '^W: Target .+ is configured multiple times in ' "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log | awk -F' is configured multiple times in ' '{print $2}' | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The duplicated repositories have been commented out! \\n" repository_changes_applied="true" fi unset cleanup_duplicated_repositories_found_message unset cleanup_duplicated_repositories_changes_made fi } cleanup_unavailable_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then if ! [[ -e "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" ]]; then return; fi while read -r domain; do if ! grep -sq "^#.*${domain}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.sources 2> /dev/null; then if [[ "${cleanup_unavailable_repositories_found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There are repositories that are causing issues..." cleanup_unavailable_repositories_found_message="true" fi for file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.sources; do if grep -sq "${domain}" "${file}"; then entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"${domain}"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "${file}" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "${file}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${file}" &>/dev/null cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made="true" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Unavailable repository with domain ${domain} has been commented out in '${file}'" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-unavailable-repository-lists.log" fi done if sed -i -e "/^[^#].*${domain}/ s|^deb|# deb|g" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list &>/dev/null; then cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made="true" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Unavailable repository with domain ${domain} has been commented out" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-unavailable-repository-lists.log" fi fi done < <(awk '/Unauthorized|Failed/ {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i ~ /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)/) {split($i, parts, "/"); print parts[3]}}' "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Repositories causing errors have been commented out! \\n" repository_changes_applied="true" fi unset cleanup_unavailable_repositories_found_message unset cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made fi } cleanup_conflicting_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r logfile; do while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ ${line} == *"Conflicting values set for option Trusted regarding source"* ]]; then if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_1}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be repositories with conflicting details..." cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_1="true" fi # Extract the conflicting source URL and remove trailing slash source_url="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP 'source \Khttps?://[^ /]*' | sed 's/ //g')" # Extract package name and version from the conflicting source URL package_name="$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'/' '{print $(NF-1)}' | sed 's/ //g')" version="$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' | sed 's/ //g')" # Loop through each file and awk to comment out the conflicting source while read -r file_with_conflict; do if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_1}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Conflicting Trusted values for ${source_url}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/trusted-repository-conflict.log" cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_1="true" fi if [[ "${file_with_conflict}" == *".sources" ]]; then # Handle deb822 format entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"${source_url}"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "${file_with_conflict}" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "${file_with_conflict}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${file_with_conflict}" &>/dev/null elif [[ "${file_with_conflict}" == *".list" ]]; then # Handle regular format if awk -v source="${source_url}" -v package="${package_name}" -v ver="${version}" ' $0 ~ source && $0 ~ package && $0 ~ ver { if ($0 !~ /^#/) { print "#" $0; } else { print $0; } next } 1' "${file_with_conflict}" &> tmpfile; then mv tmpfile "${file_with_conflict}" &> /dev/null; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made="true"; fi fi echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | awk command executed for ${file_with_conflict}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/trusted-repository-conflict.log" done < <(grep -sl "^deb.*${source_url}.*${package_name}.*${version}\\|^URIs: *${source_url}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.sources | awk '!NF || !seen[$0]++') break elif [[ ${line} == *"Conflicting values set for option Signed-By regarding source"* ]]; then if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_2}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be repositories with conflicting details..." cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_2="true" fi # Extract the conflicting source URL and keys conflicting_source="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP 'https?://[^ ]+' | sed 's/\/$//')" # Remove trailing slash key1="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP '/\S+\.gpg' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ //g')" key2="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP '!= \S+\.gpg' | sed 's/!= //g' | sed 's/ //g')" # Loop through each file and awk to comment out the conflicting source while read -r file_with_conflict; do if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_2}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Conflicting Signed-By values for ${conflicting_source}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/signed-by-repository-conflict.log" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Conflicting keys: ${key1} != ${key2}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/signed-by-repository-conflict.log" cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_2="true" fi if [[ "${file_with_conflict}" == *".sources" ]]; then # Handle deb822 format entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"${source_url}"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "${file_with_conflict}" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "${file_with_conflict}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${file_with_conflict}" &>/dev/null elif [[ "${file_with_conflict}" == *".list" ]]; then # Handle regular format if awk -v source="${conflicting_source}" -v key1="${key1}" -v key2="${key2}" ' !/^#/ && $0 ~ source && ($0 ~ key1 || $0 ~ key2) { print "#" $0; next } 1' "${file_with_conflict}" &> tmpfile; then mv tmpfile "${file_with_conflict}" &> /dev/null; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made="true"; fi fi echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | awk command executed for ${file_with_conflict}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/signed-by-repository-conflict.log" done < <(grep -sl "^deb.*${conflicting_source}\\|^URIs: *${conflicting_source}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.sources | awk '!NF || !seen[$0]++') break fi done < "${logfile}" done < <(grep -il "Conflicting values set for option Trusted regarding source\|Conflicting values set for option Signed-By regarding source" "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Repositories causing errors have been commented out! \\n" repository_changes_applied="true" fi unset cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_1 unset cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_2 unset cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made fi } run_apt_get_update() { eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "apt" if [[ "${run_with_apt_fix_missing}" == 'true' ]] || [[ -z "${afm_first_run}" ]]; then apt_fix_missing_option="--fix-missing"; afm_first_run="1"; unset run_with_apt_fix_missing; IFS=' ' read -r -a apt_fix_missing <<< "${apt_fix_missing_option}"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get update..." if apt-get update "${apt_fix_missing[@]}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-update.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get update! \\n"; else echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Something went wrong during running apt-get update! \\n"; fi; fi if grep -ioq "fix-missing" /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then run_with_apt_fix_missing="true"; return; else unset apt_fix_missing; fi grep -o 'NO_PUBKEY.*' /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log | sed 's/NO_PUBKEY //g' | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '!a[$0]++' &> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys if [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done" ]]; then while read -r key_done; do if grep -ioq "${key_done}" /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys; then sed -i "/${key_done}/d" /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys; fi done < <(cat /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_failed 2> /dev/null) fi if [[ -s /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then while read -r key; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Key ${key} is missing.. adding!" locate_http_proxy if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then if apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${http_proxy}" --recv-keys "$key" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/key-recovery.log"; then echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done; echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; else fail_key="true"; fi elif [[ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ]]; then apt_http_proxy="$(grep "http.*Proxy" /etc/apt/apt.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[";]//g')" if [[ -n "${apt_http_proxy}" ]]; then if apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${apt_http_proxy}" --recv-keys "$key" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/key-recovery.log"; then echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done; echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; else fail_key="true"; fi fi else if apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv "$key" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/key-recovery.log"; then echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done; echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; else fail_key="true"; fi fi if [[ "${fail_key}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying different method to get key: ${key}" gpg -vvv --debug-all --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys "${key}" &> /tmp/EUS/apt/failed_key debug_key="$(grep "KS_GET" /tmp/EUS/apt/failed_key | grep -io "0x.*")" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=${debug_key}" | gpg -o "/tmp/EUS/apt/EUS-${key}.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then if mv "/tmp/EUS/apt/EUS-${key}.gpg" /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; repository_key_location="/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/EUS-${key}.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions; echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n"; echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_failed; fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n" echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_failed fi fi sleep 1 done < /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Keys appear to be missing..." && sleep 1 echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Required package dirmngr is missing... cannot recover keys... \\n" fi apt-get update &> /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log if "$(which dpkg)" -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if grep -qo 'NO_PUBKEY.*' /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then run_apt_get_update; fi; fi fi check_package_cache_file_corruption check_extended_states_corruption https_died_unexpectedly_check check_time_date_for_repositories cleanup_malformed_repositories cleanup_duplicated_repositories cleanup_unavailable_repositories cleanup_conflicting_repositories if [[ "${repository_changes_applied}" == 'true' ]]; then unset repository_changes_applied; run_apt_get_update; fi } check_add_mongodb_repo_variable() { if [[ -e "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" ]]; then rm --force "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" &> /dev/null; fi check_add_mongodb_repo_variables=( "add_mongodb_30_repo" "add_mongodb_32_repo" "add_mongodb_34_repo" "add_mongodb_36_repo" "add_mongodb_40_repo" "add_mongodb_42_repo" "add_mongodb_44_repo" "add_mongodb_50_repo" "add_mongodb_60_repo" "add_mongodb_70_repo" "add_mongod_70_repo" ) for mongodb_repo_variable in "${check_add_mongodb_repo_variables[@]}"; do if [[ "${!mongodb_repo_variable}" == 'true' ]]; then if echo "${mongodb_repo_variable}" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable; then unset "${mongodb_repo_variable}"; fi; fi; done } reverse_check_add_mongodb_repo_variable() { local add_mongodb_repo_variable if [[ -e "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" ]]; then while read -r add_mongodb_repo_variable; do declare -n add_mongodb_xx_repo="$add_mongodb_repo_variable" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 add_mongodb_xx_repo="true" done < "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" fi } # https://github.com/AmazedMender16/mongodb-no-avx-patch add_glennr_mongod_repo() { repo_http_https="https" glennr_mongod_v="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "${gr_mongod_name}" | grep -i "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/+.*//g' | sort -V | tail -n 1)" if [[ "${glennr_mongod_v::2}" == '70' ]] || [[ "${add_mongod_70_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongod_version_major_minor="7.0" mongod_repo_type="mongod/7.0" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo stretch" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo ${os_codename}" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo xenial" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo bionic" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo focal" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo jammy" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (noble) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo noble" else mongod_codename="repo xenial" fi fi if [[ "${try_http_glennr_mongod_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then repo_http_https="http"; try_http_glennr_mongod_repo_text_1=" using the HTTP protocol"; try_http_glennr_mongod_repo_text_2=" with the HTTP protocol"; fi if [[ -n "${mongod_version_major_minor}" ]]; then if ! gpg --list-packets "/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding key for the Glenn R. APT Repository..." aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | apt.glennr.nl repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${repo_http_https}://get.glennr.nl/apt/keys/apt-glennr.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then glennr_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" glennr_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${glennr_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${glennr_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository." abort fi fi else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | apt.glennr.nl repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${repo_http_https}://get.glennr.nl/apt/keys/apt-glennr.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then glennr_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" glennr_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${glennr_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${glennr_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository." abort fi fi fi else if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg"; fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the Glenn R. APT repository for mongod ${mongod_version_major_minor}${try_http_glennr_mongod_repo_text_1}..." if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then arch="arch=arm64"; elif [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then arch="arch=amd64"; else arch="arch=amd64,arm64"; fi if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then # DEB822 format mongod_repo_entry="Types: deb\nURIs: ${repo_http_https}://apt.glennr.nl/$(echo "${mongod_codename}" | awk -F" " '{print $1}')\nSuites: $(echo "${mongod_codename}" | awk -F" " '{print $2}')\nComponents: ${mongod_repo_type}\nArchitectures: ${arch//arch=/}${deb822_signed_by_value}" else # Traditional format mongod_repo_entry="deb [ ${arch}${signed_by_value} ] ${repo_http_https}://apt.glennr.nl/${mongod_codename} ${mongod_repo_type}" fi if echo -e "${mongod_repo_entry}" &> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-mongod-${mongod_version_major_minor}.${source_file_format}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the Glenn R. APT repository for mongod ${mongod_version_major_minor}${try_http_glennr_mongod_repo_text_2}!\\n" && sleep 2 if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' ]]; then run_apt_get_update mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy "${gr_mongod_name}" | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" ]]; then mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy "${gr_mongod_name}" | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed '/mongod/d' | sed 's/*//g' | sort -r -V | head -n 1)"; fi if [[ -z "${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" && "${try_http_glennr_mongod_repo}" != "true" ]]; then try_http_glennr_mongod_repo="true"; add_glennr_mongod_repo; return; fi mongod_upgrade_to_version="${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot//./}" if [[ "${mongod_upgrade_to_version::2}" == "${mongo_version_max}" ]]; then install_mongod_version="${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" install_mongod_version_with_equality_sign="=${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" fi fi else abort_reason="Failed to add the Glenn R. APT repository for mongod ${mongod_version_major_minor}${try_http_glennr_mongod_repo_text_2}." abort fi fi unset glennr_mongod_v unset signed_by_value unset deb822_signed_by_value unset try_http_glennr_mongod_repo_text_1 unset try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2 } add_extra_repo_mongodb() { unset repo_component unset repo_url if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then if [[ "${add_extra_repo_mongodb_security}" == 'true' ]]; then get_repo_url_security_url="true" get_repo_url repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main" fi else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi fi if [[ -z "${repo_component}" ]]; then repo_component="main"; fi if [[ -z "${repo_url}" ]]; then get_repo_url; fi repo_codename="${add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename}" get_repo_url add_repositories unset add_extra_repo_mongodb_security unset add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename } add_mongodb_repo() { if [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then add_glennr_mongod_repo; fi # if any "add_mongodb_xx_repo" is true, (set skip_mongodb_org_v to true, this is disabled). mongodb_add_repo_variables=( "add_mongodb_30_repo" "add_mongodb_32_repo" "add_mongodb_34_repo" "add_mongodb_36_repo" "add_mongodb_40_repo" "add_mongodb_42_repo" "add_mongodb_44_repo" "add_mongodb_50_repo" "add_mongodb_60_repo" "add_mongodb_70_repo" "add_mongod_70_repo" ) for add_repo_variable in "${mongodb_add_repo_variables[@]}"; do if [[ "${!add_repo_variable}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_add_repo_variables_true_statements+=("${add_repo_variable}"); fi; done if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" == 'true' ]]; then skip_mongodb_org_v="true"; fi if [[ "${skip_mongodb_org_v}" != 'true' ]]; then mongodb_org_v="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-org-server" | grep -i "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/+.*//g' | sort -V | tail -n 1)" fi repo_http_https="https" if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '30' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_30_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true"; unset add_mongodb_30_repo; fi mongodb_version_major_minor="3.0" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu precise" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "wheezy" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian wheezy" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '32' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_32_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true"; unset add_mongodb_32_repo; fi mongodb_version_major_minor="3.2" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '34' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_34_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="3.4" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '36' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_36_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="3.6" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '40' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_40_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="4.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '42' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_42_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="4.2" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '44' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_44_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="4.4" if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then mongo_version_locked="4.4.18"; fi if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '50' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_50_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="5.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bullseye" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '60' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_60_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="6.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bullseye" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '70' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_70_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="7.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="bullseye" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bookworm|trixie|forky|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_security="true" add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="bullseye" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bullseye) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bullseye" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bookworm" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_security="true" add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/mongodb-release?version=${mongodb_version_major_minor}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.expired' 2> /dev/null)" == 'true' ]]; then trusted_mongodb_repo=" trusted=yes"; deb822_trusted_mongodb_repo="\nTrusted: yes"; fi mongodb_key_check_time="$(date +%s)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg mongodb_key_check_time "${mongodb_key_check_time}" '."database" += {"mongodb-key-last-check": "'"${mongodb_key_check_time}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg mongodb_key_check_time "$mongodb_key_check_time" '.database += {"mongodb-key-last-check": $mongodb_key_check_time}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then try_different_mongodb_repo_test="a different"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2="different "; else try_different_mongodb_repo_test="the"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2=""; fi if [[ "${try_http_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then repo_http_https="http"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test="a HTTP instead of HTTPS"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2="HTTP "; else try_different_mongodb_repo_test="the"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2=""; fi if [[ -n "${mongodb_version_major_minor}" ]]; then if gpg --list-packets "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" &> /dev/null && [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(gpg --show-keys --with-colons "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" 2> /dev/null | awk -F':' '$1=="pub"{print $7}' | head -n1)" -le "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/mongodb-release?version=${mongodb_version_major_minor}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.updated' 2> /dev/null)" ]]; then expired_existing_mongodb_key="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${mongodb_version_major_minor}" != "4.4" ]]; then unset mongo_version_locked; fi if ! gpg --list-packets "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" &> /dev/null || [[ "${expired_existing_mongodb_key}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${try_http_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}..." aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | pgp.mongodb.com repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${repo_http_https}://pgp.mongodb.com/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then mongodb_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | www.mongodb.org repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${repo_http_https}://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then mongodb_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | pgp.mongodb.com repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --insecure -fSL "${repo_http_https}://pgp.mongodb.com/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then mongodb_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}." abort fi fi fi fi fi fi else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | pgp.mongodb.com repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${repo_http_https}://pgp.mongodb.com/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then mongodb_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | www.mongodb.org repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${repo_http_https}://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then mongodb_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | pgp.mongodb.com repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --insecure -fSL "${repo_http_https}://pgp.mongodb.com/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then mongodb_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}." abort fi fi fi fi fi fi fi else if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding ${try_different_mongodb_repo_test} MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor} repository..." if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then arch="arch=arm64"; elif [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then arch="arch=amd64"; else arch="arch=amd64,arm64"; fi if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then # DEB822 format mongodb_repo_entry="Types: deb\nURIs: ${repo_http_https}://repo.mongodb.org/apt/$(echo "${mongodb_codename}" | awk -F" " '{print $1}')\nSuites: $(echo "${mongodb_codename}" | awk -F" " '{print $2}')/mongodb-org/${mongodb_version_major_minor}\nComponents: ${mongodb_repo_type}${deb822_signed_by_value}\nArchitectures: ${arch//arch=/}${deb822_trusted_mongodb_repo}" else # Traditional format mongodb_repo_entry="deb [ ${arch}${signed_by_value}${trusted_mongodb_repo} ] ${repo_http_https}://repo.mongodb.org/apt/${mongodb_codename}/mongodb-org/${mongodb_version_major_minor} ${mongodb_repo_type}" fi if echo -e "${mongodb_repo_entry}" &> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.${source_file_format}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the ${try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2}MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor} repository!\\n" && sleep 2 if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' ]]; then run_apt_get_update mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" ]]; then mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed '/mongodb/d' | sort -r -V | head -n 1)"; fi if [[ "${mongodb_downgrade_process}" == "true" ]]; then unset mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" ]]; then mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed '/mongodb/d' | sort -r -V | head -n 1)"; fi fi if [[ -z "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" && "${try_http_mongodb_repo}" != "true" ]]; then try_http_mongodb_repo="true"; add_mongodb_repo; return; fi mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version="${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot//./}" if [[ -n "${mongo_version_locked}" ]]; then install_mongodb_version="${mongo_version_locked}"; install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign="=${mongo_version_locked}"; fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version::2}" == "${mongo_version_max}" ]] || [[ "${mongodb_downgrade_process}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -z "${mongo_version_locked}" ]]; then install_mongodb_version="${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign="=${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" fi fi fi else abort_reason="Failed to add the ${try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2}MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor} repository." abort fi fi unset skip_mongodb_org_v unset signed_by_value unset deb822_signed_by_value unset deb822_trusted_mongodb_repo unset trusted_mongodb_repo } # Check if system runs Unifi OS if "$(which dpkg)" -l unifi-core 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then unifi_core_system="true" if grep -sq unifi-native /mnt/.rofs/var/lib/dpkg/status; then unifi_native_system="true"; fi if [[ -f /proc/ubnthal/system.info ]]; then if grep -iq "shortname" /proc/ubnthal/system.info; then unifi_core_device="$(grep "shortname" /proc/ubnthal/system.info | sed 's/shortname=//g')"; fi; fi if [[ -f /etc/motd && -s /etc/motd && -z "${unifi_core_device}" ]]; then unifi_core_device="$(grep -io "welcome.*" /etc/motd | sed -e 's/Welcome //g' -e 's/to //g' -e 's/the //g' -e 's/!//g')"; fi if [[ -f /usr/lib/version && -s /usr/lib/version && -z "${unifi_core_device}" ]]; then unifi_core_device="$(cut -d'.' -f1 /usr/lib/version)"; fi if [[ -z "${unifi_core_device}" ]]; then unifi_core_device='Unknown device'; fi fi if [[ "${unifi_native_system}" != 'true' ]] && "$(which dpkg)" -l unifi-native 2> /dev/null; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing the UniFi Network Native Application..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge unifi-native &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-native-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged the UniFi Network Native Application! \\n" else if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi-native &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-native-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully force removed the UniFi Network Native Application! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to purge the UniFi Network Native Application from a non-native device." abort fi fi fi # Decide on Network Application file to download. if [[ "${unifi_core_system}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${unifi_native_system}" == 'true' ]]; then unifi_deb_file_name="unifi-native_sysvinit" else unifi_deb_file_name="unifi-uos_sysvinit" fi else unifi_deb_file_name="unifi_sysvinit_all" fi cancel_script() { if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${stopped_unattended_upgrade}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl start unattended-upgrades &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unattended-upgrades.log"; unset stopped_unattended_upgrade; fi if [[ "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" else header fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Cancelling the script!\\n\\n" author update_eus_db cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos remove_yourself exit 0 } http_proxy_found() { header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} HTTP Proxy found. | ${WHITE_R}${http_proxy}${RESET}\\n\\n" } remove_yourself() { if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${stopped_unattended_upgrade}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl start unattended-upgrades &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unattended-upgrades.log"; unset stopped_unattended_upgrade; fi if [[ "${delete_script}" == 'true' || "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -e "${script_location}" ]]; then rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null; fi; fi } christmass_new_year() { date_d=$(date '+%d' | sed "s/^0*//g; s/\.0*/./g") date_m=$(date '+%m' | sed "s/^0*//g; s/\.0*/./g") if [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" -ge '18' && "${date_d}" -lt '26' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} GlennR wishes you a Merry Christmas! May you be blessed with health and happiness!" christmas_message="true" fi if [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" -ge '24' && "${date_d}" -le '30' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date -d "+1 year" +"%Y") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} May the new year turn all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements!" new_year_message="true" elif [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" == '31' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date -d "+1 year" +"%Y") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!" new_year_message="true" fi if [[ "${date_m}" == '1' && "${date_d}" -le '5' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date '+%Y') echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements" new_year_message="true" fi } author() { check_apt_listbugs update_eus_db cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos christmass_new_year if [[ "${new_year_message}" == 'true' || "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Looks like you're using a ${RED}EOL/unsupported${RESET} OS Release (${os_codename})\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Please update to a supported release...\\n"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Please update to the latest UniFi OS Release!\\n"; fi if [[ "${stopped_unattended_upgrade}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl start unattended-upgrades &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unattended-upgrades.log"; unset stopped_unattended_upgrade; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Author | ${WHITE_R}Glenn R.${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Email | ${WHITE_R}glennrietveld8@hotmail.nl${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Website | ${WHITE_R}https://GlennR.nl${RESET}\\n\\n" } # Set architecture architecture="$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture)" if [[ "${architecture}" == 'i686' ]]; then architecture="i386"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then gr_mongod_name="mongod-armv8"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then gr_mongod_name="mongod-amd64"; fi if [[ -z "${gr_mongod_name}" ]]; then gr_mongod_name="mongod-armv8"; echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Variable gr_mongod_name was empty..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/variables.log"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"architecture": "'"${architecture}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg architecture "$architecture" '.database.architecture = $architecture' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi # Get distro. get_distro() { if [[ -z "$(command -v lsb_release)" ]] || [[ "${skip_use_lsb_release}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -f "/etc/os-release" ]]; then if grep -iq VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release; then os_codename="$(grep VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/VERSION_CODENAME//g' | tr -d '="' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" os_id="$(grep ^"ID=" /etc/os-release | sed 's/ID//g' | tr -d '="' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" elif ! grep -iq VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release; then os_codename="$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | tr -d '="' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\((\|)\)//g' | sed 's/\/sid//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" os_id="$(grep -io "debian\\|ubuntu" /etc/os-release | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | head -n1)" if [[ -z "${os_codename}" ]]; then os_codename="$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | tr -d '="' | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\((\|)\)//g' | sed 's/\/sid//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" fi fi fi else os_codename="$(lsb_release --codename --short | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" os_id="$(lsb_release --id --short | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" if [[ "${os_codename}" == 'n/a' ]] || [[ -z "${os_codename}" ]]; then skip_use_lsb_release="true" get_distro return fi fi if [[ "${unsupported_no_modify}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ ! "${os_id}" =~ (ubuntu|debian) ]] && [[ -e "/etc/os-release" ]]; then os_id="$(grep -io "debian\\|ubuntu" /etc/os-release | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | head -n1)"; fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(precise|maya|luna)$ ]]; then repo_codename="precise"; os_codename="precise"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|freya)$ ]]; then repo_codename="trusty"; os_codename="trusty"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki)$ ]]; then repo_codename="xenial"; os_codename="xenial"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno)$ ]]; then repo_codename="bionic"; os_codename="bionic"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(focal|ulyana|ulyssa|uma|una|odin|jolnir)$ ]]; then repo_codename="focal"; os_codename="focal"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(jammy|vanessa|vera|victoria|virginia|horus|cade)$ ]]; then repo_codename="jammy"; os_codename="jammy"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(noble|wilma|scootski)$ ]]; then repo_codename="noble"; os_codename="noble"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(oracular)$ ]]; then repo_codename="oracular"; os_codename="oracular"; os_id="ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(jessie|betsy)$ ]]; then repo_codename="jessie"; os_codename="jessie"; os_id="debian" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(stretch|continuum|helium|cindy)$ ]]; then repo_codename="stretch"; os_codename="stretch"; os_id="debian" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(buster|debbie|parrot|engywuck-backports|engywuck|deepin|lithium)$ ]]; then repo_codename="buster"; os_codename="buster"; os_id="debian" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bullseye|kali-rolling|elsie|ara|beryllium)$ ]]; then repo_codename="bullseye"; os_codename="bullseye"; os_id="debian" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bookworm|lory|faye|boron|beige|preslee)$ ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm"; os_codename="bookworm"; os_id="debian" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(unstable|rolling)$ ]]; then repo_codename="unstable"; os_codename="unstable"; os_id="debian" else repo_codename="${os_codename}" fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && "$(jq -r '.database.distribution' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != "${os_codename}" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"distribution": "'"${os_codename}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg os_codename "$os_codename" '.database.distribution = $os_codename' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi fi } get_distro get_repo_url() { unset archived_repo if [[ "${os_codename}" != "${repo_codename}" ]]; then os_codename="${repo_codename}"; os_codename_changed="true"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l apt 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then apt_package_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show apt | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l apt-transport-https 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" || [[ "${apt_package_version::2}" -ge "15" ]]; then http_or_https="https" add_repositories_http_or_https="http[s]*" if [[ "${copied_source_files}" == 'true' ]]; then while read -r revert_https_repo_needs_http_file; do if [[ "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" == 'source.list' ]]; then mv "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" "/etc/apt/source.list" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/revert-https-repo-needs-http.log" else mv "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" "/etc/apt/source.list.d/$(basename "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/revert-https-repo-needs-http.log" fi done < <(find "${eus_dir}/repositories" -type f -name "*.list") fi else http_or_https="http" add_repositories_http_or_https="http" fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l curl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then distro_api_status="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/distro?status" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.availability' 2> /dev/null)"; else distro_api_status="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/distro?status" 2> /dev/null | grep -oP '(?<="availability":")[^"]+')"; fi if [[ "${distro_api_status}" == "OK" ]]; then if [[ "${http_or_https}" == "http" ]]; then api_repo_url_procotol="&protocol=insecure"; fi if [[ "${use_raspberrypi_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then os_id="raspbian"; if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then repo_arch_value="arch=arm64"; fi; unset use_raspberrypi_repo; fi distro_api_output="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/distro?distribution=${os_id}&version=${os_codename}&architecture=${architecture}${api_repo_url_procotol}" 2> /dev/null)" if [[ "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then archived_repo="$(echo "${distro_api_output}" | jq -r '.codename_eol')"; else archived_repo="$(echo "${distro_api_output}" | grep -oP '"codename_eol":\s*\K[^,}]+')"; fi if [[ "${get_repo_url_security_url}" == "true" ]]; then get_repo_url_url_argument="security_repository"; unset get_repo_url_security_url; else get_repo_url_url_argument="repository"; fi if [[ "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then repo_url="$(echo "${distro_api_output}" | jq -r ".${get_repo_url_url_argument}")"; else repo_url="$(echo "${distro_api_output}" | grep -oP "\"${get_repo_url_url_argument}\":\s*\"\K[^\"]+")"; fi distro_api="true" else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/" 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else if [[ "${get_repo_url_security_url}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" unset get_repo_url_security_url else repo_url="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" fi fi else if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"; else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com"; fi fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/" 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian"; else repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" == 'armhf' ]]; then repo_arch_value="arch=armhf" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/" 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_raspbian_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_raspbian_repo}" == "true" ]]; then raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian"; else raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian"; fi fi if [[ "${use_raspberrypi_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then repo_arch_value="arch=arm64"; fi if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/" 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian"; else repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian"; fi unset use_raspberrypi_repo fi fi fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_url="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian" if [[ "${architecture}" == 'armhf' ]]; then raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian" fi fi fi } get_repo_url cleanup_archived_repos() { if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_patterns=( "deb.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "deb.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "ftp.*.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "ftp.*.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "ftp.*.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org\\/ ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org\\/debian-security ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org\\/debian-security\\/ ${os_codename}" "ftp.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "ftp.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "http.debian.net\\/debian ${os_codename}" "http.debian.net\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "\\*.archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "\\*.archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" "archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" "security.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "security.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" "archive.raspbian.org\\/raspbian ${os_codename}" "archive.raspbian.org\\/raspbian\\/ ${os_codename}" "archive.raspberrypi.org\\/raspbian ${os_codename}" "archive.raspberrypi.org\\/raspbian\\/ ${os_codename}" "httpredir.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "httpredir.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" ) # Handle .list files while read -r list_file; do for pattern in "${repo_patterns[@]}"; do sed -Ei "/^#*${pattern}/!s|^(${pattern})|#\1|g" "${list_file}" done done < <(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list") while read -r sources_file; do for pattern in "${repo_patterns[@]}"; do entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"${pattern}"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "${sources_file}" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "${sources_file}")" if [[ -n "${entry_block_start_line}" && -n "${entry_block_end_line}" ]]; then sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${sources_file}" &>/dev/null fi done done < <(find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -type f -name "*.sources") fi } cleanup_archived_repos unset_add_repositories_variables(){ unset repo_key_name unset repo_url_arguments unset repo_codename_argument unset repo_component unset signed_by_value_repo_key unset repo_arch_value unset add_repositories_source_list_override if [[ "${os_id}" == "raspbian" ]]; then get_distro; fi } add_repositories() { # Check if repository is already added if grep -sq "^deb .*http\?s\?://$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g')${repo_url_arguments}\?/\? ${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument} ${repo_component}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"${repo_url}${repo_url_arguments} ${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument} ${repo_component}\" was found, not adding to repository lists. $(grep -srIl "^deb .*http\?s\?://$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g')${repo_url_arguments}\?/\? ${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument} ${repo_component}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*)..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/already-found-repository.log" unset_add_repositories_variables return # Repository already added, exit function elif find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name "*.sources" | grep -ioq /etc/apt; then repo_component_trimmed="${repo_component#"${repo_component%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading space while IFS= read -r repository_file; do last_line_repository_file="$(tail -n1 "${repository_file}")" while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do if [[ -z "${line}" || "${last_line_repository_file}" == "${line}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$section" ]]; then section_types="$(grep -oPm1 'Types: \K.*' <<< "$section")" section_url="$(grep -oPm1 'URIs: \K.*' <<< "$section" | grep -i "http\?s\?://$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g')${repo_url_arguments}\?/\?")" section_suites="$(grep -oPm1 'Suites: \K.*' <<< "$section")" section_components="$(grep -oPm1 'Components: \K.*' <<< "$section")" section_enabled="$(grep -oPm1 'Enabled: \K.*' <<< "$section")" if [[ -z "${section_enabled}" ]]; then section_enabled="yes"; fi if [[ -n "${section_url}" && "${section_enabled}" == 'yes' && "${section_types}" == *"deb"* && "${section_suites}" == "${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument}" && "${section_components}" == *"${repo_component_trimmed}"* ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | URIs: $section_url Types: $section_types Suites: $section_suites Components: $section_components was found, not adding to repository lists..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/already-found-repository.log" unset_add_repositories_variables unset section unset section_types unset section_components unset section_suites unset section_url unset section_enabled return fi unset section unset section_types unset section_components unset section_suites unset section_url unset section_enabled fi else section+="${line}"$'\n' fi done < "${repository_file}" done < <(find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name "*.sources" | grep -i /etc/apt) fi # Override the source list if [[ -n "${add_repositories_source_list_override}" ]]; then add_repositories_source_list="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${add_repositories_source_list_override}.${source_file_format}" else add_repositories_source_list="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.${source_file_format}" fi # Add repository key if required if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' && -n "${repo_key}" && -n "${repo_key_name}" ]]; then if gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring "/etc/apt/keyrings/${repo_key_name}.gpg" --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys "${repo_key}" &> /dev/null; then signed_by_value_repo_key="signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/${repo_key_name}.gpg" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/${repo_key_name}.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else abort_reason="Failed to add repository key ${repo_key}." abort fi fi # Handle Debian versions if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) && "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then os_version_number="$(lsb_release -rs | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -d'.' -f1)" check_debian_version="${os_version_number}" if echo "${repo_url}" | grep -ioq "archive.debian"; then check_debian_version="${os_version_number}-archive" elif echo "${repo_url_arguments}" | grep -ioq "security.debian"; then check_debian_version="${os_version_number}-security" fi if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/debian-release?version=${check_debian_version}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.expired' 2> /dev/null)" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then deb822_trusted="\nTrusted: yes" else signed_by_value_repo_key+=" trusted=yes" fi fi fi # Prepare repository entry if [[ -n "${signed_by_value_repo_key}" && -n "${repo_arch_value}" ]]; then local brackets="[${signed_by_value_repo_key}${repo_arch_value}] " else local brackets="" fi # Attempt to find the repository signing key for Debian/Ubuntu. if [[ -z "${signed_by_value_repo_key}" && "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]] && echo "${repo_url}" | grep -ioq "ports.ubuntu\\|archive.ubuntu\\|security.ubuntu\\|deb.debian"; then signed_by_value_repo_key_find="$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g' -e 's/\/.*//g' -e 's/\.com//g' -e 's/\./-/g' -e 's/\./-/g' -e 's/deb-debian/archive-debian/g' -e 's/security-ubuntu/archive-ubuntu/g' -e 's/ports-ubuntu/archive-ubuntu/g' | awk -F'-' '{print $2 "-" $1}')" if [[ -n "${signed_by_value_repo_key_find}" ]]; then signed_by_value_repo_key="signed-by=$(find /usr/share/keyrings/ /etc/apt/keyrings/ -name "${signed_by_value_repo_key_find}*" | sed '/removed/d' | head -n1)"; fi fi # Determine format if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then repo_component_trimmed="${repo_component#"${repo_component%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading space repo_entry="Types: deb\nURIs: ${repo_url}${repo_url_arguments}\nSuites: ${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument}\nComponents: ${repo_component_trimmed}" if [[ -n "${signed_by_value_repo_key}" ]]; then repo_entry+="\nSigned-By: ${signed_by_value_repo_key/signed-by=/}"; fi if [[ -n "${repo_arch_value}" ]]; then repo_entry+="\nArchitectures: ${repo_arch_value//arch=/}"; fi if [[ -n "${deb822_trusted}" ]]; then repo_entry+="${deb822_trusted}"; fi repo_entry+="\n" else repo_entry="deb ${brackets}${repo_url}${repo_url_arguments} ${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument} ${repo_component}" fi # Add repository to sources list if echo -e "${repo_entry}" >> "${add_repositories_source_list}"; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Successfully added \"${repo_entry}\" to ${add_repositories_source_list}!" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/added-repository.log" else abort_reason="Failed to add repository." abort fi # Handle HTTP repositories if [[ "${add_repositories_http_or_https}" == 'http' ]]; then eus_create_directories "repositories" while read -r https_repo_needs_http_file; do if [[ -d "${eus_dir}/repositories" ]]; then cp "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" "${eus_dir}/repositories/$(basename "${https_repo_needs_http_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" copied_source_files="true" fi sed -i '/https/{s/^/#/}' "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" sed -i 's/##/#/g' "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" done < <(grep -sril "^deb https*://$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g') ${repo_codename}${repo_codename_argument} ${repo_component}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*) fi # Clean up unset variables unset_add_repositories_variables # Check if OS codename changed and reset variables if [[ "${os_codename_changed}" == 'true' ]]; then unset os_codename_changed get_distro get_repo_url else if [[ "${os_id}" == "raspbian" ]]; then get_distro; fi fi } if ! grep -iq '^*localhost' /etc/hosts; then if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; fi header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ' localhost' does not exist in your /etc/hosts file." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You will most likely see application startup issues if it doesn't exist..\\n\\n" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to add " localhost" to your /etc/hosts file? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding ' localhost' to /etc/hosts" sed -i '1i # ------------------------------' /etc/hosts sed -i '1i localhost' /etc/hosts sed -i '1i # Added by GlennR EUS script' /etc/hosts && echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Done..\\n\\n" sleep 3;; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi check_mongodb_installed() { unset mongodb_installed "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions if ! [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v mongod)" ]]; then if "${mongocommand}" --port 27117 --eval "print(\"waited for connection\")" &> /dev/null; then "$(which mongod)" --quiet --eval "db.version()" | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions else "$(which mongod)" --version --quiet | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e '/db version/d' -e '/mongodb shell/d' -e 's/build info: //g' | jq -r '.version' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions fi fi fi mongodb_version_installed="$(sort -V /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions | tail -n 1)" mongodb_version_installed_no_dots="${mongodb_version_installed//./}" if [[ -n "${mongodb_version_installed}" ]]; then mongodb_installed="true"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server"; then mongodb_installed="true"; fi rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions &> /dev/null first_digit_mongodb_version_installed="$(echo "${mongodb_version_installed}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" second_digit_mongodb_version_installed="$(echo "${mongodb_version_installed}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" } check_and_add_to_path() { local directory="$1" if ! echo "${PATH}" | grep -qE "(^|:)$directory(:|$)"; then export PATH="$directory:$PATH" echo "Added $directory to PATH" &>> "${eus_dir/logs/path.log}" fi } check_and_add_to_path "/usr/local/sbin" check_and_add_to_path "/usr/sbin" check_and_add_to_path "/sbin" script_version_check() { local version local local_version local online_version version="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)" local_version="$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then online_version="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/latest-script-version?script=unifi-install" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '."latest-script-version"' 2> /dev/null)" else online_version="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/latest-script-version?script=unifi-install" 2> /dev/null | grep -oP '(?<="latest-script-version":")[0-9.]+')" fi IFS='.' read -r -a local_parts <<< "${local_version}" IFS='.' read -r -a online_parts <<< "${online_version}" if [[ "${#local_parts[@]}" -gt "${#online_parts[@]}" ]]; then max_length="${#local_parts[@]}"; else max_length="${#online_parts[@]}"; fi local local_adjusted=() local online_adjusted=() for ((i = 0; i < max_length; i++)) do local local_segment="${local_parts[$i]:-0}" local online_segment="${online_parts[$i]:-0}" local max_segment_length="${#local_segment}" [[ "${#online_segment}" -gt "${max_segment_length}" ]] && max_segment_length="${#online_segment}" if [[ "${#local_segment}" -lt max_segment_length ]]; then local_segment="$(printf "%s%s" "${local_segment}" "$(printf '0%.0s' $(seq $((max_segment_length - ${#local_segment}))) )")" fi if [[ "${#online_segment}" -lt max_segment_length ]]; then online_segment="$(printf "%s%s" "${online_segment}" "$(printf '0%.0s' $(seq $((max_segment_length - ${#online_segment}))) )")" fi local_adjusted+=("$local_segment") online_adjusted+=("$online_segment") done local local_version_adjusted local online_version_adjusted local_version_adjusted="$(IFS=; echo "${local_adjusted[*]}")" online_version_adjusted="$(IFS=; echo "${online_adjusted[*]}")" if [[ "${local_version_adjusted}" -lt "${online_version_adjusted}" ]]; then check_apt_listbugs header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You're currently running script version ${local_version} while ${online_version} is the latest!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading and executing version ${online_version} of the script...\\n\\n" sleep 3 rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null rm --force "unifi-${version}.sh" 2> /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2068 curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --remote-name "https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/unifi-${version}.sh" && bash "unifi-${version}.sh" ${script_options[@]}; exit 0 fi } if [[ "$(command -v curl)" ]]; then script_version_check; fi if ! [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya|trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular|wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/os-release" ]]; then full_os_details="$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' /etc/os-release | sed 's/"/\\"/g')"; fi if [[ -z "$(which apt)" ]]; then non_apt_based_linux="true"; fi unsupported_no_modify="true" get_distro if [[ "${non_apt_based_linux}" != 'true' ]]; then distro_support_missing_report="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"distribution\": \"${os_id}\", \"codename\": \"${os_codename}\", \"script-name\": \"${script_name}\", \"full-os-details\": \"${full_os_details}\"}" https://api.glennr.nl/api/missing-distro-support 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)"; fi if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; fi header_red if [[ "${distro_support_missing_report}" == "OK" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script does not (yet) support ${os_id} ${os_codename}, and Glenn R. has been informed about it..." else if [[ "${non_apt_based_linux}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script does not yet support ${os_id} ${os_codename}..." else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} It looks like you're a using a linux distribution (${os_id} ${os_codename}) that doesn't use the APT package manager. \\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} the script is only made for distros based on the APT package manager..." fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Feel free to contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the UI Community if you need help with installing your UniFi Network Application.\\n\\n" author exit 1 fi if ! [[ -d /etc/apt/sources.list.d ]]; then mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d; fi eus_database_update_broken_install() { if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"$script_name"'" += {"recovery": {"broken-install": {"script-version": "'"$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)"'", "status": "'"$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | awk '{print $1}')"'", "unifi-version": "'"${broken_unifi_install_version}"'", "previous-mongodb-version": "'"${last_known_good_mongodb_version}"'", "previous-installed-mongodb-version": "'"${last_known_installed_mongodb_version}"'", "detected-date": "'"$(date +%s)"'"}}}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg script_version "$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)" --arg status "$($(which dpkg) -l | grep 'unifi ' | awk '{print $1}')" --arg unifi_version "$broken_unifi_install_version" --arg previous_mongodb_version "$last_known_good_mongodb_version" --arg previous_installed_mongodb_version "$last_known_installed_mongodb_version" --arg detected_date "$(date +%s)" '.scripts[$script_name] += {"recovery": {"broken-install": {"script-version": $script_version,"status": $status,"unifi-version": $unifi_version,"previous-mongodb-version": $previous_mongodb_version,"previous-installed-mongodb-version": $previous_installed_mongodb_version,"detected-date": $detected_date}}}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move } broken_packages_check() { local broken_packages if [[ -d "/tmp/EUS/apt/" ]]; then apt-get check &> /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-check.log; fi broken_packages="$(apt-get check 2>&1 | grep -i "Broken" | awk '{print $2}')" if [[ -n "${broken_packages}" ]] || tail -n5 "${eus_dir}/logs/"* | grep -iq "Try 'sudo apt --fix-broken install' with no packages\\|Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Broken packages found: ${broken_packages}. Attempting to fix..." | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install --fix-broken &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully fixed the broken packages! \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to fix the broken packages! \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log" fi while read -r log_file; do sed -i 's/--fix-broken install/--fix-broken install (completed)/g' "${log_file}" &> /dev/null done < <(find "${eus_dir}/logs/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec grep -Eil "Try 'sudo apt --fix-broken install' with no packages|Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages" {} \;) fi } # Add default repositories check_default_repositories() { get_repo_url if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then repo_component="main universe"; add_repositories; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="/updates"; repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi repo_component="main" fi add_repositories } attempt_recover_broken_packages_removal_question() { if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you allow the script to remove the broken packages? (Y/n) ' yes_no; fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") attempt_recover_broken_packages_remove="true";; [Nn]*) attempt_recover_broken_packages_remove="false";; esac } attempt_recover_broken_packages() { while IFS= read -r log_file; do while IFS= read -r broken_package; do broken_package="$(echo "${broken_package}" | xargs)" if ! dpkg -l | awk '{print $2}' | grep -iq "^${broken_package}$"; then continue; fi echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/attempt-recover-broken-packages.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to recover broken packages..." check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -f &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/attempt-recover-broken-packages.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully attempted to recover broken packages! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to attempt to recover broken packages...\\n" failed_attempt_recover_broken_packages="true" declare -A vars vars["broken_$broken_package"]="true" broken_package_key="broken_$broken_package" fi check_dpkg_lock if ! dpkg --get-selections | grep -q "^${broken_package}\s*hold$"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to prevent ${broken_package} from screwing over apt..." check_dpkg_lock if echo "${broken_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/attempt-recover-broken-packages.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${broken_package} from screwing over apt! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to prevent ${broken_package} from screwing over apt...\\n" fi fi force_dpkg_configure="true" if [[ "${dpkg_interrupted_attempt_recover_broken_check}" != 'true' ]]; then check_dpkg_interrupted; fi if [[ "${attempt_recover_broken_packages_remove}" != 'true' ]]; then attempt_recover_broken_packages_removal_question; fi if [[ "${failed_attempt_recover_broken_packages}" == 'true' && "${vars[$broken_package_key]}" == 'true' && "${attempt_recover_broken_packages_remove}" == 'true' ]] && apt-mark showmanual | grep -ioq "^$broken_package$"; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing the ${broken_package} package so that the files are kept on the system..." check_dpkg_lock if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq "${broken_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/attempt-recover-broken-packages.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed the ${broken_package} package! \\n" unset "${vars[$broken_package_key]}" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove the ${broken_package} package...\\n" fi force_dpkg_configure="true" check_dpkg_interrupted fi done < <(awk 'tolower($0) ~ /errors were encountered while processing/ {flag=1; next} flag { if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]+/) { gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", $0); print $0 } else { flag=0 } }' "${log_file}" | sort -u | tr -d '\r') sed -i "s/Errors were encountered while processing:/Errors were encountered while processing (completed):/g" "${log_file}" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/attempt-recover-broken-packages-sed.log" done < <(grep -slE '^Errors were encountered while processing:' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log "${eus_dir}"/logs/*.log | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) check_dpkg_interrupted } check_unmet_dependencies() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r log_file; do while read -r dependency; do if [[ "${check_unmet_dependencies_repositories_added}" != "true" ]]; then check_default_repositories; check_unmet_dependencies_repositories_added="true"; fi dependency_no_version="$(echo "${dependency}" | awk -F' ' '{print $1}')" dependency="$(echo "${dependency}" | tr -d '()' | tr -d ',' | sed -e 's/ *= */=/g' -e 's/~//g')" if echo "${dependency}" | grep -ioq ">="; then dependency_to_install="${dependency_no_version}"; else dependency_to_install="${dependency}"; fi if [[ -n "${dependency_to_install}" ]]; then echo -e "Attempting to install unmet dependency: ${dependency_to_install} \\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency.log" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${dependency_to_install}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency.log"; then sed -i "s/Depends: ${dependency_no_version}/Depends (completed): ${dependency_no_version}/g" "${log_file}" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency-sed.log" else if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then list_of_distro_versions="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/list-versions?distribution=${os_id}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)" else list_of_distro_versions="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/list-versions?distribution=${os_id}" 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/\[//g' -e 's/\]//g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,//g' | grep .)" fi while read -r version; do add_repositories_source_list_override="glennr-install-script-unmet" repo_codename="${version}" repo_component="main" get_repo_url add_repositories if [[ "${os_id}" == "ubuntu" && "${distro_api}" == "true" ]]; then get_repo_url_security_url="true" get_repo_url repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main" add_repositories elif [[ "${os_id}" == "debian" && "${distro_api}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/" repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main" add_repositories fi run_apt_get_update if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${dependency_to_install}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency.log"; then echo -e "\\nSuccessfully installed ${dependency} after adding the repositories for ${version} \\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency.log" sed -i "s/Depends: ${dependency_no_version}/Depends (completed): ${dependency_no_version}/g" "${log_file}" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency-sed.log" rm --force "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script-unmet.${source_file_format}" &> /dev/null break fi done <<< "${list_of_distro_versions}" if [[ -e "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script-unmet.${source_file_format}" ]]; then rm --force "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script-unmet.${source_file_format}" &> /dev/null; fi fi fi done < <(grep "Depends:" "${log_file}" | sed 's/.*Depends: //' | sed 's/).*//' | sort | uniq) while read -r breaking_package; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to prevent ${breaking_package} from screwing over apt..." if echo "${breaking_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency-break.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${breaking_package} from screwing over apt! \\n" sed -i "s/Breaks: ${breaking_package}/Breaks (completed): ${breaking_package}/g" "${log_file}" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unmet-dependency-break-sed.log" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to prevent ${breaking_package} from screwing over apt...\\n" fi done < <(grep "Breaks:" "${log_file}" | sed -E 's/^(.*) : Breaks: ([^ ]+).*/\1\n\2/' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sort | uniq) done < <(grep -slE '^E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.|^The following packages have unmet dependencies' /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log "${eus_dir}"/logs/*.log | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) fi } check_dpkg_interrupted() { if [[ "${force_dpkg_configure}" == 'true' ]] || [[ -e "/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.status" ]] || tail -n5 "${eus_dir}/logs/"* | grep -iq "you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem\\|you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem"; then echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-interrupted.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Looks like dpkg was interrupted... running \"dpkg --configure -a\"..." | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-interrupted.log" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" --configure -a &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-interrupted.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran \"dpkg --configure -a\"! \\n" unset failed_attempt_recover_broken_packages else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run \"dpkg --configure -a\"...\\n" if [[ "${failed_attempt_recover_broken_packages}" == 'true' ]]; then dpkg_interrupted_attempt_recover_broken_check="true"; attempt_recover_broken_packages; unset failed_attempt_recover_broken_packages; unset dpkg_interrupted_attempt_recover_broken_check; fi fi while read -r log_file; do sed -i 's/--configure -a/--configure -a (completed)/g' "${log_file}" &> /dev/null done < <(find "${eus_dir}/logs/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec grep -Eil "you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem|you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem" {} \;) unset force_dpkg_configure fi } check_dpkg_lock() { local lock_files=( "/var/lib/dpkg/lock" "/var/lib/apt/lists/lock" "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock" ) local lock_owner for lock_file in "${lock_files[@]}"; do if command -v lsof &>/dev/null; then lock_owner="$(lsof -F p "${lock_file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -oP '(?<=^p).*')" elif command -v fuser &>/dev/null; then lock_owner="$(fuser "${lock_file}" 2>/dev/null)" fi if [[ -n "${lock_owner}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} $(echo "${lock_file}" | cut -d'/' -f4) is currently locked by process ${lock_owner}... We'll give it 2 minutes to finish." | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" local timeout="120" local start_time start_time="$(date +%s)" while true; do kill -0 "${lock_owner}" &>/dev/null local kill_result="$?" if [[ "$kill_result" -eq "0" ]]; then local current_time current_time="$(date +%s)" local elapsed_time="$((current_time - start_time))" if [[ "${elapsed_time}" -ge "${timeout}" ]]; then process_killed="true" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Timeout reached. Killing process ${lock_owner} forcefully. \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" kill -9 "${lock_owner}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" rm -f "${lock_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" break else sleep 1 fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} $(echo "${lock_file}" | cut -d'/' -f4) is no longer locked! \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" break fi done if [[ "${process_killed}" == 'true' ]]; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" --configure -a 2>/dev/null; fi check_dpkg_lock broken_packages_check return fi done check_dpkg_interrupted } # Check if we should handle broken UniFi installation process if we found old database files. if [[ -d "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/" ]]; then if [[ "$(command -v zgrep)" ]]; then grep_command="zgrep"; else grep_command="grep"; fi while read -r found_mongodb_version; do found_mongodb_version_fd="$(echo "${found_mongodb_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" found_mongodb_version_sd="$(echo "${found_mongodb_version}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" found_mongodb_version_td="$(echo "${found_mongodb_version}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" while read -r file; do if ! "${grep_command}" -A100 -aE "${found_mongodb_version_fd}\.${found_mongodb_version_sd}\.${found_mongodb_version_td}" "${file}" | sed -n "/${found_mongodb_version_fd}\.${found_mongodb_version_sd}\.${found_mongodb_version_td}/,/SERVER RESTARTED/p" | sed -e "1s/^.*${found_mongodb_version_fd}\.${found_mongodb_version_sd}\.${found_mongodb_version_td} //; /^SERVER RESTARTED/d" | grep -sqiaE "This version of MongoDB is too recent to start up on the existing data files|This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade.|UPGRADE PROBLEM|Cannot start server with an unknown storage engine|unsupported WiredTiger file version"; then last_known_good_mongodb_version="${found_mongodb_version}" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Last known good MongoDB version is \"${last_known_good_mongodb_version}\" found in \"${file}\"!" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change-locate.log" continue else if [[ -n "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" && "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" == "${found_mongodb_version}" ]]; then unset last_known_good_mongodb_version; fi echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"${found_mongodb_version}\" is marked as bad in \"${file}\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change-locate.log"; wait; break fi done < <(find /usr/lib/unifi/logs/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do if "${grep_command}" -Eial "db version v${found_mongodb_version}|buildInfo\":{\"version\":\"${found_mongodb_version}\"" "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then stat --format '%Y %n' "$file"; fi; fi; done | sort -nr | awk '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" ]]; then wait; break; fi done < <(find /usr/lib/unifi/logs/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 "${grep_command}" -sEioa "db version v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}|buildInfo\":{\"version\":\"[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}\"" | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/db version v//g' -e 's/buildInfo":{"version":"//g' -e 's/"//g' | sort -V | uniq | sort -r) if [[ -z "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" ]] && "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | grep -viq "^ii\\|^hi"; then if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)"; fi else application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')"; fi fi if [[ "${application_up}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(find /usr/lib/unifi/logs/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | wc -l)" == "0" ]] || [[ "$(find /usr/lib/unifi/logs/ -type f -name "mongod.log*" | wc -l)" == "0" ]]; then last_known_installed_mongodb_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | grep -vi "^ii\\|^hi" | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/+.*//g')" fi fi fi if [[ -n "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" ]]; then previous_mongodb_version="${last_known_good_mongodb_version//./}" previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" else last_known_good_mongodb_version_eus_db="$(jq -r '.scripts["UniFi Network Easy Update Script"].tasks | to_entries[] | select(.key | startswith("mongodb-upgrade")) | .value[] | select(.status == "success") | .to' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" 2> /dev/null | sort -V | tail -n1)" if [[ -n "${last_known_good_mongodb_version_eus_db}" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Using last known good MongoDB version \"${last_known_good_mongodb_version_eus_db}\" from the EUS database!" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change-locate.log" previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="${last_known_good_mongodb_version_eus_db}" previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="${previous_mongodb_version_with_dot//./}" fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then recovery_check_mongodb_server_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/\.//g')" if [[ "${recovery_check_mongodb_server_version::2}" != "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" ]]; then recovery_required="true"; fi fi fi minimum_required_mongodb_version_check() { if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/unifi-package-versions?status" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.availability' 2> /dev/null)" == "OK" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/unifi-package-versions?unifi-version=${unifi_version}" | jq -r '."minimum_required_mongodb_version"')" else minimum_required_mongodb_version="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/unifi-package-versions?unifi-version=${unifi_version}" | sed -n 's/.*"minimum_required_mongodb_version":\s*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p')" fi else first_digit_unifi_version="$(echo "${unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" second_digit_unifi_version="$(echo "${unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" if [[ "${first_digit_unifi_version}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi_version}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi_version}" -ge '5' ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version="36"; fi if [[ "${first_digit_unifi_version}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi_version}" == '4' ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version="26"; fi fi } unifi_package="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" if [[ -z "${unifi_package}" ]]; then if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" ]]; then recovery_required="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${unifi_package}" ]] || [[ "${recovery_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if ! [[ "${unifi_package}" =~ (hi|ii) ]] || [[ "${recovery_required}" == 'true' ]]; then check_mongodb_installed broken_unifi_install="true" header_red echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} You have a broken UniFi Network Application installation...\\n" if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version1="$(head -n1 /usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version)"; fi broken_unifi_install_version2="$(grep -saEio "UniFi [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,3}" /usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log* | sed 's/UniFi //g' | sort -V | tail -n1 | sed 's/^.*://')" broken_unifi_install_version3="$("$(which dpkg)" -l unifi | tail -n1 | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d"-" -f1)" broken_unifi_install_versions=("${broken_unifi_install_version1}" "${broken_unifi_install_version2}" "${broken_unifi_install_version3}") while read -r unifi_version; do unset minimum_required_mongodb_version minimum_required_mongodb_version_check if [[ "${mongodb_version_installed_no_dots::2}" -lt "${minimum_required_mongodb_version}" ]]; then continue else broken_unifi_install_version="${unifi_version}" fi done < <(printf "%s\n" "${broken_unifi_install_versions[@]}" | sort -V | awk '!seen[$0]++') if [[ -z "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version="$(printf "%s\n" "${broken_unifi_install_versions[@]}" | sort -V | tail -n1)"; fi if [[ -n "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit="$(echo "${broken_unifi_install_version}" | cut -d"." -f1)" broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit="$(echo "${broken_unifi_install_version}" | cut -d"." -f2)" broken_unifi_install_version_third_digit="$(echo "${broken_unifi_install_version}" | cut -d"." -f3)" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then unifi_download_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${broken_unifi_install_version_third_digit}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[]._links.data.href" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" unifi_br_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${broken_unifi_install_version_third_digit}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[0].sha256_checksum" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?status 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)" == "OK" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then unifi_gr_api_download_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${broken_unifi_install_version}" | jq -r '.download_link' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" unifi_gr_download_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${broken_unifi_install_version}&server=archive" | jq -r '.download_link' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" else unifi_gr_api_download_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${broken_unifi_install_version}" | grep -oP '(?<="download_link":")[^"]*' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" unifi_gr_download_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${broken_unifi_install_version}&server=archive" | grep -oP '(?<="download_link":")[^"]*' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi unifi_br_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${broken_unifi_install_version}" | jq -r '.sha256sum' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi if [[ -n "${unifi_download_link}" || -n "${unifi_gr_api_download_link}" || -n "${unifi_gr_download_link}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if we need to change the version that the script will install..." eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" if [[ -z "${unifi_temp}" ]]; then unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads "unifi_sysvinit_all_${broken_unifi_install_version}_XXXXX.deb")"; fi unifi_deb_dl_urls=("${unifi_download_link}" "${unifi_gr_api_download_link}" "${unifi_gr_download_link}") for unifi_download_link in "${unifi_deb_dl_urls[@]}"; do echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${unifi_download_link} to ${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-broken-install-download.log" if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$unifi_temp" "${unifi_download_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-broken-install-download.log"; then if command -v sha256sum &> /dev/null; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" == "${unifi_br_sha256sum}" ]]; then unifi_network_application_downloaded="true" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The script will install UniFi Network Application version ${broken_unifi_install_version}! \\n"; break else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${unifi_download_link} did not have sha256sum \"${unifi_br_sha256sum}\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; continue fi elif command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if dpkg-deb --info "${unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then unifi_network_application_downloaded="true" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The script will install UniFi Network Application version ${broken_unifi_install_version}! \\n"; break else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${unifi_download_link} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; continue fi else unifi_network_application_downloaded="true" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The script will install UniFi Network Application version ${broken_unifi_install_version}! \\n"; break fi else continue fi done if [[ "${unifi_network_application_downloaded}" != "true" ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to change the version to UniFi Network Application ${broken_unifi_install_version}...\\n"; fi fi sleep 3 fi if [[ -z "$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -c 3-)" ]] && [[ "${unifi_network_application_downloaded}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then systemctl disable -q unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken_unifi.log"; broken_unifi_service_disabled="true"; fi echo -e "${WHITE}#${RESET} Performing a required reinstall of the unifi package..." check_dpkg_lock echo "unifi unifi/has_backup boolean true" 2> /dev/null | debconf-set-selections if DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" --force-confold --force-all --no-triggers -i "${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken_unifi.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully reinstalled the unifi package! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to reinstall the unifi package...\\n" fi if [[ "${broken_unifi_service_disabled}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl enable -q unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken_unifi.log"; fi fi echo -e "${WHITE}#${RESET} Removing the broken UniFi Network Application installation..." check_dpkg_lock if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken_unifi.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed the broken UniFi Network Application installation! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove the broken UniFi Network Application installation...\\n" fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then eus_database_update_broken_install; else eus_database_update_broken_install_check="true"; fi fi fi get_apt_options() { if [[ "${remove_apt_options}" == "true" ]]; then get_apt_option_arguments="false"; unset apt_options; fi if [[ "${get_apt_option_arguments}" != "false" ]]; then if [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -gt "1" ]] || [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "1" && "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -ge "1" ]]; then if ! grep -q "allow-change-held-packages" /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--allow-change-held-packages" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt_option; fi; fi if [[ "${add_apt_option_no_install_recommends}" == "true" ]]; then if ! grep -q "--no-install-recommends" /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--no-install-recommends" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt_option; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/apt_option && -s /tmp/EUS/apt_option ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a apt_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/apt_option)"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; fi fi if [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -gt "1" ]] || [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "1" && "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -ge "2" ]]; then if ! grep -q "allow-downgrades" /tmp/EUS/apt_downgrade_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--allow-downgrades" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt_downgrade_option; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/apt_downgrade_option && -s /tmp/EUS/apt_downgrade_option ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a apt_downgrade_option <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/apt_downgrade_option)"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/apt_downgrade_option &> /dev/null; fi unset get_apt_option_arguments unset remove_apt_options unset add_apt_option_no_install_recommends } get_apt_options # Check if UniFi is already installed. if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi \\|unifi-native" | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi is already installed on your system!${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You can use my Easy Update Script to update your UniFi Network Application.${RESET}\\n\\n" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Would you like to download and run my Easy Update Script? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") check_apt_listbugs rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --remote-name https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/update/unifi-update.sh && bash unifi-update.sh; exit 0;; [Nn]*) check_apt_listbugs; exit 0;; esac fi # Run dpkg lock check check_dpkg_lock armhf_recommendation() { print_architecture=$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture) if [[ "${print_architecture}" == 'armhf' ]] && uname -a | grep -ioq aarch64; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You appear to have a 64-bit capable device, please use a 64-bit based OS and re-run the script.\\n" exit 1 elif [[ "${print_architecture}" == 'armhf' && "${is_cloudkey}" == "false" ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your installation might fail, please consider getting a Cloud Key Gen2 or go with a VPS at OVH/DO/AWS." if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You could try using Debian Bullseye before going with a UCK G2 ( PLUS ) or VPS" fi echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloud-key-gen2" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloudkey-gen2-plus\\n\\n" sleep 20 fi } armhf_recommendation old_systemd_version_check() { if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '6' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '4' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -ge '7' ]]; then old_systemd_unifi_check_passed="true"; fi if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show systemd | awk -F '[.-]' '{print $1}')" -lt "231" && "${old_systemd_unifi_check_passed}" == 'true' ]]; then old_systemd_version="true" if ! [[ -d "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/etc/systemd/system"; eus_create_directories "unifi.service.d"; fi unifi_helpers="$(grep "unifi-network-service-helper" /lib/systemd/system/unifi.service | grep "=+" | while read -r helper; do echo "${helper//+/}"; done)" if echo -e "[Service]\nPermissionsStartOnly=true\nExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper create-dirs\n${unifi_helpers}" &> /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf; then daemon_reexec systemctl daemon-reload &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" systemctl reset-failed unifi.service &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" fi if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if service unifi restart &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log"; then old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart="true"; fi else if systemctl restart unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log"; then old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart="true"; fi fi elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show systemd | awk -F '[.-]' '{print $1}')" -lt "238" && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show systemd | awk -F '[.-]' '{print $1}')" -gt "231" && "${old_systemd_unifi_check_passed}" == 'true' ]]; then old_systemd_version="true" if ! [[ -d "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/etc/systemd/system"; eus_create_directories "unifi.service.d"; fi if echo -e "[Service]\nPermissionsStartOnly=true\nExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper create-dirs" &> /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf; then daemon_reexec systemctl daemon-reload &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" systemctl reset-failed unifi.service &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" fi if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if service unifi restart &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log"; then old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart="true"; fi else if systemctl restart unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log"; then old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart="true"; fi fi fi } check_service_overrides() { if [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service" ]] || [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application service overrides detected... Removing them..." unifi_override_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l unifi | tail -n1 | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'-' -f1)" eus_create_directories "unifi-service-overrides" if [[ -d "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/${unifi_override_version}/" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service" ]]; then mv "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service" "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/${unifi_override_version}/unifi.service" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log" fi if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then while read -r override_file; do override_file_name="$(basename "${override_file}")" if mv "${override_file}" "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/${unifi_override_version}/${override_file_name}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; then moved_service_override_files="true"; fi done < <(find /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/ -type f 2> /dev/null) fi fi if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show systemd | awk -F '[.-]' '{print $1}')" -ge "230" ]]; then if systemctl revert unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully reverted the UniFi Network Application service overrides! \\n" check_service_overrides_reverted="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to revert the UniFi Network Application service overrides...\\n" fi else if [[ "${moved_service_override_files}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -e /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf ]]; then if rm --force /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully reverted the UniFi Network Application service overrides! \\n" check_service_overrides_reverted="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to revert the UniFi Network Application service overrides...\\n" fi fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully reverted the UniFi Network Application service overrides! \\n" check_service_overrides_reverted="true" fi fi if [[ "${check_service_overrides_reverted}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl daemon-reload &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; fi sleep 3 fi fi } unifi_autobackup_dir_check() { unifi_autobackup_dir="$(grep "^autobackup.dir" /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties 2> /dev/null | sed 's/autobackup.dir=//g')" if [[ -z "${unifi_autobackup_dir}" ]]; then unifi_autobackup_dir="/usr/lib/unifi/data/backup/autobackup"; fi if ! [[ -d "${unifi_autobackup_dir}" ]]; then install -d -m 0755 -o unifi -g unifi "${unifi_autobackup_dir}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-autbackup-dir-check.log"; fi } system_properties_check() { if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" ]]; then # Remove any duplicates. if grep -qE 'unifi\.x(m[xs]|ss)=[0-9]*+' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then cp /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties-eus-recovery-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M_%s)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/system-properties-update.log" if sed -i -e '0,/^unifi\.xms=/!{s/^unifi\.xms=.*//}' -e '0,/^unifi\.xmx=/!{s/^unifi\.xmx=.*//}' -e '0,/^unifi\.xss=/!{s/^unifi\.xss=.*//}' -e '/^$/d' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then echo "Corrected unifi.xmx, unifi.xms, and unifi.xss patterns in system.properties" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/system-properties-update.log" chown -R unifi:unifi /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties fi fi # Remove any invalid entries. if grep -qE 'unifi\.x(m[xs]|ss)=[0-9]*[A-Za-z]+' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then cp /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties-eus-recovery-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M_%s)" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/system-properties-update.log" if sed -i 's/\(unifi\.\(xmx\|xms\|xss\)=\)\([0-9]\+\)[A-Za-z]*/\1\3/' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then echo "Corrected unifi.xmx, unifi.xms, and unifi.xss patterns in system.properties" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/system-properties-update.log" chown -R unifi:unifi /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties fi fi fi } system_properties_free_memory_check() { if [[ "$(awk '/MemAvailable/{printf "%d", $2 / 1024 / 1024}' /proc/meminfo)" -le "1" ]]; then if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" ]]; then current_xms="$(awk -F= '/^unifi.xms/{print $2}' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties")" current_xmx="$(awk -F= '/^unifi.xmx/{print $2}' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties")" fi if [[ -z "$current_xms" ]]; then echo "unifi.xms=256" >> "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" elif [[ "$current_xms" -lt "256" ]]; then sed -i "s/^unifi.xms=.*/unifi.xms=256/" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" fi if [[ -z "$current_xmx" ]]; then echo "unifi.xmx=512" >> "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" elif [[ "$current_xmx" -lt "512" ]]; then sed -i "s/^unifi.xmx=.*/unifi.xmx=512/" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" fi chown unifi:unifi "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" fi } unifi_folder_permission_check() { if grep -isoq "users=" /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf; then unifi_systemd_file="/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf"; else unifi_systemd_file="/lib/systemd/system/unifi.service"; fi network_application_user="$(grep '^User=' "${unifi_systemd_file}" | awk -F= '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${network_application_user}" ]]; then network_application_user="unifi"; fi unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_files=() while read -r unifi_directory; do while read -r unifi_file_or_directory; do if [[ -e "${unifi_file_or_directory}" ]]; then if ! stat -c "%U:%G" "${unifi_file_or_directory}" 2> /dev/null | grep -q "${network_application_user}:${network_application_user}"; then unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_files+=("${unifi_file_or_directory}") fi fi done < <(find "${unifi_directory}" -type d -print -o -type f -print) done < <(find /usr/lib/unifi/ -maxdepth 1 -type l -printf '%l\n') if [[ "${#unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_files[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then for unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file in "${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_files[@]}"; do if [[ -e "${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file}" ]]; then original_user="$(find "${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file}" -maxdepth 0 -printf '%u\n')" original_group="$(find "${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file}" -maxdepth 0 -printf '%g\n')" if [[ "${original_user}" == "${network_application_user}" && "${original_group}" == "${network_application_user}" ]]; then continue else if chown -R "${network_application_user}":"${network_application_user}" "${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-folder-permission-update.log"; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Successfully changed the user/group for ${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file} from ${original_user}:${original_group} to ${network_application_user}:${network_application_user}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-folder-permission-update.log" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Failed to change the user/group for ${unifi_folder_permission_check_detected_file} from ${original_user}:${original_group} to ${network_application_user}:${network_application_user}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-folder-permission-update.log" fi fi fi done fi } custom_url_question() { header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Please enter the application download URL below." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m ' custom_download_url custom_url_download_check } custom_url_upgrade_check() { echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script will now install application version: ${unifi_clean}!" && sleep 3 unifi_network_application_downloaded="true" } custom_url_download_check() { eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" if [[ -z "${unifi_temp}" ]]; then unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads unifi_sysvinit_all_XXXXX.deb)"; fi header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the application release..." echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${custom_download_url} to ${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_custom_url_download.log" if ! curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$unifi_temp" "${custom_download_url}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_custom_url_download.log"; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The URL you provided cannot be downloaded.. Please provide a working URL." sleep 3 custom_url_question else "$(which dpkg)" -I "${unifi_temp}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' &> "${unifi_temp}.tmp" package_maintainer=$(awk '/maintainer/{print$2}' "${unifi_temp}.tmp") unifi_clean=$(awk '/version:/{print$2}' "${unifi_temp}.tmp" | awk -F"-" '{print $1}') rm --force "${unifi_temp}.tmp" &> /dev/null if [[ "${package_maintainer}" =~ (unifi|ubiquiti) ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded the application release!" sleep 2 custom_url_upgrade_check else header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You did not provide a UniFi Network Application that is maintained by Ubiquiti ( UniFi )..." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to provide the script with another URL? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") custom_url_question;; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi fi } if [[ "${script_option_custom_url}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${custom_url_down_provided}" == 'true' ]]; then custom_url_download_check; else custom_url_question; fi; fi free_space_check() { if [[ "$(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')" -le '5368709120' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} You only have $(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') of disk space available on \"/\"... \\n" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to proceed with running the script? (y/N) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Nn]*|"") free_space_check_response="Cancel script" free_space_check_date="$(date +%s)" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} OK... Please free up disk space before running the script again..." cancel_script;; [Yy]*) free_space_check_response="Proceed at own risk" free_space_check_date="$(date +%s)" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} OK... Proceeding with the script.. please note that failures may occur due to not enough disk space... \\n"; sleep 10;; esac if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" += {"warnings": {"low-free-disk-space": {"response": "'"${free_space_check_response}"'", "detected-date": "'"${free_space_check_date}"'"}}}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" = (.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" | . + {"warnings": {"low-free-disk-space": {"response": "'"${free_space_check_response}"'", "detected-date": "'"${free_space_check_date}"'"}}})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi fi } free_space_check free_boot_space_check() { free_boot_space="$(df -B1 /boot | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')" if "$(which dpkg)" --list | grep -Ei 'linux-image|linux-headers|linux-firmware' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^iF" && [[ "${free_boot_space}" -le '322122547' && "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then apt-get -y autoremove &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/boot-apt-cleanup.log" apt-get -y autoclean &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/boot-apt-cleanup.log" if [[ "$(df -B1 /boot | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')" == "${free_boot_space}" ]]; then if [[ "${free_boot_space}" -le '53687091' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You only have $(df -B1 /boot | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') of disk space available on \"/boot\".. Please expand or clean up old kernel images!" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to proceed with running the script? (y/N) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Nn]*|"") free_boot_space_check_response="Cancel script" free_boot_space_check_date="$(date +%s)" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} OK... Please free up disk space before running the script again..." cancel_script;; [Yy]*) free_boot_space_check_response="Proceed at own risk" free_boot_space_check_date="$(date +%s)" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} OK... Proceeding with the script.. please note that failures may occur due to not enough disk space... \\n"; sleep 10; skip_linux_images_recovery="true";; esac if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" += {"warnings": {"low-free-boot-partition-space": {"response": "'"${free_boot_space_check_response}"'", "detected-date": "'"${free_boot_space_check_date}"'"}}}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" = (.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" | . + {"warnings": {"low-free-boot-partition-space": {"response": "'"${free_boot_space_check_response}"'", "detected-date": "'"${free_boot_space_check_date}"'"}}})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi fi fi if [[ "${skip_linux_images_recovery}" != 'true' ]]; then while read -r linux_package; do if [[ "${free_boot_space_check_header_message}" != 'true' ]]; then header; free_boot_space_check_header_message="true"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install ${linux_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${linux_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/linux-package-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${linux_package}! \\n" else check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${linux_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/linux-package-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${linux_package}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install ${linux_package}, most likely because the system only has $(df -B1 /boot | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') on space available on \"/boot\"... \\n"; abort_function_skip_reason="true"; abort_reason="Failed to install ${linux_package} during the boot partition low disk space check." abort fi get_apt_options fi done < <(dpkg-query -W -f='${db:Status-Abbrev} ${Package}\n' | awk '$1 == "iF" {print $2}' | grep -Ei 'linux-image|linux-headers|linux-firmware') fi fi } free_boot_space_check free_var_log_space_check() { if [[ "$(df --output=source / | tail -1)" != "$(df --output=source /var/log | tail -1)" && "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(df -B1 /var/log | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')" -le '26214400' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} You only have $(df -B1 /var/log | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') of disk space available on \"/var/log\"..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} How would you like to proceed?" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e " [ ${WHITE_R}1 ${RESET} ] | Let the script attempt to clean up log files." echo -e " [ ${WHITE_R}2 ${RESET} ] | Proceed with a higher failure risk." echo -e " [ ${WHITE_R}3 ${RESET} ] | I want to free up disk space before attempting again." echo -e "\\n" read -rp $'Your choice | \033[39m' choice case "$choice" in 1) echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to clean up log files..." if find "/var/log" -name "*.log" -exec truncate -s 1M {} \;;then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully cleaned up some log files! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to clean up log files... \\n"; fi sleep 3 free_var_log_space_check;; 2) echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} OK... Proceeding with the script.. please note that failures may occur due to not enough disk space... \\n"; sleep 10;; 3) echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} OK... Please free up disk space before running the script again..."; cancel_script;; *) header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${choice} is not a valid..."; sleep 3; free_var_log_space_check;; esac fi fi } free_var_log_space_check ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Required Packages # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # Install needed packages if not installed install_required_packages() { sleep 2 installing_required_package=yes header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing required packages for the script..\\n" run_apt_get_update sleep 2 } apt_get_install_package() { if [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]]; then apt_get_install_package_variable="update"; apt_get_install_package_variable_2="updated" else apt_get_install_package_variable="install"; apt_get_install_package_variable_2="installed" fi run_apt_get_update check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- ${required_package} installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${required_package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/apt.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ${apt_get_install_package_variable_2} ${required_package}! \\n"; sleep 2 else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}...\\n" check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${required_package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/apt.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ${apt_get_install_package_variable_2} ${required_package}! \\n"; sleep 2 else if [[ -z "${java_install_attempts}" ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}."; abort; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}...\\n"; fi fi fi get_apt_options fi fi unset required_package } if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l curl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing curl..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install curl &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install curl in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_codename_argument="/updates" repo_component="main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="curl" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed curl! \\n" && sleep 2 fi script_version_check set_curl_arguments get_repo_url fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l sudo 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing sudo..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install sudo &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install sudo in the first run...\\n" repo_component="main" add_repositories required_package="sudo" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed sudo! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l jq 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing jq..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install jq &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install jq in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then repo_component="main universe"; add_repositories; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="/updates"; repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="jq" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed jq! \\n" && sleep 2 fi set_curl_arguments create_eus_database if [[ "${eus_database_update_broken_install_check}" == 'true' ]]; then eus_database_update_broken_install; unset eus_database_update_broken_install_check; fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l lsb-release 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing lsb-release..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install lsb-release &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install lsb-release in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="lsb-release" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed lsb-release! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l net-tools 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing net-tools..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install net-tools &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install net-tools in the first run...\\n" repo_component="main" add_repositories required_package="net-tools" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed net-tools! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l apt 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then apt_package_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show apt | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" if [[ "${apt_package_version::2}" -le "14" ]]; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l apt-transport-https 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then check_dpkg_lock if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing apt-transport-https..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install apt-transport-https &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install apt-transport-https in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main universe"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main universe"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_codename_argument="/updates" repo_component="main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="apt-transport-https" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed apt-transport-https! \\n" && sleep 2 fi get_repo_url fi fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l software-properties-common 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing software-properties-common..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install software-properties-common &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install software-properties-common in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="/updates"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main"; fi fi add_repositories if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="/updates"; repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi required_package="software-properties-common" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed software-properties-common! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing dirmngr..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install dirmngr &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install dirmngr in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="universe" add_repositories repo_component="main restricted" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="dirmngr" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed dirmngr! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l netcat netcat-traditional 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi if apt-cache search netcat | grep "^netcat\b" | awk '{print$1}' | grep -iq "traditional"; then required_package="netcat-traditional" else required_package="netcat" fi netcat_installed_package_name="${required_package}" check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing ${required_package}..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${required_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install ${required_package} in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${required_package}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi netcat_installed="true" fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l psmisc 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing psmisc..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install psmisc &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install psmisc in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-updates"; repo_component="main restricted"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmicdisco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="universe"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="psmisc" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed psmisc! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l gnupg 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing gnupg..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install gnupg &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install gnupg in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main universe"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main universe"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="gnupg" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed gnupg! \\n" && sleep 2 fi else if dmesg 2> /dev/null | grep -i gpg | grep -iq segfault; then gnupg_segfault_packages=("gnupg" "gnupg2" "libc6" "libreadline8" "libreadline-dev" "libslang2" "zlib1g" "libbz2-1.0" "libgcrypt20" "libsqlite3-0" "libassuan0" "libgpg-error0" "libm6" "libpthread-stubs0-dev" "libtinfo6") reinstall_gnupg_segfault_packages=() for gnupg_segfault_package in "${gnupg_segfault_packages[@]}"; do if "$(which dpkg)" -l "${gnupg_segfault_package}" &> /dev/null; then reinstall_gnupg_segfault_packages+=("${gnupg_segfault_package}"); fi; done if [[ "${#reinstall_gnupg_segfault_packages[@]}" -gt '0' ]]; then echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/gnupg-segfault-reinstall.log"; DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install --reinstall "${reinstall_gnupg_segfault_packages[@]}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/gnupg-segfault-reinstall.log"; fi fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l perl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing perl..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install perl &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install perl in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_codename_argument="/updates" repo_component="main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="perl" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed perl! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if [[ "${fqdn_specified}" == 'true' ]]; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l dnsutils 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing dnsutils..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install dnsutils &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install dnsutils in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_codename_argument="/updates"; repo_component="main"; add_repositories; fi repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="dnsutils" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed dnsutils! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi fi unifi_required_packages_check() { if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l logrotate 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing logrotate..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install logrotate &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install logrotate in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="logrotate" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed logrotate! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l procps 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing procps..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install procps &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install procps in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_codename_argument="-security"; repo_component="main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_codename_argument="/updates" repo_component="main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="procps" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed procps! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l adduser 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing adduser..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install adduser &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install adduser in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories required_package="adduser" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed adduser! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi } unifi_required_packages_check ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Variables # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### check_mongodb_installed # system_memory="$(awk '/MemTotal/ {printf( "%.0f\n", $2 / 1024 / 1024)}' /proc/meminfo)" system_swap="$(awk '/SwapTotal/ {printf( "%.0f\n", $2 / 1024 / 1024)}' /proc/meminfo)" system_free_disk_space="$(df -k / | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n1)" # abort_function_skip_reason="false" remove_apt_options="false" # SERVER_IP="$(ip addr | grep -A8 -m1 MULTICAST | grep -m1 inet | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d'/' -f1)" if [[ -z "${SERVER_IP}" ]]; then SERVER_IP="$(hostname -I | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $NF; }')"; fi PUBLIC_SERVER_IP="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" https://api.glennr.nl/api/geo 2> /dev/null | jq -r '."address"' 2> /dev/null)" # Override broken_unifi_install_version if script version is newer. if [[ -n "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then script_unifi_version="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)" if [[ "$(echo "${script_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" -gt "${broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit}" ]]; then override_broken_unifi_version="true" elif [[ "$(echo "${script_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "${broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit}" && "$(echo "${script_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" -gt "${broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit}" ]]; then override_broken_unifi_version="true" elif [[ "$(echo "${script_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "${broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit}" && "$(echo "${script_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" == "${broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit}" && "$(echo "${script_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" == "${broken_unifi_install_version_third_digit}" ]]; then override_broken_unifi_version="true" fi fi # if [[ "${unifi_network_application_downloaded}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${custom_download_url}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${unifi_clean}" ]]; then unifi_clean="$(echo "${custom_download_url}" | grep -io "5.*\\|6.*\\|7.*\\|8.*\\|9.*\\|10.*" | cut -d'-' -f1 | cut -d'/' -f1)"; fi unifi_secret="$(echo "${custom_download_url}" | grep -io "5.*\\|6.*\\|7.*\\|8.*\\|9.*\\|10.*" | cut -d'/' -f1)" elif [[ -n "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then unifi_clean="${broken_unifi_install_version}" fi else if [[ -n "${broken_unifi_install_version}" && "${override_broken_unifi_version}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_clean="${broken_unifi_install_version}" else unifi_clean="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)" unifi_secret="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" unifi_repo_version="$(grep -i "# Debian repo version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" fi fi get_unifi_version() { first_digit_unifi="$(echo "${unifi_clean}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" second_digit_unifi="$(echo "${unifi_clean}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" third_digit_unifi="$(echo "${unifi_clean}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" } get_unifi_version # if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= if .["install-version"] | index("'"${unifi_clean}"'") | not then .["install-version"] += ["'"${unifi_clean}"'"] else . end' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg unifi_clean "$unifi_clean" '.scripts[$script_name] |= (.["install-version"] as $versions | if ($versions | map(select(. == $unifi_clean)) | length) == 0 then .["install-version"] += [$unifi_clean] else . end)' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi # if [[ "${cloudkey_generation}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '3' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean} is not supported on your Gen1 UniFi Cloudkey (UC-CK)." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The latest supported version on your Cloudkey is $(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-latest?version=7.2" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.latest_version' 2> /dev/null) and older.. \\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Consider upgrading to a Gen2 Cloudkey:" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloud-key-gen2" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloudkey-gen2-plus\\n\\n" author exit 0 fi fi # if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '5' ]]; then if [[ "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" == '32' ]]; then header_red if [[ "${first_digit_mongodb_version_installed}" -le "2" && "${second_digit_mongodb_version_installed}" -le "5" ]]; then unifi_latest_supported_version="7.3"; else unifi_latest_supported_version="7.4"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your 32-bit system/OS is no longer supported by UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean}!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The latest supported version on your system/OS is $(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-latest?version=${unifi_latest_supported_version}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.latest_version' 2> /dev/null) and older..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Consider upgrading to a 64-bit system/OS!\\n\\n" author exit 0 fi fi # mongo_version_max="36" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.6" unifi_mongo_version_max="36" add_mongodb_36_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" # MongoDB Version override if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -le '5' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -le '13' ]]; then mongo_version_max="34" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.4" unifi_mongo_version_max="34" add_mongodb_34_repo="true" unset add_mongodb_36_repo mongo_version_not_supported="3.6" fi if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '5' && "${second_digit_unifi}" == '13' && "${third_digit_unifi}" -gt '10' ]]; then mongo_version_max="36" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.6" unifi_mongo_version_max="36" add_mongodb_36_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" fi # JAVA/MongoDB Version override if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '8' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '8' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge "1" ]]; then mongo_version_max="70" mongo_version_max_with_dot="7.0" unifi_mongo_version_max="70" add_mongodb_70_repo="true" unset add_mongodb_44_repo unset add_mongodb_36_repo unset add_mongodb_34_repo mongo_version_not_supported="7.1" elif [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge "5" ]]; then mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" unifi_mongo_version_max="44" add_mongodb_44_repo="true" unset add_mongodb_36_repo unset add_mongodb_34_repo mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" fi java_required_variables() { if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge "5" ]]; then required_java_version="openjdk-17" required_java_version_short="17" elif [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" =~ (3|4) ]]; then required_java_version="openjdk-11" required_java_version_short="11" else required_java_version="openjdk-8" required_java_version_short="8" fi } java_required_variables # Stick to 4.4 if cpu doesn't report avx support. mongodb_avx_support_check() { if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" =~ (44|70) && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' ]]; then cpu_model_name="$(lscpu | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -i 'model name' | cut -f 2 -d ":" | awk '{$1=$1}1')" if [[ -z "${cpu_model_name}" ]]; then cpu_model_name="$(lscpu | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -n 's/^model name:[[:space:]]*//p')"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" && -n "${cpu_model_name}" ]]; then cpu_model_regex="^(cortex-a55|cortex-a65|cortex-a65ae|cortex-a75|cortex-a76|cortex-a77|cortex-a78|cortex-x1|cortex-x2|cortex-x3|cortex-x4|neoverse n1|neoverse n2|neoverse n3|neoverse e1|neoverse e2|neoverse v1|neoverse v2|neoverse v3|cortex-a510|cortex-a520|cortex-a715|cortex-a720)$" if ! [[ "${cpu_model_name}" =~ ${cpu_model_regex} ]]; then if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" =~ (70) ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "mongod-armv8" || [[ "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then mongod_armv8_installed="true" yes_no="y" else echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Your CPU is no longer officially supported by MongoDB themselves..." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Would you like to use mongod compiled from MongoDB source code specifically for your CPU by Glenn R.? (Y/n) ' yes_no fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") add_mongod_70_repo="true" glennr_compiled_mongod="true" if [[ "${broken_unifi_install}" == 'true' ]]; then broken_glennr_compiled_mongod="true"; fi cleanup_unifi_repos if [[ "${mongod_armv8_installed}" != 'true' ]]; then echo ""; fi;; [Nn]*) unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18";; esac unset yes_no else unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18" fi fi else if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" =~ (70) ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "mongod-amd64" || [[ "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then mongod_amd64_installed="true" yes_no="y" else echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Your CPU is no longer officially supported by MongoDB themselves..." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Would you like to use mongod compiled from MongoDB source code specifically for your CPU by Glenn R.? (Y/n) ' yes_no fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") add_mongod_70_repo="true" glennr_compiled_mongod="true" if [[ "${broken_unifi_install}" == 'true' ]]; then broken_glennr_compiled_mongod="true"; fi cleanup_unifi_repos if [[ "${mongod_amd64_installed}" != 'true' ]]; then echo ""; fi;; [Nn]*) unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18";; esac unset yes_no else unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18" fi fi fi fi } mongodb_avx_support_check mongo_command() { mongo_command_server_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ "${mongo_command_server_version::2}" -ge "40" ]]; then mongocommand="mongosh" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ "${mongo_command_server_version::2}" -ge "40" ]]; then mongocommand="mongosh" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ "${mongo_command_server_version::2}" -ge "40" ]]; then mongocommand="mongosh" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongosh 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ "${mongo_command_server_version::2}" -ge "40" ]]; then mongocommand="mongosh" else mongocommand="mongo" fi } prevent_mongodb_org_server_install() { if ! [[ -e "/etc/apt/preferences.d/eus_prevent_install_mongodb-org-server" ]]; then tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/eus_prevent_install_mongodb-org-server &>/dev/null << EOF Package: mongodb-org-server Pin: release * Pin-Priority: -1 EOF fi } remove_older_mongodb_repositories() { echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for older MongoDB repository entries..." if grep -qriIl "mongo" /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo -ne "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing old repository entries for MongoDB..." && sleep 1 if [[ -e "/etc/apt/sources.list" ]]; then sed -i '/mongodb/d' /etc/apt/sources.list; fi if ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* > /dev/null 2>&1; then rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* 2> /dev/null fi echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed all older MongoDB repository entries! \\n" else echo -e "\\r${YELLOW}#${RESET} There were no older MongoDB Repository entries! \\n" fi sleep 2 } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # libssl # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### libssl_installation() { echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading libssl..." while read -r libssl_package; do libssl_package_empty="false" if ! libssl_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp "libssl${libssl_version}_XXXXX.deb")"; then abort_reason="Failed to create temporarily libssl download file."; abort; fi echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/${libssl_package} to ${libssl_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log" if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$libssl_temp" "${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/${libssl_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; then if command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${libssl_temp}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/${libssl_package} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; continue; fi; fi if [[ "${libssl_download_success_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded libssl! \\n"; libssl_download_success_message="true"; fi check_dpkg_lock if [[ "${libssl_installing_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing libssl..."; libssl_installing_message="true"; fi if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "$libssl_temp" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed libssl! \\n" libssl_install_success="true" break else check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "$libssl_temp" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed libssl! \\n" libssl_install_success="true" break else if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" -i "$libssl_temp" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed libssl! \\n" libssl_install_success="true" break else if [[ "${libssl_install_failed_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install libssl... trying some different versions... \\n"; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to install different versions..."; libssl_install_failed_message="true"; fi rm --force "$libssl_temp" &> /dev/null fi fi get_apt_options fi else abort_reason="Failed to download libssl." abort fi done < <(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/?C=M;O=D" | grep -Eaio "${libssl_grep_arg}" | cut -d'"' -f1) if [[ "${libssl_package_empty}" != 'false' ]]; then curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/?C=M;O=D" &> /tmp/EUS/libssl.html if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json" ]] || ! jq empty "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; then libssl_json_time="$(date +%F-%R)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq -n \ --argjson "libssl failures" "$( jq -n \ --argjson "${libssl_json_time}" "{ \"version\" : \"$libssl_version\", \"URL Argument\" : \"$libssl_url_arg\", \"Grep Argument\" : \"$libssl_grep_arg\", \"Repository URL\" : \"$libssl_repo_url\", \"Curl Results\" : \"\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' &> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json" else jq -n \ --arg libssl_version "${libssl_version}" \ --arg libssl_url_arg "${libssl_url_arg}" \ --arg libssl_grep_arg "${libssl_grep_arg}" \ --arg libssl_repo_url "${libssl_repo_url}" \ '{ "libssl failures": { "version": $libssl_version, "URL Argument": $libssl_url_arg, "Grep Argument": $libssl_grep_arg, "Repository URL": $libssl_repo_url, "Curl Results": "" } }' &> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json" fi if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg libssl_json_time "${libssl_json_time}" --arg libssl_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg libssl_json_time "$libssl_json_time" --arg libssl_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.log"; eus_database_move else if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg libssl_repo_url "${libssl_repo_url}" --arg libssl_grep_arg "${libssl_grep_arg}" --arg libssl_url_arg "${libssl_url_arg}" --arg libssl_version "${libssl_version}" --arg version "${version}" --arg libssl_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg libssl_repo_url "$libssl_repo_url" --arg libssl_grep_arg "$libssl_grep_arg" --arg libssl_url_arg "$libssl_url_arg" --arg libssl_version "$libssl_version" --arg version "$version" --arg libssl_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.log"; eus_database_move fi rm --force /tmp/EUS/libssl.html &> /dev/null abort_reason="Failed to locate any libssl packages for version ${libssl_version}." abort fi if [[ "${libssl_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then apt-cache policy libc6 libssl3 &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; abort_reason="Failed to install libssl."; abort; fi rm --force "$libssl_temp" 2> /dev/null } libssl_installation_check() { if [[ -n "${mongodb_package_libssl}" ]]; then if apt-cache policy "^${mongodb_package_libssl}$" | grep -ioq "candidate"; then if [[ -n "${mongodb_package_version_libssl}" ]]; then required_libssl_version="$(apt-cache depends "${mongodb_package_libssl}=${mongodb_package_version_libssl}" | sed -e 's/>//g' -e 's///g' -e 's/> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-dynamic-failure.log"; unset required_libssl_version; fi unset mongodb_package_libssl unset mongodb_package_version_libssl fi fi if [[ -z "${required_libssl_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" == '70' ]]; then if grep -sioq "jammy" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-7.0.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-7.0.sources"; then required_libssl_version="libssl3" else required_libssl_version="libssl1.1" fi elif [[ "${mongo_version_max}" == '44' ]]; then required_libssl_version="libssl1.1" elif [[ "${mongo_version_max}" == '36' ]]; then required_libssl_version="libssl1.1" else required_libssl_version="libssl1.0.0" fi fi unset libssl_install_required if [[ "${required_libssl_version}" == 'libssl3' ]]; then libssl_version="3.0.0" libssl_url_arg="openssl" libssl_grep_arg="libssl3_3.0.*${architecture}.deb" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl3 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then libssl_install_required="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl3t64 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then unset libssl_install_required; fi elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libssl3 | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -lt "${libssl_version//./}" ]]; then libssl_install_required="true" fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian" else if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else libssl_repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi fi if [[ "${libssl_install_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -lt "2" ]] || [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "2" && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -lt "34" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then get_repo_url_security_url="true" get_repo_url repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main" else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main universe" fi repo_codename="jammy" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" get_repo_url repo_component="main" fi add_repositories run_apt_get_update fi fi elif [[ "${required_libssl_version}" == 'libssl1.1' ]]; then libssl_version="1.1.0" libssl_url_arg="openssl" libssl_grep_arg="libssl1.1.*${architecture}.deb" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl1.1 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then libssl_install_required="true" elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libssl1.1 | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g')" -lt "${libssl_version//./}" ]]; then libssl_install_required="true" fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian" else if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else libssl_repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi fi if [[ "${libssl_install_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -lt "2" ]] || [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "2" && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -lt "29" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then get_repo_url_security_url="true" get_repo_url repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main" else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" repo_component="main universe" fi repo_codename="focal" get_repo_url elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster) ]]; then repo_codename="bullseye" get_repo_url repo_component="main" fi add_repositories run_apt_get_update fi fi elif [[ "${required_libssl_version}" == 'libssl1.0.0' ]]; then libssl_version="1.0.2" libssl_url_arg="openssl1.0" libssl_grep_arg="libssl1.0.*${architecture}.deb" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl1.0.0 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then libssl_install_required="true" elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libssl1.0.0 | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g')" -lt "${libssl_version//./}" ]]; then libssl_install_required="true" fi if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else libssl_repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to detect what libssl version is required..." echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Failed to detect what libssl version is required..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-dynamic-failure.log" sleep 3 fi if [[ "${libssl_install_required}" == 'true' ]]; then libssl_installation; fi unset required_libssl_version } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Checks # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # MongoDB version check. if [[ "${mongodb_version_installed_no_dots::2}" -gt "${mongo_version_max}" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" apt-cache rdepends mongodb-* | sed "/mongo/d" | sed "/Reverse Depends/d" | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed 's/|//g' | sed 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/unifi-video//g' -e 's/unifi//g' -e 's/libstdc++6//g' -e '/^$/d' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/reverse_depends if [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/reverse_depends" ]]; then mongodb_has_dependencies="true"; fi header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean} does not support MongoDB ${mongo_version_not_supported}..." if [[ "${mongodb_has_dependencies}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The following services depend on MongoDB..." while read -r service; do echo -e "${RED}-${RESET} ${service}"; done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/reverse_depends echo -e "\\n\\n" echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Uninstalling MongoDB will also get rid of the applications/services listed above..." fi echo -e "\\n\\n" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' && "${mongodb_has_dependencies}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp "Do you want to proceed with uninstalling MongoDB? (Y/n)" yes_no else sleep 5 fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") mongodb_installed="false" header check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preparing unsupported mongodb uninstall... \\n" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing the UniFi Network Application so that the files are kept on the system...\\n" if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed the UniFi Network Application! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to remove the UniFi Network Application." abort fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi-video" | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing UniFi Video so that the files are kept on the system...\\n" if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi-video &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed UniFi Video! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to remove UniFi Video." abort fi fi remove_older_mongodb_repositories sleep 2 while read -r mongodb_package_purge; do check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging package ${mongodb_package_purge}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge "${mongodb_package_purge}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged ${mongodb_package_purge}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to purge ${mongodb_package_purge}... \\n" mongodb_package_purge_failed="true" fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -i "mongo" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "${mongodb_package_purge_failed}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} There was a failure during the purge process...\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Uninstalling MongoDB with different actions...\\n" while read -r mongodb_package_remove; do check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing package ${mongodb_package_remove}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq "${mongodb_package_remove}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${mongodb_package_remove}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove ${mongodb_package_remove}... \\n" fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -i "mongo" | awk '{print $2}') fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoremove..." if apt-get -y autoremove &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoremove! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoremove"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoclean..." if apt-get -y autoclean &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoclean! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoclean"; fi sleep 3 mongodb_unsupported_uninstall="true";; [Nn]*) cancel_script;; esac fi # Memory and Swap file. if [[ "${system_swap}" == "0" && "${script_option_skip_swap}" != 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' && "${is_cloudkey}" != 'true' && "${container_system}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red if [[ "${system_memory}" -lt "2" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} System memory is lower than recommended!"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Creating swap file.\\n" sleep 2 if [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -ge "10000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You have more than 10GB of free disk space!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are creating a 2GB swap file!\\n" dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=2048 count=1048576 &>/dev/null chmod 600 /swapfile &>/dev/null mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null swapon /swapfile &>/dev/null echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null elif [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -ge "5000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You have more than 5GB of free disk space." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are creating a 1GB swap file..\\n" dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576 &>/dev/null chmod 600 /swapfile &>/dev/null mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null swapon /swapfile &>/dev/null echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null elif [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -ge "4000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You have more than 4GB of free disk space." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are creating a 256MB swap file..\\n" dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=256 count=1048576 &>/dev/null chmod 600 /swapfile &>/dev/null mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null swapon /swapfile &>/dev/null echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null elif [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -lt "4000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your free disk space is extremely low!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There is not enough free disk space to create a swap file..\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} I highly recommend upgrading the system memory to atleast 2GB and expanding the disk space!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script will continue the script at your own risk..\\n" sleep 10 fi else header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} A swap file already exists!\\n\\n" sleep 2 fi if [[ -d /tmp/EUS/services ]]; then if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list ]]; then cat /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list &>> /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_services; fi find /tmp/EUS/services/ -type f -printf "%f\\n" | sed 's/ //g' | sed '/file_list/d' | sed '/stopped_services/d' &> /tmp/EUS/services/file_list while read -r file; do rm --force "/tmp/EUS/services/${file}" &> /dev/null done < /tmp/EUS/services/file_list rm --force /tmp/EUS/services/file_list &> /dev/null fi # Check if UniFi Network Application ports are in use. if netstat -tuln | grep -qE '(:8443|:8080|:8843|:8880|:6789)\s'; then unifi_ports_in_use="true"; fi check_free_ports() { local port="${1}" free_port="" for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)); do test_port="$((port + i))" netstat -tuln | grep -q ":${test_port} " || { free_port="${test_port}" break } done } change_default_unifi_ports() { unifi_ports=( "8843/tcp/portal.https.port/Hotspot Portal https redirection" "8880/tcp/portal.http.port/Hotspot Portal http redirection" "8443/tcp/unifi.https.port/Dashboard Management" "8080/tcp/unifi.http.port/Device Inform" "6789/tcp/unifi.stun.port/Mobile Speedtest" ) eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "services" "ports" for port in "${unifi_ports[@]}"; do port_clean="$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f1)" if netstat -tulpn | grep -q ":${port_clean}\\b"; then port_pid="$(netstat -tulpn | grep ":${port_clean}\\b" | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/[/].*//g' | head -n1)" port_service="$(head -n1 "/proc/${port_pid}/comm")" if [[ "$(find "/proc/${port_pid}/exe" -maxdepth 0 -printf '%u\n' 2>/dev/null)" != "unifi" ]]; then check_free_ports "${port_clean}" echo -e "${port_service}" &>> /tmp/EUS/services/list echo -e "${port_pid}" &>> /tmp/EUS/services/pid_list sed -i "s/^$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1)\.$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f2)\.port/#&/" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Changing the $(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4) to ${free_port}..." if echo -e "$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1).$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f2).port=${free_port}" >> /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/change-default-ports.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully changed the $(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4) to ${free_port}! \\n" echo -e "${port_clean}/${free_port}/$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4)" &>> "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to change the $(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4) port." fi fi fi done chown unifi:unifi /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Ask to keep script or delete # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### support_file_requests_opt_in() { if [[ "$(jq -r '.database["support-file-upload"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != 'true' ]]; then opt_in_requests="$(jq -r '.database["opt-in-requests"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((opt_in_requests=opt_in_requests+1)) if [[ "${opt_in_requests}" -ge '3' ]]; then opt_in_rotations="$(jq -r '.database["opt-in-rotations"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((opt_in_rotations=opt_in_rotations+1)) if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"opt-in-rotations": "'"${opt_in_rotations}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg opt_in_rotations "$opt_in_rotations" '.database = (.database + {"opt-in-rotations": $opt_in_rotations})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg opt_in_requests "0" '."database" += {"opt-in-requests": "'"${opt_in_requests}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg opt_in_requests "$opt_in_requests" '.database = (.database + {"opt-in-requests": $opt_in_requests})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move else if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"opt-in-requests": "'"${opt_in_requests}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg opt_in_requests "$opt_in_requests" '.database = (.database + {"opt-in-requests": $opt_in_requests})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi fi } support_file_upload_opt_in() { if [[ "$(jq -r '.database["support-file-upload"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != 'true' && "$(jq -r '.database["opt-in-requests"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == '0' ]]; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}---${RESET}\\n"; fi else if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then header; fi fi if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script generates support files when failures are detected, these can help Glenn R. to"; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} improve the script quality for the Community and resolve your issues in future versions of the script.\\n"; read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to automatically upload the support files? (Y/n) ' yes_no; fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") upload_support_files="true";; [Nn]*) upload_support_files="false";; esac if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"support-file-upload": "'"${upload_support_files}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg upload_support_files "$upload_support_files" '.database = (.database + {"support-file-upload": $upload_support_files})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi } support_file_upload_opt_in support_file_requests_opt_in script_removal() { header read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to keep the script on your system after completion? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") ;; [Nn]*) delete_script="true";; esac } if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then script_removal fi if [[ "$(jq '.database | has("mongodb-key-check-reset")' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == 'true' ]]; then jq 'del(.database."mongodb-key-check-reset")' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi # Expired MongoDB key check while read -r mongodb_repo_version; do # Update the MongoDB keys if there are multiple in 1 file. while read -r mongodb_repository_list; do if [[ "$(gpg "$(grep -iE "(signed-by=|Signed-By:|Signed-By )[[:space:]]*[^ ]*" "${mongodb_repository_list}" | sed -E 's/.*(signed-by=|Signed-By:|Signed-By )[[:space:]]*([^ ]*).*/\2/' | head -n 1)" 2>&1 | grep -c "^pub")" -gt "1" ]]; then if [[ "${mongodb_repo_version//./}" =~ (30|32|34|36|40|42|44|50|60|70) ]]; then mongodb_key_update="true" mongodb_version_major_minor="${mongodb_repo_version}" mongodb_org_v="${mongodb_repo_version//./}" add_mongodb_repo continue fi fi done < <(grep -sriIl "${mongodb_repo_version} main\\|${mongodb_repo_version} multiverse" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) # if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/mongodb-release?version=${mongodb_repo_version}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.updated' 2> /dev/null)" -ge "$(jq -r '.database["mongodb-key-last-check"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ]]; then if [[ "${expired_header}" != 'true' ]]; then if header; then expired_header="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" != 'true' ]]; then if echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for expired MongoDB repository keys..."; then expired_mongodb_check_message="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script detected that the repository key for MongoDB version ${mongodb_repo_version} has been updated by MongoDB... \\n"; fi if [[ "${mongodb_repo_version//./}" =~ (30|32|34|36|40|42|44|50|60|70) ]]; then mongodb_key_update="true" mongodb_version_major_minor="${mongodb_repo_version}" mongodb_org_v="${mongodb_repo_version//./}" add_mongodb_repo continue fi fi while read -r repo_file; do if ! grep -ioq "trusted=yes" "${repo_file}" && [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/mongodb-release?version=${mongodb_repo_version}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.expired' 2> /dev/null)" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${expired_header}" != 'true' ]]; then if header; then expired_header="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" != 'true' ]]; then if echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for expired MongoDB repository keys..."; then expired_mongodb_check_message="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${mongodb_repo_version//./}" =~ (30|32|34|36|40|42|44|50|60|70) ]]; then if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script will add a new repository entry for MongoDB version ${mongodb_repo_version}... \\n"; fi mongodb_key_update="true" mongodb_version_major_minor="${mongodb_repo_version}" mongodb_org_v="${mongodb_repo_version//./}" add_mongodb_repo else eus_create_directories "repository/archived" if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The repository for version ${mongodb_repo_version} will be moved to \"${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")\"..."; fi if mv "${repo_file}" "${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-archiving.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully moved the repository list to \"${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")\"! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to move the repository list to \"${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")\"... \\n"; fi mongodb_expired_archived="true" fi fi done < <(grep -sriIl "${mongodb_repo_version} main\\|${mongodb_repo_version} multiverse" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message_3}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' && "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' && "${mongodb_expired_archived}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The script didn't detect any expired MongoDB repository keys! \\n"; expired_mongodb_check_message_3="true"; sleep 3; fi; fi done < <(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep mongodb | grep -io "[0-9].[0-9]" | awk '!NF || !seen[$0]++') if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" == 'true' ]]; then run_apt_get_update; unset mongodb_key_update; sleep 3; fi # Update the MongoDB Check time in the EUS database. if [[ "$(jq -r '.database["mongodb-key-last-check"]' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == 'null' ]]; then mongodb_key_check_time="$(date +%s)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg mongodb_key_check_time "${mongodb_key_check_time}" '."database" += {"mongodb-key-last-check": "'"${mongodb_key_check_time}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg mongodb_key_check_time "$mongodb_key_check_time" '.database = (.database + {"mongodb-key-last-check": $mongodb_key_check_time})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move fi daemon_reexec() { if [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then if ! systemctl daemon-reexec &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/daemon-reexec.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to re-execute the systemctl daemon... \\n" sleep 3 fi fi } daemon_reexec ########################################################################################################################################################################## # # # Java Install functions # # # ########################################################################################################################################################################## adoptium_java() { if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|forky|lunar|impish|eoan|disco|cosmic|mantic) ]]; then if ! curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^$/d' -e '/\/\//d' -e '/function/d' -e '/location/d' -e '/}/d' -e 's/\///g' -e '/Name/d' -e '/Index/d' -e '/\.\./d' -e '/Artifactory/d' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "${os_codename}"; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie) ]]; then os_codename="wheezy" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (forky) ]]; then os_codename="bookworm" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (lunar|impish) ]]; then os_codename="jammy" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (eoan|disco|cosmic) ]]; then os_codename="focal" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (mantic) ]]; then os_codename="noble" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" fi fi fi if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^$/d' -e '/\/\//d' -e '/function/d' -e '/location/d' -e '/}/d' -e 's/\///g' -e '/Name/d' -e '/Index/d' -e '/\.\./d' -e '/Artifactory/d' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "${os_codename}"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the key for adoptium packages..." aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | packages.adoptium.net repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then adoptium_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" adoptium_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${adoptium_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${adoptium_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for adoptium packages! \\n"; signed_by_value_adoptium="signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg"; deb822_signed_by_value="\nSigned-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for adoptium packages."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for adoptium packages." abort fi else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | packages.adoptium.net repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then adoptium_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" adoptium_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${adoptium_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${adoptium_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for adoptium packages! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for adoptium packages."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for adoptium packages." abort fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the adoptium packages repository..." if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then # DEB822 format adoptium_repo_entry="Types: deb\nURIs: ${http_or_https}://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb\nSuites: ${os_codename}\nComponents: main${deb822_signed_by_value}" else # Traditional format adoptium_repo_entry="deb [ ${signed_by_value_adoptium} ] ${http_or_https}://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb ${os_codename} main" fi if echo -e "${adoptium_repo_entry}" &> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-packages-adoptium.${source_file_format}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the adoptium packages repository!\\n" && sleep 2 else abort_reason="Failed to add the adoptium packages repository." abort fi check_default_repositories if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch) ]]; then repo_codename="buster" repo_component="main" get_repo_url add_repositories get_distro fi repo_component="main" get_repo_url add_repositories run_apt_get_update else { echo "# Could not find \"${os_codename}\" on https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/"; echo "# List of what was found:"; curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^$/d' -e '/\/\//d' -e '/function/d' -e '/location/d' -e '/}/d' -e 's/\///g' -e '/Name/d' -e '/Index/d' -e '/\.\./d' -e '/Artifactory/d' | awk '{print $1}'; } &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/adoptium.log" fi if [[ "${adoptium_adjusted_os_codename}" == 'true' ]]; then get_distro; fi } openjdk_java() { if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then repo_url="http://ppa.launchpad.net/openjdk-r/ppa/ubuntu" repo_component="main" repo_key="EB9B1D8886F44E2A" repo_key_name="openjdk-ppa" else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main universe" fi add_repositories elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then get_repo_url_security_url="true" get_repo_url repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main universe" else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" repo_codename_argument="-security" repo_component="main universe" fi add_repositories repo_component="main" add_repositories elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${openjdk_variable} ${required_java_version}-jre-headless..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -t jessie-backports "${required_java_version}-jre-headless" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" || [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to ${openjdk_variable_3} ${required_java_version}-jre-headless in the first run...\\n" if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep -P -c "^deb http[s]*://archive.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main")" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "deb http://archive.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list || abort locate_http_proxy if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${http_proxy}" --recv-keys 8B48AD6246925553 7638D0442B90D010 || abort elif [[ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ]]; then apt_http_proxy="$(grep "http.*Proxy" /etc/apt/apt.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[";]//g')" if [[ -n "${apt_http_proxy}" ]]; then apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${apt_http_proxy}" --recv-keys 8B48AD6246925553 7638D0442B90D010 || abort fi else apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 8B48AD6246925553 7638D0442B90D010 || abort fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get update..." required_package="${required_java_version}-jre-headless" if apt-get update -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until="false" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get update! \\n"; else abort_reason="Failed to ran apt-get update."; abort; fi echo -e "\\n------- ${required_package} installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -t jessie-backports "${required_java_version}-jre-headless" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${required_package}! \\n" && sleep 2; else abort_reason="Failed to install ${required_package}."; abort; fi sed -i '/jessie-backports/d' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list unset required_package fi fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${required_java_version}" == "openjdk-8" ]]; then repo_codename="stretch" repo_component="main" get_repo_url add_repositories elif [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-11|openjdk-17) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-11) ]]; then repo_codename="bullseye"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bookworm|trixie|forky) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-11) ]]; then repo_codename="unstable"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (trixie|forky) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-17) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-17) ]]; then repo_codename="bullseye"; fi repo_component="main" get_repo_url add_repositories fi fi } unifi_dependencies_check() { if [[ "${required_java_version}" == "openjdk-8" ]]; then unifi_dependencies_list=( "binutils" "ca-certificates-java" "java-common" "jsvc" "libcommons-daemon-java" ) else unifi_dependencies_list=( "binutils" "ca-certificates-java" "java-common" ) fi for unifi_dependency in "${unifi_dependencies_list[@]}"; do if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l "${unifi_dependency}" 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${unifi_dependencies_mesasge}" != 'true' ]]; then header; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preparing installation of the UniFi Network Application dependencies...\\n"; sleep 2; unifi_dependencies_mesasge="true"; fi echo -e "\\n------- UniFi Dependecy \"${unifi_dependency}\" installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" if ! apt-cache search --names-only ^"${unifi_dependency}" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -ioq "${unifi_dependency}"; then get_repo_url if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular) ]]; then repo_component="main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" fi add_repositories fi required_package="${unifi_dependency}" apt_get_install_package fi done } available_java_packages_check() { if apt-cache search --names-only ^"openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless" | grep -ioq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless"; then openjdk_available="true"; else unset openjdk_available; fi if apt-cache search --names-only ^"temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then temurin_available="true"; else unset temurin_available; fi } update_ca_certificates() { if [[ "${update_ca_certificates_ran}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Updating the ca-certificates..." rm /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts 2> /dev/null if update-ca-certificates -f &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully updated the ca-certificates\\n" && sleep 3 if [[ -e "/usr/bin/printf" ]]; then /usr/bin/printf '\xfe\xed\xfe\xed\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe2\x68\x6e\x45\xfb\x43\xdf\xa4\xd9\x92\xdd\x41\xce\xb6\xb2\x1c\x63\x30\xd7\x92' > /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts; fi if [[ -e "/var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst" ]]; then /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure &> /dev/null; fi update_ca_certificates_ran="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to update the ca-certificates...\\n" && sleep 3 fi fi } java_home_check() { if [[ -z "${required_java_version_short}" ]]; then java_required_variables; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}"; then java_readlink="$(readlink -f "$( command -v java )" | sed "s:/bin/.*$::")" if ! echo "${java_readlink}" | grep -ioq "${required_java_version_short}"; then java_readlink="$(update-java-alternatives --list | grep "${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $3}' | head -n1)"; fi java_home_location="JAVA_HOME=${java_readlink}" current_java_home="$(grep -si "^JAVA_HOME" /etc/default/unifi)" if [[ -n "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ "${current_java_home}" != "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/default/unifi" ]]; then sed -i '/JAVA_HOME/d' /etc/default/unifi; fi echo "${java_home_location}" >> /etc/default/unifi fi fi current_java_home="$(grep -si "^JAVA_HOME" /etc/environment)" if [[ -n "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ "${current_java_home}" != "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/default/unifi" ]]; then sed -i 's/^JAVA_HOME/#JAVA_HOME/' /etc/environment; fi echo "${java_home_location}" >> /etc/environment # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/environment fi fi fi } java_cleanup_not_required_versions() { java_required_variables if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}"; then required_java_version_installed="true" fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -i "openjdk-.*-\\|oracle-java.*\\|temurin-.*-" | grep -vq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|oracle-java${required_java_version_short}\\|openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}"; then unsupported_java_version_installed="true" fi if [[ "${required_java_version_installed}" == 'true' && "${unsupported_java_version_installed}" == 'true' && "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Unsupported JAVA version(s) are detected, do you want to uninstall them?" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} This may remove packages that depend on these java versions." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to proceed with uninstalling the unsupported JAVA version(s)? (y/N) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*) header while read -r java_package; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing ${java_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' remove "${java_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/java-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${java_package}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${java_package}... \\n" fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -i "openjdk-.*-\\|oracle-java.*\\|temurin-.*-" | grep -v "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|oracle-java${required_java_version_short}\\|openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/:.*//') sleep 3;; [Nn]*|"") ;; esac fi } java_configure_default() { if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}"; then update_java_alternatives="$(update-java-alternatives --list | grep "^java-1.${required_java_version_short}.*openjdk\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)" if [[ -n "${update_java_alternatives}" ]]; then update-java-alternatives --set "${update_java_alternatives}" &> /dev/null fi update_alternatives="$(update-alternatives --list java | grep "java-${required_java_version_short}-openjdk\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)" if [[ -n "${update_alternatives}" ]]; then update-alternatives --set java "${update_alternatives}" &> /dev/null fi header update_ca_certificates fi } java_install_check() { java_required_variables if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-8"; then openjdk_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep "openjdk-8" | awk '{print $3}' | grep "^8u" | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/8u//g' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)" if [[ "${openjdk_version}" -lt '131' && "${required_java_version}" == "openjdk-8" ]]; then old_openjdk_version="true"; fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then if apt-cache search --names-only "^temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then temurin_jdk_to_jre="true" fi fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" || [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${temurin_jdk_to_jre}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} OpenJDK ${required_java_version_short} is to old...\\n" && sleep 2 openjdk_variable="Updating"; openjdk_variable_3="Update" else header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Preparing OpenJDK/Temurin ${required_java_version_short} installation...\\n" && sleep 2 openjdk_variable="Installing"; openjdk_variable_3="Install" fi openjdk_java if [[ "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' ]]; then adoptium_java; fi run_apt_get_update available_java_packages_check java_install_attempts="$(apt-cache search --names-only ^"openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | awk '{print $1}' | wc -l)" until [[ "${java_install_attempts}" == "0" ]]; do if [[ "${openjdk_available}" == "true" && "${openjdk_attempted}" != 'true' ]]; then required_package="openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless"; apt_get_install_package; openjdk_attempted="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless"; then break; fi fi if [[ "${temurin_available}" == "true" ]]; then if apt-cache search --names-only ^"temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" && [[ "${temurin_jre_attempted}" != 'true' ]]; then required_package="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; apt_get_install_package; temurin_jre_attempted="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then break; fi elif apt-cache search --names-only ^"temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" && [[ "${temurin_jdk_attempted}" != 'true' ]]; then required_package="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; apt_get_install_package; temurin_jdk_attempted="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then break; fi fi fi ((java_install_attempts=java_install_attempts-1)) done if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then abort_reason="Failed to install the required java version."; abort; fi unset java_install_attempts if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" && "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg6::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' remove "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/temurin-jdk-remove.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk... \\n" fi fi else header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Preparing OpenJDK/Temurin ${required_java_version_short} installation..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} OpenJDK/Temurin ${required_java_version_short} is already installed! \\n" fi sleep 3 java_configure_default java_home_check } ########################################################################################################################################################################## # # # UniFi deb Package modification # # # ########################################################################################################################################################################## unifi_deb_package_modification() { if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then temurin_type="jdk" custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then temurin_type="jre" if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -lt '8' ]]; then custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true" elif [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -ge '8' ]]; then custom_unifi_deb_file_required="false" fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -qi "${required_java_version}" | grep -v "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then non_default_java_package="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -i "${required_java_version}" | grep -v "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | awk '{print $2}' | head -n1)" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -ioq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" && [[ -z "${non_default_java_package}" ]]; then custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true"; fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -iq "${gr_mongod_name}"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package="${gr_mongod_name}" custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true" prevent_mongodb_org_server_install fi if [[ "${custom_unifi_deb_file_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?status" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.availability' 2> /dev/null)" == "OK" ]]; then download_pre_build_deb_available="true"; fi if [[ -n "${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" && -n "${temurin_type}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type} and ${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" if [[ "${download_pre_build_deb_available}" == 'true' ]]; then pre_build_fw_update_dl_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?mongodb=${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}&java=temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}&unifi-version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" pre_build_fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?mongodb=${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}&java=temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}&unifi-version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '.sha256sum' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi elif [[ -n "${temurin_type}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}" if [[ "${download_pre_build_deb_available}" == 'true' ]]; then pre_build_fw_update_dl_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?java=temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}&unifi-version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" pre_build_fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?java=temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}&unifi-version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '.sha256sum' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi elif [[ -n "${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" if [[ "${download_pre_build_deb_available}" == 'true' ]]; then pre_build_fw_update_dl_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?mongodb=${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}&unifi-version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" pre_build_fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/locate-network-release?mongodb=${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}&unifi-version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '.sha256sum' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi elif [[ -n "${non_default_java_package}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="${non_default_java_package}" fi if [[ -n "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link}" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" if [[ -z "${gr_unifi_temp}" ]]; then gr_unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads "${unifi_deb_file_name}_${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}"_XXXXX.deb)"; fi echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link} to ${gr_unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading UniFi Network Application version ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi} built for ${unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1}..." if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$gr_unifi_temp" "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if command -v sha256sum &> /dev/null; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$gr_unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" == "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum}" ]]; then pre_build_download_failure="false" else if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$gr_unifi_temp" "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$gr_unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" == "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum}" ]]; then pre_build_download_failure="false" fi fi fi elif command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${gr_unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$gr_unifi_temp" "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${gr_unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log" pre_build_download_failure="false" fi fi fi fi fi fi if [[ "${pre_build_download_failure}" != 'false' ]] || [[ -z "${pre_build_fw_update_dl_link}" ]]; then if [[ "${pre_build_download_failure}" != 'false' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to download UniFi Network Application version ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi} built for ${unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1}! \\n${RED}#${RESET} The script will attempt to built it locally... \\n"; fi eus_temp_dir="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir="${eus_dir}" unifi.deb.XXX)" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} This setup is using ${unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1}... Editing the UniFi Network Application dependencies..." echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log" if dpkg-deb -x "${unifi_temp}" "${eus_temp_dir}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then if dpkg-deb --control "${unifi_temp}" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then if [[ -e "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" ]]; then current_state_unifi_deb="$(stat -c "%y" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control")" if [[ -n "${temurin_type}" ]]; then if sed -i "s/openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless/temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}/g" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${non_default_java_package}" ]]; then if sed -i "s/openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless/${non_default_java_package}/g" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" ]]; then if sed -i "s/mongodb-org-server/${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}/g" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully edited the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file! \\n" if [[ "${current_state_unifi_deb}" != "$(stat -c "%y" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control")" ]]; then unifi_new_deb="$(basename "${unifi_temp}" .deb).new.deb" cat "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Building a new UniFi Network Application deb file... This may take a while..." if "$(which dpkg)" -b "${eus_temp_dir}" "${unifi_new_deb}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_temp="${unifi_new_deb}" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully built a new UniFi Network Application deb file! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to build a new UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to detect the required files to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to unpack the current UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi rm -rf "${eus_temp_dir}" &> /dev/null else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded UniFi Network Application version ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi} built for ${unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1}! \\n" unifi_temp="${gr_unifi_temp}" fi fi } ########################################################################################################################################################################## # # # UniFi Ignore Dependencies # # # ########################################################################################################################################################################## ignore_unifi_package_dependencies() { if [[ -f "/tmp/EUS/ignore-depends" ]]; then rm --force /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends &> /dev/null; fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64"; then echo -e "mongodb-server" &>> /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64"; then ignore_unifi_package_dependencies_mongodb_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://' | sed -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/\.//g')" unset minimum_required_mongodb_version minimum_required_mongodb_version_check if [[ "${ignore_unifi_package_dependencies_mongodb_version::2}" -gt "${unifi_mongo_version_max}" ]]; then echo -e "mongodb-server" &>> /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends fi if [[ -n "${minimum_required_mongodb_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${ignore_unifi_package_dependencies_mongodb_version::2}" -lt "${minimum_required_mongodb_version}" ]]; then echo -e "mongodb-server" &>> /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends fi fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi" | grep -iq "${required_java_version}-jre-headless"; then echo -e "${required_java_version}-jre-headless" &>> /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends && -s /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a ignored_depends <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ',' < /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends | sed 's/.$//')"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends &> /dev/null; dpkg_ignore_depends_flag="--ignore-depends=${ignored_depends[*]}"; fi } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Installation Script starts here # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### mongodb_upgrade_check() { while read -r mongodb_upgrade_check_package; do mongodb_upgrade_check_from_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show "${mongodb_upgrade_check_package}" | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/\.//g')" mongodb_upgrade_check_to_version="$(apt-cache madison "${mongodb_upgrade_check_package}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $3}' | sort -V | tail -n 1 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/\.//g')" if [[ "${mongodb_upgrade_check_to_version::2}" -gt "${mongodb_upgrade_check_from_version::2}" ]]; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preventing ${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} from upgrading..." if echo "${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} from upgrading! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to prevent ${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} from upgrading...\\n" if [[ "${mongodb_upgrade_check_remove_old_mongo_repo}" != 'true' ]]; then remove_older_mongodb_repositories; mongodb_upgrade_check_remove_old_mongo_repo="true"; run_apt_get_update; fi fi fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | awk '{print $1,$2}' | awk '/ii.*mongo/ {print $2}' | sed 's/:.*//') } system_upgrade() { if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list && -s /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list ]]; then while read -r package; do check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- updating ${package} ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" echo -ne "\\r${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Updating package ${package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' --only-upgrade install "${package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/install.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully updated package ${package}!"; fi elif tail -n1 /usr/lib/EUS/logs/upgrade.log | grep -ioq "Packages were downgraded and -y was used without --allow-downgrades" "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log"; then check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' --only-upgrade --allow-downgrades install "${package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/install.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully updated package ${package}!" continue else echo -e "\\r${RED}#${RESET} Something went wrong during the update of package ${package}... \\n${RED}#${RESET} The script will continue with an apt-get upgrade...\\n" break fi fi echo -e "\\r${RED}#${RESET} Something went wrong during the update of package ${package}... \\n${RED}#${RESET} The script will continue with an apt-get upgrade...\\n" break fi done < /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list echo "" fi if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then check_package_cache_file_corruption; check_extended_states_corruption; https_died_unexpectedly_check; check_time_date_for_repositories; cleanup_malformed_repositories; cleanup_duplicated_repositories; cleanup_unavailable_repositories; cleanup_conflicting_repositories; if [[ "${repository_changes_applied}" == 'true' ]]; then unset repository_changes_applied; run_apt_get_update; fi; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- apt-get upgrade ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get upgrade..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' upgrade 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/upgrade.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get upgrade! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get upgrade... \\n"; fi; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- apt-get dist-upgrade ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get dist-upgrade..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' dist-upgrade 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/dist-upgrade.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get dist-upgrade! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get dist-upgrade... \\n"; fi; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoremove..." if apt-get -y autoremove &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoremove! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoremove"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoclean..." if apt-get -y autoclean &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoclean! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoclean"; fi sleep 3 daemon_reexec } cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if your system is up-to-date...\\n" && sleep 1 run_apt_get_update mongodb_upgrade_check echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The package(s) below can be upgraded!" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" rm --force /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list &> /dev/null { apt-get --just-print upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "$1 ( \e[1;34m$2\e[0m -> \e[1;32m$3\e[0m )\n"}';} | while read -r line; do echo -en "${WHITE_R}-${RESET} ${line}\\n"; echo -en "${line}\\n" | awk '{print $1}' &>> /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list; done; if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list ]]; then number_of_updates=$(wc -l < /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list); else number_of_updates='0'; fi if [[ "${number_of_updates}" == '0' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There are no packages that need an upgrade..."; fi echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to proceed with updating your system? (Y/n) ' yes_no else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Performing the updates!" fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; system_upgrade; check_mongodb_installed;; [Nn]*) ;; esac check_dpkg_lock while read -r mongo_package; do echo "${mongo_package} install" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections &> /dev/null done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | awk '{print $1,$2}' | awk '/ii.*mongo/ {print $2}' | sed 's/:.*//') rm --force /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list &> /dev/null mongo_last_attempt() { unset mongo_last_attempt_install_success unset mongo_last_attempt_install_failed_message unset mongo_last_attempt_download_success_message echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Trying to install ${mongo_last_attempt_name}..." if [[ "${manually_setmongo_last_attempt_version}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${ignore_mongo_last_attempt_version}" == 'true' ]]; then mongo_last_attempt_version="" else mongo_last_attempt_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server" | grep -i "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/+.*//g' | sort -V | tail -n 1 | cut -d'.' -f1,2)" fi fi if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_type}" == 'tools' ]]; then repo_archive_array=( "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mongo-tools/" "http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/m/mongo-tools/" "${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mongo-tools/" "${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mongo-tools/" ) mongo_last_attempt_name="mongo-tools" elif [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_type}" == 'clients' ]]; then repo_archive_array=( "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mongodb/" "http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/m/mongodb/" "${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mongodb/" "${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mongodb/" ) mongo_last_attempt_name="mongodb-clients" elif [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_type}" == 'server' ]]; then repo_archive_array=( "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mongodb/" "http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/m/mongodb/" "${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mongodb/" "${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mongodb/" ) mongo_last_attempt_name="mongodb-server" fi for repo_archive in "${repo_archive_array[@]}"; do while read -r mongo_last_attempt_package; do mongo_last_attempt_package_empty="false" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading ${mongo_last_attempt_name}..." if ! mongo_last_attempt_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp mongo_last_attempt_XXXXX.deb)"; then abort_reason="Failed to create temporarily MongoDB download file."; abort; fi echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${repo_archive}${mongo_last_attempt_package} to ${mongo_last_attempt_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-required.log" if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$mongo_last_attempt_temp" "${repo_archive}${mongo_last_attempt_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-required.log"; then if command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${mongo_last_attempt_temp}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${repo_archive}${mongo_last_attempt_package} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-required.log"; continue; fi; fi if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_download_success_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded ${mongo_last_attempt_name}! \\n"; mongo_last_attempt_download_success_message="true"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing ${mongo_last_attempt_name}..." check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "$mongo_last_attempt_temp" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-required.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${mongo_last_attempt_name}! \\n" mongo_last_attempt_install_success="true" break else if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" -i "$mongo_last_attempt_temp" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-required.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${mongo_last_attempt_name}! \\n" mongo_last_attempt_install_success="true" break fi if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_failed_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install ${mongo_last_attempt_name}... trying some different versions... \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to install different versions... \\n" mongo_last_attempt_install_failed_message="true" fi rm --force "$mongo_last_attempt_temp" &> /dev/null fi else abort_reason="Failed to download ${mongo_last_attempt_name}." abort fi done < <(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${repo_archive}" | grep -io "${mongo_last_attempt_name}.*${mongo_last_attempt_version}.*${architecture}.deb" | cut -d'"' -f1) if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_package_empty}" != 'false' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to locate any MongoDB packages for version ${mongo_last_attempt_version}...\\n" curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "${repo_archive}" &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb.html if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json" ]] || ! jq empty "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json"; then mongodb_json_time="$(date +%F-%R)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq -n \ --argjson "MongoDB Last Attempt Failures" "$( jq -n \ --argjson "${mongodb_json_time}" "{ \"version\" : \"$mongo_last_attempt_version\", \"Repository URL\" : \"$repo_archive\", \"Architecture\" : \"$architecture\", \"Package\" : \"$mongo_last_attempt_package\", \"Curl Results\" : \"\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' &> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json" else jq -n \ --arg mongo_last_attempt_version "${mongo_last_attempt_version}" \ --arg repo_archive "${repo_archive}" \ --arg architecture "${architecture}" \ --arg mongo_last_attempt_package "${mongo_last_attempt_package}" \ '{ "MongoDB Last Attempt Failures": { "version": $mongo_last_attempt_version, "Repository URL": $repo_archive, "Architecture": $architecture, "Package": $mongo_last_attempt_package, "Curl Results": "" } }' &> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json" fi if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg mongodb_json_time "${mongodb_json_time}" --arg mongodb_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg mongodb_json_time "$mongodb_json_time" --arg mongodb_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.log"; eus_database_move else if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq --arg mongo_last_attempt_version "${mongo_last_attempt_version}" --arg repo_archive "${repo_archive}" --arg architecture "${architecture}" --arg mongo_last_attempt_package "${mongo_last_attempt_package}" --arg mongodb_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg mongo_last_attempt_version "$mongo_last_attempt_version" --arg repo_archive "$repo_archive" --arg architecture "$architecture" --arg mongo_last_attempt_package "$mongo_last_attempt_package" --arg mongodb_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-last-attempt-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.log"; eus_database_move fi fi if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" == 'true' ]]; then break; fi rm --force "$mongo_last_attempt_temp" 2> /dev/null rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb.html &> /dev/null done if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install ${mongo_last_attempt_name}...\\n" if [[ "${ignore_mongo_last_attempt_version}" != 'true' ]]; then ignore_mongo_last_attempt_version="true" echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Attempting one last try without a version requirement... \\n" mongo_last_attempt unset ignore_mongo_last_attempt_version fi fi } mongodb_installation() { if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '.scripts["'"$script_name"'"].tasks += {"mongodb-install ('"$(date +%s)"')": [.scripts["'"$script_name"'"].tasks["mongodb-install ('"$(date +%s)"')"][0] + {"add-mongodb-repo":"'"${mongodb_add_repo_variables_true_statements[*]}"'","Glenn R. MongoDB":"'"${glennr_compiled_mongod}"'"}]}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg date_key "$(date +%s)" --arg add_mongodb_repo "${mongodb_add_repo_variables_true_statements[*]}" --arg glennr_compiled_mongod "$glennr_compiled_mongod" '.scripts[$script_name].tasks = (.scripts[$script_name].tasks + {("mongodb-install (" + $date_key + ")"): ((.scripts[$script_name].tasks["mongodb-install (" + $date_key + ")"] // []) + [{"add-mongodb-repo": $add_mongodb_repo, "Glenn R. MongoDB": $glennr_compiled_mongod}] )})' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move unset mongodb_key_update if [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then get_distro check_default_repositories if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -type f \( -name "*.sources" -o -name "*.list" \) -exec grep -lE 'raspbian.|raspberrypi.' {} + | wc -l)" -ge "1" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" use_raspberrypi_repo="true" get_repo_url repo_component="main" add_repositories run_apt_get_update fi fi list_of_glennr_mongod_dependencies="$(apt-cache depends "${gr_mongod_name}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -i depends | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed -e 's/|//g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's///g' -e 's/depends://g' | sort -V | awk '!/^gcc/ || !f++')" glennr_mongod_dependency_version="$(echo "${list_of_glennr_mongod_dependencies}" | grep -Eio "gcc-[0-9]{1,2}-base" | sed -e 's/gcc-//g' -e 's/-base//g')" while read -r glennr_mongod_dependency; do if [[ "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" =~ (libssl1.0.0|libssl1.1|libssl3) ]]; then mongodb_package_libssl="${gr_mongod_name}" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongod_version}" libssl_installation_check continue fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11 "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then glennr_mongod_dependency_version_current="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $1}')" else glennr_mongod_dependency_version_current="0" fi if [[ "${glennr_mongod_dependency_version_current}" -lt "${glennr_mongod_dependency_version}" ]]; then if ! apt-cache policy "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed '1,/version table/d' | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/100//g' -e '/http/d' -e '/var/d' -e 's/*//g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -iq "^${glennr_mongod_dependency_version}"; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then repo_codename="jammy" repo_component="main" get_repo_url add_repositories repo_codename="jammy" repo_component="universe" get_repo_url elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" repo_component="main" get_repo_url elif [[ "${os_id}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then repo_component="main" add_repositories repo_component="universe" else repo_component="main" fi add_repositories if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then repo_codename="jammy" get_repo_url repo_component="universe" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" get_repo_url repo_component="main" add_repositories repo_component="contrib" elif [[ "${os_id}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then repo_component="main" add_repositories repo_component="universe" else repo_component="main" fi add_repositories run_apt_get_update fi glennr_mongod_dependency_install_version="$(apt-cache policy "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed '1,/version table/d' | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/100//g' -e '/http/d' -e '/var/d' -e 's/*//g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -i "^${glennr_mongod_dependency_version}" | head -n1)" if [[ -z "${glennr_mongod_dependency_install_version}" ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to locate required version for ${glennr_mongod_dependency}...\\n" fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing ${glennr_mongod_dependency}..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${glennr_mongod_dependency}"="${glennr_mongod_dependency_install_version}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/${gr_mongod_name}-dependencies.log"; then if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/${gr_mongod_name}-dependencies.log"; then check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${glennr_mongod_dependency}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/${gr_mongod_name}-dependencies.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to install ${glennr_mongod_dependency}." abort else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${glennr_mongod_dependency}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi get_apt_options else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${glennr_mongod_dependency}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${glennr_mongod_dependency}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi done < <(echo "${list_of_glennr_mongod_dependencies}") mongodb_installation_server_package="${gr_mongod_name}${install_mongod_version_with_equality_sign}" else mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check mongodb_installation_server_package="mongodb-org-server${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongo-tools 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging package mongo-tools..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge "mongo-tools" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged mongo-tools! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to purge mongo-tools...\\n" if [[ -e "/var/lib/dpkg/info/mongo-tools.prerm" ]]; then eus_create_directories "dpkg"; mv "/var/lib/dpkg/info/mongo-tools.prerm" "${eus_dir}/dpkg/mongo-tools.prerm-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M_%s)"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying another method to get rid of mongo-tools..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq "mongo-tools" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed mongo-tools! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to force remove mongo-tools...\\n" abort_function_skip_reason="true"; abort_reason="Failed to purge mongo-tools."; abort fi fi fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3}! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3}...\\n" try_different_mongodb_repo="true" add_mongodb_repo mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the second run..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the second run! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the second run...\\n" try_different_mongodb_repo="true" try_http_mongodb_repo="true" add_mongodb_repo mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the third run..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the third run! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the fourth run! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the fourth run." abort fi get_apt_options fi fi fi if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" && "${mongodb_version_major_minor}" == "4.4" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep mongodb-org | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | awk '{print $2}' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list check_dpkg_lock while read -r mongodb_package; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preventing ${mongodb_package} from upgrading..." if echo "${mongodb_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${mongodb_package} from upgrading! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to prevent ${mongodb_package} from upgrading." abort fi done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list rm /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list fi } mongodb_installation_armhf() { aptkey_depreciated if [[ -z "${raspbian_repo_url}" ]]; then raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian"; fi if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | archive.raspbian.org repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${raspbian_repo_url}.public.key" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then raspbian_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" raspbian_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${raspbian_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${raspbian_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the raspbian repository! \\n"; signed_by_value_raspbian="[ signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg ]" repository_key_location="/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg"; check_repository_key_permissions else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the raspbian repository."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for the raspbian repository." abort fi else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | archive.raspbian.org repository key.\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "${raspbian_repo_url}.public.key" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then raspbian_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" raspbian_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${raspbian_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${raspbian_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the raspbian repository! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the raspbian repository."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for the raspbian repository." abort fi fi if [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr_armhf.list" ]]; then rm --force "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr_armhf.list"; fi echo "deb ${signed_by_value_raspbian}${raspbian_repo_url} ${os_codename} main contrib non-free rpi" &> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list run_apt_get_update check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients in the first run... \\n${RED}#${RESET} Trying to save the installation...\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running \"apt-get install -f\"..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -f &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran \"apt-get install -f\"! \\n" check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients again..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" else check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients... Consider switching to a 64-bit platform and re-run the scripts." abort fi get_apt_options fi else abort_reason="Failed to run apt-get install -f."; abort fi fi sleep 3 } mongodb_server_clients_installation() { check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing mongodb-server and mongodb-clients..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "mongodb-server${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" "mongodb-clients${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|tara|tessa|tina|tricia) ]]; then repo_component="main universe" repo_codename="xenial" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_component="main" repo_codename="stretch" fi get_repo_url add_repositories run_apt_get_update check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients for the second time..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "mongodb-server${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" "mongodb-clients${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients in the second run... \\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to save the installation...\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get install -f..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -f &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran \"apt-get install -f\"! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run \"apt-get install -f\"...\\n" fi check_dpkg_lock check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients again..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "mongodb-server${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" "mongodb-clients${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "armhf" ]]; then mongo_last_attempt_type="server" mongo_last_attempt if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then mongodb_installation_armhf else mongo_last_attempt_type="clients" mongo_last_attempt if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then mongodb_installation_armhf fi fi else mongo_last_attempt_type="server" mongo_last_attempt if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients... Consider switching to a 64-bit platform and re-run the scripts." abort else mongo_last_attempt_type="clients" mongo_last_attempt if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients... Consider switching to a 64-bit platform and re-run the scripts." abort fi fi fi fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" fi fi } check_mongodb_installed header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preparing for MongoDB installation..." sleep 2 if [[ "${mongodb_installed}" != 'true' ]]; then echo "" remove_older_mongodb_repositories if [[ "${broken_unifi_install}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -z "${previous_mongodb_version}" && "${mongodb_unsupported_uninstall}" != 'true' ]]; then previous_mongodb_version="$(grep -sEio "db version v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}|buildInfo\":{\"version\":\"[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}\"" /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/db version v//g' -e 's/buildInfo":{"version":"//g' -e 's/"//g' | sed 's/\.//g')"; fi if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then unset add_mongodb_30_repo unset add_mongodb_32_repo unset add_mongodb_34_repo unset add_mongodb_36_repo unset add_mongodb_40_repo unset add_mongodb_42_repo unset add_mongodb_44_repo unset add_mongodb_50_repo unset add_mongodb_60_repo unset add_mongodb_70_repo unset install_mongodb_version unset install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign unset mongo_version_locked unset glennr_compiled_mongod unset unsupported_database_version_change if [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '26' ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" apt-cache policy mongodb-server &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/apt-cache-policy-mongodb-server mongodb_server_installable_versions="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-server | grep -i "2.6\\|3.0" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/1://g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1 | sed -e 's/\.//g' | uniq)" if [[ -z "${mongodb_server_installable_versions}" ]]; then mongodb_server_installable_versions="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-server | grep -i "2.6\\|3.0" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/^[0-9]*://' | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq | sed -e 's/\.//g')"; fi IFS=' ' read -r -a version_array <<< "$mongodb_server_installable_versions" for version in "${version_array[@]}"; do if [[ "${version::2}" =~ (26|30) ]]; then broken_unifi_install_mongodb_server_clients="true" mongodb_server_installable_major_minor_version="${version:0:1}.${version:1:1}" mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-server | grep -i "${mongodb_server_installable_major_minor_version}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/^[0-9]*://' | cut -d'-' -f1 | uniq)" if [[ -n "${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}" ]]; then mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version="=${mongodb_server_clients_installation_recovery_version}"; fi mongodb_server_clients_installation break fi done if [[ -z "${mongodb_server_installable_versions}" ]]; then add_mongodb_30_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="30" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.0" fi elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == "30" ]]; then add_mongodb_30_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="30" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == "32" ]]; then add_mongodb_32_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="32" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.2" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '34' ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="34" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.4" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '36' ]]; then add_mongodb_36_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="36" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.6" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '40' ]]; then add_mongodb_40_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" mongo_version_max="40" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '42' ]]; then add_mongodb_42_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" mongo_version_max="42" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.2" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '44' ]]; then add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then mongo_version_locked="4.4.18"; fi elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '50' ]]; then add_mongodb_50_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="5.1" mongo_version_max="50" mongo_version_max_with_dot="5.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '60' ]]; then add_mongodb_60_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="6.1" mongo_version_max="60" mongo_version_max_with_dot="6.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '70' ]]; then add_mongodb_70_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="7.1" mongo_version_max="70" mongo_version_max_with_dot="7.0" if [[ "${broken_glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then add_mongod_70_repo="true" glennr_compiled_mongod="true" elif ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then add_mongod_70_repo="true" glennr_compiled_mongod="true" fi fi mongodb_avx_support_check fi fi # if [[ "${broken_unifi_install_mongodb_server_clients}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|oracular|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|tara|tessa|tina|tricia) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya) && "${broken_unifi_install}" != 'true' ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true"; fi add_mongodb_repo mongodb_installation elif [[ ! "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then mongodb_server_clients_installation fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (wheezy|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then add_mongodb_repo mongodb_installation elif [[ ! "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then mongodb_server_clients_installation fi else header_red echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} The script is unable to grab your OS ( or does not support it )" echo "${architecture}" echo "${os_codename}" fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} MongoDB is already installed! \\n" fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} MongoDB is already installed! \\n" if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongodb_org_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-org-server | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" mongodb_org_version_no_dots="${mongodb_org_version//./}" if [[ "${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" -ge '44' && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-org-server | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' | awk -F. '{print $3}')" -ge "19" ]]; then if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then unsupported_database_version_change="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" != "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != "$((${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2} - 2))" ]]; then unsupported_database_version_change="true"; fi; fi elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongodb_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-server | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" mongodb_version_no_dots="${mongodb_version//./}" if [[ "${mongodb_version_no_dots::2}" -ge '44' && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-server | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' | awk -F. '{print $3}')" -ge "19" ]]; then if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then unsupported_database_version_change="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${mongodb_version_no_dots::2}" != "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != "$((${mongodb_version_no_dots::2} - 2))" ]]; then unsupported_database_version_change="true"; fi; fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' && "${mongodb_version_installed_no_dots::2}" == "70" && "${unsupported_database_version_change}" != 'true' ]]; then rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb/arm64_mongodb_purge_list &> /dev/null if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then echo "mongodb-org" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/arm64_mongodb_purge_list; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-database 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then echo "mongodb-org" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/arm64_mongodb_purge_list; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then echo "mongodb-org" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/arm64_mongodb_purge_list; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging mongodb-org-server..." echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/arm64-purge-mongodb.log" while read -r arm64_mongodb_package; do check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge "${arm64_mongodb_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/arm64-purge-mongodb.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged ${arm64_mongodb_package}! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to purge ${arm64_mongodb_package}." abort fi done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/arm64_mongodb_purge_list mongodb_installation fi fi sleep 3 compress_and_relocate_database_recovery_logs() { local recovery_epoch recovery_epoch="$(date +%s)" local log_files log_files="$(grep -raEl "This version of MongoDB is too recent to start up on the existing data files|This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade.|UPGRADE PROBLEM|Cannot start server with an unknown storage engine|unsupported WiredTiger file version" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs")" if [[ -n "${log_files}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Compressing the previous MongoDB logs into an archive..." if command -v xz &> /dev/null; then echo "Starting to compress the mongodb logs into \"${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.tar.xz\"" &>>"${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression.log" if tar -Jcvf "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.tar.xz" "${log_files}" &>>"${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression-debug.log"; then compress_success="true"; fi elif command -v bzip2 &> /dev/null; then echo "Starting to compress the mongodb logs into \"${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.tar.bz2\"" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression.log" if tar -jcvf "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.tar.bz2" "${log_files}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression-debug.log"; then compress_success="true"; fi elif command -v gzip &> /dev/null; then echo "Starting to compress the mongodb logs into \"${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.tar.gz\"" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression.log" if tar -zcvf "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.tar.gz" "${log_files}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression-debug.log"; then compress_success="true"; fi elif command -v zip &> /dev/null; then echo "Starting to compress the mongodb logs into \"${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.zip\"" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression.log" if zip "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-database-recovery-${recovery_epoch}.zip" "${log_files}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression-debug.log"; then compress_success="true"; fi else echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Failed to locate any compression tool... \\n" fi if [[ "${compress_success}" == 'true' ]]; then if command -v truncate &> /dev/null; then truncate -s 0 "${log_files}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression-debug.log" else echo -n | tee "${log_files}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/database-recovery-log-compression-debug.log" fi echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully compressed the previous MongoDB logs into an archive! \\n" fi fi } # Override MongoDB version change attempts when the application is up and running. if [[ "${unsupported_database_version_change}" == 'true' ]]; then if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)"; fi else application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')"; fi fi if [[ "${application_up}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The Network Application appears to be functioning, cancelling any unsupported MongoDB version change fix attempts..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change-override.log" echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | previous_mongodb_version: ${previous_mongodb_version}, previous_mongodb_version_with_dot: ${previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}, unsupported_database_version_change: ${unsupported_database_version_change}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change-override.log" unset previous_mongodb_version unset previous_mongodb_version_with_dot unset unsupported_database_version_change fi fi if [[ "${mongo_version_locked}" == '4.4.18' ]] || [[ "${unsupported_database_version_change}" == 'true' ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongodb_org_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-org-server | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" mongodb_org_version_no_dots="${mongodb_org_version//./}" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongodb_org_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-server | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" mongodb_org_version_no_dots="${mongodb_org_version//./}" fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" == '44' && "$(echo "${mongodb_org_version}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" -gt "18" ]] || [[ "${unsupported_database_version_change}" == 'true' ]]; then echo "" eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongo-\\|mongodb-\\|mongod-" | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | awk '{print $2}' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list check_add_mongodb_repo_variable if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == "26" ]]; then original_previous_mongodb_version="26" original_previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="3.0" previous_mongodb_version="30" previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="3.0" fi mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable="add_mongodb_${previous_mongodb_version::2}_repo" declare "$mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable=true" mongodb_downgrade_process="true" else add_mongodb_44_repo="true" fi if [[ -z "${mongo_version_locked}" ]]; then unset_mongo_version_locked="true"; fi remove_older_mongodb_repositories previous_mongodb_org_v="${mongodb_org_v}" unset mongodb_org_v skip_mongodb_org_v="true" add_mongodb_repo mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list &> /dev/null "$(which dpkg)" -l | awk '{print$2}' | grep "^unifi$" | awk '{print $1}' &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list cp /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list.tmp &> /dev/null recovery_install_mongodb_version="${install_mongodb_version//./}" while read -r installed_mongodb_package; do if ! apt-cache policy "^${installed_mongodb_package}$" | grep -ioq "${install_mongodb_version}"; then if [[ "${installed_mongodb_package}" == "mongodb-server-core" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != "24" ]]; then if sed -i "s/mongodb-server-core$/mongodb-org-server/g" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list; then echo "mongodb-server-core" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi; fi if [[ "${installed_mongodb_package}" == "mongodb-server" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != "24" ]]; then if sed -i "s/mongodb-server$/mongodb-org-server/g" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list; then echo "mongodb-server" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi; fi if [[ "${installed_mongodb_package}" == "mongodb-clients" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != "24" ]]; then if sed -i "s/mongodb-clients$/mongodb-org-shell/g" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list; then echo "mongodb-clients" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi; fi if [[ "${installed_mongodb_package}" == "mongo-tools" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != "24" ]]; then if sed -i "s/mongo-tools$/mongodb-org-tools/g" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list; then echo "mongo-tools" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi; fi if [[ "${installed_mongodb_package}" == "mongodb-org-database-tools-extra" && "${recovery_install_mongodb_version::2}" -lt "44" ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | awk '{print$2}' | grep -iq "mongodb-org-database$"; then echo -e "mongodb-org-database" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | awk '{print$2}' | grep -iq "mongodb-org-tools$"; then echo -e "mongodb-org-tools" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi echo -e "mongodb-org-database-tools-extra" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list fi sed -i "/${installed_mongodb_package}/d" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list fi done < "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list.tmp" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep -iq "${gr_mongod_name}" && [[ "${recovery_install_mongodb_version::2}" != "70" ]]; then if sed -i "s/${gr_mongod_name}/mongodb-org-server/g" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list; then echo "${gr_mongod_name}" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; fi; fi rm --force "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list.tmp" &> /dev/null awk '{ if ($0 == "mongodb-server") { server_found = 1; } else if ($0 == "mongodb-server-core") { core_found = 1; } if (!found_both) { original[NR] = $0; } } END { if (server_found && core_found) { found_both = 1; printed_server = 0; printed_core = 0; for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++) { if (original[i] == "mongodb-server" && !printed_server) { printed_server = 1; continue; } else if (original[i] == "mongodb-server-core" && !printed_core) { printed_core = 1; print "mongodb-server"; } print original[i]; } } else { for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++) { print original[i]; } } }' /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list.tmp && mv /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list.tmp /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list if grep -iq "unifi" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list; then reinstall_unifi="true"; fi while read -r package; do check_dpkg_lock if [[ "${package}" == "mongodb-org-"* ]] && "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep -i "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -ioq "mongodb-org$"; then package2="mongodb-org"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing ${package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' remove "${package}" "${package2}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${package}! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to remove ${package} during the downgrade process." abort fi done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_remove_list while read -r mongodb_package; do if [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == "24" ]]; then if [[ "${mongodb_package}" == "mongodb-server" ]]; then manually_setmongo_last_attempt_version="true" mongo_last_attempt_version="2.6" mongo_last_attempt_type="server" mongo_last_attempt if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-server through mongo_last_attempt function during the MongoDB Downgrade process."; abort_function_skip_reason="true"; abort; fi elif [[ "${mongodb_package}" == "mongodb-clients" ]]; then manually_setmongo_last_attempt_version="true" mongo_last_attempt_version="2.6" mongo_last_attempt_type="clients" mongo_last_attempt if [[ "${mongo_last_attempt_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-clients through mongo_last_attempt function during the MongoDB Downgrade process."; abort_function_skip_reason="true"; abort; fi fi else check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downgrading ${mongodb_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_package}${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downgraded ${mongodb_package} to version ${install_mongodb_version}! \\n" else check_unmet_dependencies broken_packages_check attempt_recover_broken_packages add_apt_option_no_install_recommends="true"; get_apt_options if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_package}${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downgraded ${mongodb_package} to version ${install_mongodb_version}! \\n" else try_different_mongodb_repo="true" skip_mongodb_org_v="true" add_mongodb_repo if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_package}${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downgraded ${mongodb_package} to version ${install_mongodb_version}! \\n" else try_http_mongodb_repo="true" skip_mongodb_org_v="true" add_mongodb_repo if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_downgrade_option[@]}" "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_package}${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downgraded ${mongodb_package} to version ${install_mongodb_version}! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to downgrade ${mongodb_package} from version ${mongodb_org_version} to ${install_mongodb_version}." abort fi fi fi get_apt_options fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preventing ${mongodb_package} from upgrading..." if echo "${mongodb_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/package-hold.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${mongodb_package} from upgrading! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to prevent ${mongodb_package} from upgrading...\\n" fi done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list sleep 2 rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list &> /dev/null if [[ -n "${mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable}" ]]; then unset "${mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable}" unset mongodb_downgrade_process else unset add_mongodb_44_repo fi if [[ "${reinstall_unifi}" == 'true' ]]; then reinstall_unifi_version="$(head -n1 /usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version | sed 's/[^0-9.]//g' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z "${reinstall_unifi_version}" ]]; then reinstall_unifi_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}')"; fi eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?status 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)" == "OK" ]]; then fw_update_dl_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${reinstall_unifi_version}" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fw_update_gr_dl_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${reinstall_unifi_version}&server=archive" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${reinstall_unifi_version}" | jq -r '.sha256sum' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi if [[ -z "${fw_update_dl_link}" ]]; then fw_update_dl_link="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --location --request GET "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~$(awk -F'.' '{print $1}' <<< "${reinstall_unifi_version}")&filter=eq~~version_minor~~$(awk -F'.' '{print $2}' <<< "${reinstall_unifi_version}")&filter=eq~~version_patch~~$(awk -F'.' '{print $3}' <<< "${reinstall_unifi_version}")&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[0]._links.data.href" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --location --request GET "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~$(awk -F'.' '{print $1}' <<< "${reinstall_unifi_version}")&filter=eq~~version_minor~~$(awk -F'.' '{print $2}' <<< "${reinstall_unifi_version}")&filter=eq~~version_patch~~$(awk -F'.' '{print $3}' <<< "${reinstall_unifi_version}")&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[0].sha256_checksum" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi if [[ -z "${unifi_temp}" ]]; then unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads "${unifi_deb_file_name}"_"${reinstall_unifi_version}"_XXXXX.deb)"; fi if [[ -n "${fw_update_gr_dl_link}" ]]; then fw_update_dl_links=("${fw_update_dl_link}" "${fw_update_gr_dl_link}") else fw_update_dl_links=("${fw_update_dl_link}") fi for fw_update_dl_link in "${fw_update_dl_links[@]}"; do echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${fw_update_dl_link} to ${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading UniFi Network Application version ${reinstall_unifi_version}..." if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$unifi_temp" "${fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if command -v sha256sum &> /dev/null; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" != "${fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum}" ]]; then if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$unifi_temp" "${fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" != "${fw_update_dl_link_sha256sum}" ]]; then continue fi fi fi elif command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "$unifi_temp" "${fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${fw_update_dl_link} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log" continue fi fi fi fi echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded UniFi Network Application version ${reinstall_unifi_version}! \\n"; unifi_downloaded="true"; break else continue fi done if [[ "${unifi_downloaded}" == 'true' ]]; then unset unifi_downloaded first_digit_unifi="$(echo "${reinstall_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" second_digit_unifi="$(echo "${reinstall_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" third_digit_unifi="$(echo "${reinstall_unifi_version}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" java_install_check unifi_dependencies_check unifi_deb_package_modification unifi_version="${reinstall_unifi_version}" ignore_unifi_package_dependencies echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Re-installing UniFi Network Application version ${reinstall_unifi_version}..." echo "unifi unifi/has_backup boolean true" 2> /dev/null | debconf-set-selections # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" -i ${dpkg_ignore_depends_flag} "${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-unsupported-version-change.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully re-installed UniFi Network Application version ${reinstall_unifi_version}! \\n" get_unifi_version else abort_reason="Failed to reinstall UniFi Network Application ${reinstall_unifi_version} during the MongoDB Downgrade process." abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to download UniFi Network Application version ${reinstall_unifi_version} during the MongoDB Downgrade process." abort fi fi if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)"; fi else application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')"; fi fi if [[ "${application_up}" == 'true' ]]; then compress_and_relocate_database_recovery_logs; fi if [[ "${unset_mongo_version_locked}" == 'true' ]]; then unset mongo_version_locked; fi if [[ -n "${original_previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then previous_mongodb_version="${original_previous_mongodb_version}"; fi if [[ -n "${original_previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}" ]]; then previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="${original_previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}"; fi reverse_check_add_mongodb_repo_variable mongodb_org_v="${previous_mongodb_org_v}" unset previous_mongodb_org_v fi fi # Check if MongoDB is newer than 2.6 (3.6 for 7.5.x) for UniFi Network application 7.4.x if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '4' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '5' ]]; then if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '5' ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot="3.6"; minimum_required_mongodb_version="36"; unifi_latest_supported_version_number="7.4"; fi if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" == '4' ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot="2.6"; minimum_required_mongodb_version="26"; unifi_latest_supported_version_number="7.3"; fi mongodb_server_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui\\|^iU" | grep "mongodb-server \\|mongodb-org-server " | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" if [[ -z "${mongodb_server_version}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v mongod)" ]]; then if "${mongocommand}" --port 27117 --eval "print(\"waited for connection\")" &> /dev/null; then mongodb_server_version="$("$(which mongod)" --quiet --eval "db.version()" | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" else mongodb_server_version="$("$(which mongod)" --version --quiet | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e '/db version/d' -e '/mongodb shell/d' -e 's/build info: //g' | jq -r '.version' | sed 's/\.//g')" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_server_version::2}" -lt "${minimum_required_mongodb_version}" ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi} requires MongoDB ${minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot} or newer." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The latest version that you can run with MongoDB version $("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8\\|mongod-amd64" | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//') is $(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-latest?version=${unifi_latest_supported_version_number}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.latest_version' 2> /dev/null) and older.. \\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Upgrade to MongoDB ${minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot} or newer, or perform a fresh install with the latest OS." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installation Script | https://community.ui.com/questions/ccbc7530-dd61-40a7-82ec-22b17f027776\\n\\n" if [[ "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" == '32' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You're using a 32-bit OS.. please switch over to a 64-bit OS.\\n\\n" fi author exit 0 fi fi # Java Installation Process java_install_check java_cleanup_not_required_versions unifi_dependencies_check # Quick workaround for 7.2.91 and older 7.2 versions. if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == "7" && "${second_digit_unifi}" == "2" && "${third_digit_unifi}" -le "91" ]]; then NAME="unifi" UNIFI_USER="${UNIFI_USER:-unifi}" DATADIR="${UNIFI_DATA_DIR:-/var/lib/$NAME}" if ! id "${UNIFI_USER}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then adduser --system --home "${DATADIR}" --no-create-home --group --disabled-password --quiet "${UNIFI_USER}" fi if ! [[ -d "/usr/lib/unifi/" ]]; then mkdir -p /usr/lib/unifi/ && chown -R unifi:unifi /usr/lib/unifi/; fi if ! [[ -d "/var/lib/unifi/" ]]; then mkdir -p /var/lib/unifi/ && chown -R unifi:unifi /var/lib/unifi/; fi fi header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing your UniFi Network Application ( ${WHITE_R}${unifi_clean}${RESET} )...\\n" sleep 2 if [[ "${unifi_network_application_downloaded}" != 'true' ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" if [[ -z "${unifi_temp}" ]]; then unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads unifi_sysvinit_all_"${unifi_clean}"_XXX.deb)"; fi unifi_fwupdate="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${first_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${second_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${third_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[]._links.data.href" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" if [[ -z "${unifi_fwupdate}" ]]; then unifi_fwupdate="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "http://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${first_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${second_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${third_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[]._links.data.href" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")"; fi if [[ "$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?status 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.[]' 2> /dev/null)" == "OK" ]]; then glennr_unifi_dl="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" glennr_gr_unifi_dl="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}&server=archive" | jq -r '."download_link"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" unifi_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://api.glennr.nl/api/network-release?version=${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi}" | jq -r '."sha256sum"' | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" else unifi_sha256sum="$(curl "${curl_argument[@]}" "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${first_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${second_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${third_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" 2> /dev/null | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[0].sha256_checksum" 2> /dev/null | sed '/null/d' 2> "${eus_dir}/logs/locate-download.log")" fi if [[ "${broken_unifi_install}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_download_urls=( "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/${unifi_secret}/${unifi_deb_file_name}.deb" "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/${unifi_clean}/${unifi_deb_file_name}.deb" "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/debian/pool/ubiquiti/u/unifi/unifi_${unifi_repo_version}_all.deb" "${unifi_fwupdate}" "${glennr_unifi_dl}" "${glennr_gr_unifi_dl}" ) else unifi_download_urls=( "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/${unifi_clean}/${unifi_deb_file_name}.deb" "${unifi_fwupdate}" "${glennr_unifi_dl}" "${glennr_gr_unifi_dl}" ) fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the UniFi Network Application..." for unifi_download_url in "${unifi_download_urls[@]}"; do echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${unifi_download_url} to ${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log" if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "${unifi_temp}" "${unifi_download_url}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if command -v sha256sum &> /dev/null && [[ -n "${unifi_sha256sum}" ]]; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" != "${unifi_sha256sum}" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${unifi_download_url} did not have sha256sum \"${unifi_sha256sum}\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; continue; fi else if command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${unifi_download_url} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; continue; fi; fi fi echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded application version ${unifi_clean}! \\n"; unifi_downloaded="true"; break elif [[ "${unifi_download_url}" =~ ^https:// ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Downloading ${unifi_download_url/https:/http:} to ${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log" if curl "${nos_curl_argument[@]}" --output "${unifi_temp}" "${unifi_download_url/https:/http:}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; then if command -v sha256sum &> /dev/null && [[ -n "${unifi_sha256sum}" ]]; then if [[ "$(sha256sum "$unifi_temp" | awk '{print $1}')" != "${unifi_sha256sum}" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${unifi_download_url} did not have sha256sum \"${unifi_sha256sum}\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; continue; fi else if command -v dpkg-deb &> /dev/null; then if ! dpkg-deb --info "${unifi_temp}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | The file downloaded via ${unifi_download_url/https:/http:} was not a debian file format..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-download.log"; continue; fi; fi fi echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded application version ${unifi_clean} (using HTTP)! \\n"; unifi_downloaded="true"; break fi fi done if [[ "${unifi_downloaded}" != "true" ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to download application version ${unifi_clean}."; abort; fi else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the UniFi Network Application..." echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application version ${unifi_clean} has already been downloaded! \n" fi unifi_deb_package_modification unifi_version="${unifi_clean}" ignore_unifi_package_dependencies check_service_overrides unifi_required_packages_check system_properties_check echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing the UniFi Network Application..." echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-install.log" echo "unifi unifi/has_backup boolean true" 2> /dev/null | debconf-set-selections check_dpkg_lock # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" -i ${dpkg_ignore_depends_flag} "${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed the UniFi Network Application! \\n" if [[ "${unifi_ports_in_use}" == 'true' ]]; then change_default_unifi_ports; fi else abort_reason="Failed to install the UniFi Network Application." abort fi system_properties_free_memory_check unifi_autobackup_dir_check unifi_folder_permission_check if ! [[ -d "/var/run/unifi" ]]; then install -o unifi -g unifi -m 750 -d /var/run/unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-var-run-missing.log"; fi if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"install-date": "'"$(date +%s)"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" else jq --arg script_name "$script_name" --arg install_date "$(date +%s)" '.scripts[$script_name] += {"install-date": $install_date}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" fi eus_database_move rm --force "${unifi_temp}" 2> /dev/null if ! systemctl is-active --quiet unifi && [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_service_not_running="true"; elif [[ "$(pgrep -f "/usr/lib/unifi" | grep -cv grep)" -lt "2" ]]; then unifi_service_not_running="true"; fi if [[ "${unifi_service_not_running}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting the UniFi Network Application..." old_systemd_version_check if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_systemd_version}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; else abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; fi; elif ! service unifi start &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/post-unifi-install-start.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; fi else if [[ "${old_systemd_version}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; else abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; fi; elif ! systemctl start unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/post-unifi-install-start.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; fi fi fi sleep 3 # Check if service is enabled if ! [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya|trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) && "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then if systemctl list-units --full -all | grep -Fioq "unifi.service"; then SERVICE_UNIFI=$(systemctl is-enabled unifi) if [[ "$SERVICE_UNIFI" = 'disabled' ]]; then if ! systemctl enable unifi 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to enable service | UniFi" sleep 3 fi fi fi fi # Check if UniFi Repo is supported. if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" && "${first_digit_unifi}" -ge "8" && "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_repo_supported="true" elif [[ "${architecture}" == "amd64" ]]; then unifi_repo_supported="true" else unifi_repo_supported="false" fi if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' || "${script_option_add_repository}" == 'true' ]] && [[ "${unifi_repo_supported}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Would you like to update the UniFi Network Application via APT?" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want the script to add the source list file? (y/N) ' yes_no else if [[ "${script_option_add_repository}" == 'true' ]]; then yes_no="y"; fi fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*) header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the UniFi Network Application repository for branch ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}... \\n" sleep 3 # Handle .list files in Traditional format while read -r list_file; do sed -Ei "s|^#*(unifi)|#\1|g" "${list_file}" done < <(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list") # Handle .sources files if using DEB822 format while read -r sources_file; do entry_block_start_line="$(awk '!/^#/ && /Types:/ { types_line=NR } /'"unifi"'/ && !/^#/ && !seen[types_line]++ { print types_line }' "${sources_file}" | head -n1)" entry_block_end_line="$(awk -v start_line="$entry_block_start_line" 'NR > start_line && NF == 0 { print NR-1; exit } END { if (NR > start_line && NF > 0) print NR }' "${sources_file}")" sed -i "${entry_block_start_line},${entry_block_end_line}s/^\([^#]\)/# \1/" "${sources_file}" &>/dev/null done < <(find /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -type f -name "*.sources") rm --force /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.* 2> /dev/null echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the UniFi Network Application repository key..." if curl "${curl_argument[@]}" -fSL "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/unifi-repo.gpg" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/unifi-repo.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then unifi_curl_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" unifi_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${unifi_curl_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${unifi_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/unifi-repo.gpg" ]]; then signed_by_value_unifi="/etc/apt/keyrings/unifi-repo.gpg" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded the key for the UniFi Network Application repository! \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the UniFi Network Application repository..." if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then arch="arch=arm64"; elif [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then arch="arch=amd64"; else arch="arch=amd64,arm64"; fi if [[ "${use_deb822_format}" == 'true' ]]; then # DEB822 format unifi_repo_entry="Types: deb\nURIs: ${http_or_https}://www.ui.com/downloads/unifi/debian\nSuites: unifi-${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}\nComponents: ubiquiti\nSigned-By: ${signed_by_value_unifi}\nArchitectures: ${arch//arch=/}" else # Traditional format unifi_repo_entry="deb [ ${arch} signed-by=${signed_by_value_unifi} ] ${http_or_https}://www.ui.com/downloads/unifi/debian unifi-${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi} ubiquiti" fi if echo -e "${unifi_repo_entry}" &> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.${source_file_format}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added UniFi Network Application source list! \\n" run_apt_get_update echo -ne "\\r${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if the added UniFi Network Application repository is valid..." && sleep 1 if grep -sioq "unifi-${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi} Release' does not" /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then echo -ne "\\r${RED}#${RESET} The added UniFi Repository is not valid/used, the repository list will be removed! \\n" rm -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.${source_file_format}" &> /dev/null else echo -ne "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} The added UniFi Network Application Repository is valid! \\n" fi sleep 3 else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add the UniFi Network Application source list...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add the UniFi Network Application source list...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to download the key for the UniFi Network Application repository...\\n" fi;; [Nn]*|"") ;; esac unset yes_no fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l ufw | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi if grep -sioq "^unifi.http.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then diport="$(awk '/^unifi.http.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else diport="8080"; fi if grep -sioq "^unifi.stun.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then diport="$(awk '/^unifi.stun.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else stport="6789"; fi if grep -sioq "^portal.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then hpsport="$(awk '/^portal.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else hpsport="8843"; fi if grep -sioq "^portal.http.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then hphport="$(awk '/^portal.http.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else hphport="8880"; fi if ufw status verbose | awk '/^Status:/{print $2}' | grep -xq "active"; then if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' && "${script_option_local_install}" != 'true' ]]; then header read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Is/will your application only be used locally ( regarding device discovery )? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "${yes_no}" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Script will ensure that 10001/udp for device discovery will be added to UFW." script_option_local_install="true" sleep 3;; [Nn]*|*) ;; esac fi header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Uncomplicated Firewall ( UFW ) seems to be active." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if all required ports are added!" rm -rf /tmp/EUS/ports/* &> /dev/null eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "ports" ssh_port=$(awk '/Port/{print $2}' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | head -n1) if [[ "${script_option_local_install}" == 'true' ]]; then unifi_ports=(3478/udp "${diport}"/tcp "${dmport}"/tcp "${hphport}"/tcp "${hpsport}"/tcp "${stport}"/tcp 10001/udp) echo -e "3478/udp\\n${diport}/tcp\\n${dmport}/tcp\\n${hphport}/tcp\\n${hpsport}/tcp\\n6789/tcp\\n10001/udp" &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports else unifi_ports=(3478/udp "${diport}"/tcp "${dmport}"/tcp "${hphport}"/tcp "${hpsport}"/tcp "${stport}"/tcp) echo -e "3478/udp\\n${diport}/tcp\\n${dmport}/tcp\\n${hphport}/tcp\\n${hpsport}/tcp\\n6789/tcp" &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports fi echo -e "${ssh_port}" &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports ufw status verbose &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/ufw_list while read -r port; do port_number_only=$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f1) # shellcheck disable=SC1117 if ! grep "^${port_number_only}\b\\|^${port}\b" /tmp/EUS/ports/ufw_list | grep -iq "ALLOW IN"; then required_port_missing="true" fi # shellcheck disable=SC1117 if ! grep -v "(v6)" /tmp/EUS/ports/ufw_list | grep "^${port_number_only}\b\\|^${port}\b" | grep -iq "ALLOW IN"; then required_port_missing="true" fi done < /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports if [[ "${required_port_missing}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are missing required ports.." if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to add the required ports for your UniFi Network Application? (Y/n) ' yes_no else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding required UniFi ports.." sleep 2 fi case "${yes_no}" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n" for port in "${unifi_ports[@]}"; do port_number=$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f1) ufw allow "${port}" &> "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}" if [[ -f "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}" && -s "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}" ]]; then if grep -iq "added" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added port ${port} to UFW." fi if grep -iq "skipping" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}"; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Port ${port} was already added to UFW." fi fi done if [[ -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config && -s /etc/ssh/sshd_config ]]; then if ! ufw status verbose | grep -v "(v6)" | grep "${ssh_port}" | grep -iq "ALLOW IN"; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your SSH port ( ${ssh_port} ) doesn't seem to be in your UFW list.." if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to add your SSH port to the UFW list? (Y/n) ' yes_no else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding port ${ssh_port}.." sleep 2 fi case "${yes_no}" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" ufw allow "${ssh_port}" &> "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}" if [[ -f "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}" && -s "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}" ]]; then if grep -iq "added" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added port ${ssh_port} to UFW." fi if grep -iq "skipping" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}"; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Port ${ssh_port} was already added to UFW." fi fi;; [Nn]*|*) ;; esac fi fi;; [Nn]*|*) ;; esac else echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} All required ports already exist!" fi echo -e "\\n\\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_IP}" ]]; then SERVER_IP=$(ip addr | grep -A8 -m1 MULTICAST | grep -m1 inet | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d'/' -f1) fi # Check if application is reachable via public IP. timeout 1 nc -zv "${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}" "${dmport}" &> /dev/null && public_reachable="true" # Check if application is up and running + if it respond on public IP if [[ "${public_reachable}" == 'true' ]]; then check_count=0 while [[ "${check_count}" -lt '60' ]]; do if [[ "${check_count}" == '3' ]]; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if the UniFi Network application is responding... (this can take up to 60 seconds)" unifi_api_message="true" fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)"; fi else application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')"; fi fi if [[ "${application_up}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The application is up and running! \\n"; sleep 2; fi if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if the application is also responding on it's public IP address..."; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure "https://${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)"; fi else application_up="$(curl --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')" if [[ -z "${application_up}" ]]; then application_up="$(curl "${noproxy_curl_argument[@]}" --silent --insecure --connect-timeout 1 "https://${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}:${dmport}/status" | grep -o '"up":[^,]*' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')"; fi fi if [[ "${application_up}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The application is responding on it's public IP address! The script will continue with the SSL setup!"; sleep 4; fi public_reachable="true" else if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The application does not respond on it's public IP address... \\n"; sleep 4; fi public_reachable="false" fi break fi ((check_count=check_count+1)) sleep 1 done fi if [[ "${public_reachable}" == 'true' || "${run_easy_encrypt}" == 'true' ]] && [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' || "${fqdn_specified}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "--install-script" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/le_script_options && -s /tmp/EUS/le_script_options ]]; then IFS=" " read -r le_script_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/le_script_options)"; fi header le_script="true" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your application seems to be exposed to the internet. ( port 8443 is open )" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} It's recommend to secure your application with a SSL certficate.\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Requirements:" echo -e "${WHITE_R}-${RESET} A domain name and A record pointing to the server that runs the UniFi Network Application." echo -e "${WHITE_R}-${RESET} Port 80 needs to be open ( port forwarded )\\n\\n" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to download and execute my UniFi Easy Encrypt Script? (Y/n) ' yes_no; fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") rm --force unifi-easy-encrypt.sh &> /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2068 curl "${curl_argument[@]}" --remote-name https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/extra/unifi-easy-encrypt.sh && bash unifi-easy-encrypt.sh ${le_script_options[@]};; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi if [[ "${netcat_installed}" == 'true' ]]; then header check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script installed ${netcat_installed_package_name}, we do not need this anymore.\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging package ${netcat_installed_package_name}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge "${netcat_installed_package_name}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/uninstall-${netcat_installed_package_name}.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged ${netcat_installed_package_name}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to purge ${netcat_installed_package_name}... \\n" fi sleep 2 fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean} has been installed successfully" if [[ "${public_reachable}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Your application address: ${WHITE_R}https://$PUBLIC_SERVER_IP:${dmport}${RESET}" if [[ "${le_script}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -d /usr/lib/EUS/ ]]; then if [[ -f /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install && -s /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install ]]; then application_fqdn_le="$(tail -n1 /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install)" rm --force /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install &> /dev/null fi elif [[ -d /srv/EUS/ ]]; then if [[ -f /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install && -s /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install ]]; then application_fqdn_le="$(tail -n1 /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install)" rm --force /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install &> /dev/null fi fi if [[ -n "${application_fqdn_le}" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Your application FQDN: ${WHITE_R}https://$application_fqdn_le:${dmport}${RESET}" fi fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Your application address: ${WHITE_R}https://$SERVER_IP:${dmport}${RESET}" fi echo -e "\\n" if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(pgrep -f "/usr/lib/unifi" | grep -cv grep)" -ge "2" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi is active ( running )"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} UniFi failed to start... Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!"; fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya|trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then if systemctl status unifi | grep -iq running; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi is active ( running )"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} UniFi failed to start... Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!"; fi else if systemctl is-active -q unifi; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi is active ( running )"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} UniFi failed to start... Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!"; fi fi fi if [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" ]]; then if [[ "$(wc -l "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" | awk '{print $1}')" -ge "1" ]]; then if [[ "$(wc -l "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" | awk '{print $1}')" == "1" ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\n${YELLOW}#${RESET} We had to change one of the default UniFi Network Application ports, the port change is listed below." else echo -e "\\n\\n${YELLOW}#${RESET} We had to change a couple of the default UniFi Network Application ports, the port changes are listed below." fi while read -r line; do echo -e "${YELLOW}-${RESET} The $(echo "${line}" | cut -d'/' -f3) port was changed from $(echo "${line}" | cut -d'/' -f1) was changed to $(echo "${line}" | cut -d'/' -f2)..." done < "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" fi fi echo -e "\\n" author remove_yourself else header_red echo -e "\\n${RED}#${RESET} Failed to successfully install UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean}" echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!${RESET}\\n\\n" remove_yourself fi