#!/bin/bash # UniFi Network Application Easy Installation Script. ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # List of supported Distributions/Operating Systems # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # | Ubuntu Precise Pangolin ( 12.04 ) # | Ubuntu Trusty Tahr ( 14.04 ) # | Ubuntu Xenial Xerus ( 16.04 ) # | Ubuntu Bionic Beaver ( 18.04 ) # | Ubuntu Cosmic Cuttlefish ( 18.10 ) # | Ubuntu Disco Dingo ( 19.04 ) # | Ubuntu Eoan Ermine ( 19.10 ) # | Ubuntu Focal Fossa ( 20.04 ) # | Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla ( 20.10 ) # | Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo ( 21.04 ) # | Ubuntu Impish Indri ( 21.10 ) # | Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish ( 22.04 ) # | Ubuntu Kinetic Kudu ( 22.10 ) # | Ubuntu Lunar Lobster ( 23.04 ) # | Ubuntu Mantic Minotaur ( 23.10 ) # | Ubuntu Noble Numbat ( 24.04 ) # | Debian Jessie ( 8 ) # | Debian Stretch ( 9 ) # | Debian Buster ( 10 ) # | Debian Bullseye ( 11 ) # | Debian Bookworm ( 12 ) # | Debian Trixie ( 13 ) # | Debian Forky ( 14 ) # | Linux Mint 13 ( Maya ) # | Linux Mint 17 ( Qiana | Rebecca | Rafaela | Rosa ) # | Linux Mint 18 ( Sarah | Serena | Sonya | Sylvia ) # | Linux Mint 19 ( Tara | Tessa | Tina | Tricia ) # | Linux Mint 20 ( Ulyana | Ulyssa | Uma | Una ) # | Linux Mint 21 ( Vanessa | Vera | Victoria | Virginia ) # | Linux Mint 4 ( Debbie ) # | Linux Mint 5 ( Elsie ) # | Linux Mint 6 ( Faye ) # | MX Linux 18 ( Continuum ) # | Progress-Linux ( Engywuck ) # | Parrot OS ( Lory ) # | Elementary OS # | Deepin Linux # | Kali Linux ( rolling ) ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # Script | UniFi Network Easy Installation Script # Version | 6.9.4 # Application version | 8.0.7-7a3d06144a # Debian Repo version | 8.0.7-24256-1 # Author | Glenn Rietveld # Email | glennrietveld8@hotmail.nl # Website | https://GlennR.nl ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Color Codes # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### RESET='\033[0m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' #GRAY='\033[0;37m' #WHITE='\033[1;37m' GRAY_R='\033[39m' WHITE_R='\033[39m' RED='\033[1;31m' # Light Red. GREEN='\033[1;32m' # Light Green. #BOLD='\e[1m' ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Start Checks # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### header() { if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; clear; fi echo -e "${GREEN}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" } header_red() { if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; clear; fi echo -e "${RED}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" } # Check for root (SUDO). if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script need to be run as root...\\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} For Ubuntu based systems run the command below to login as root" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} sudo -i\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} For Debian based systems run the command below to login as root" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} su\\n\\n" exit 1 fi if [[ "$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)" != 'systemd' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} This setup appears to be using \"$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)\" instead of \"systemd\"..." echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script has limited functionality on \"$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)\" systems..." limited_functionality="true" sleep 10 fi if ! env | grep "LC_ALL\\|LANG" | grep -iq "en_US\\|C.UTF-8"; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your language is not set to English ( en_US ), the script will temporarily set the language to English." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Information: This is done to prevent issues in the script.." original_lang="$LANG" original_lcall="$LC_ALL" export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 &> /dev/null export LC_ALL=C &> /dev/null set_lc_all="true" sleep 3 fi cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos() { if [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list" ]]; then awk '{print $3}' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed "/${os_codename}/d" | sed 's/ //g' &> /tmp/EUS/sourcelist while read -r sourcelist_os_codename; do sed -i "/${sourcelist_os_codename}/d" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list &> /dev/null done < /tmp/EUS/sourcelist rm --force /tmp/EUS/sourcelist &> /dev/null if ! [[ -s "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list" ]]; then rm --force /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list &> /dev/null fi fi } cleanup_unifi_repos() { repo_file_patterns=( "ui.com\\/downloads" "ubnt.com\\/downloads" ) while read -r repo_file; do for pattern in "${repo_file_patterns[@]}"; do sed -e "/${pattern}/ s/^#*/#/g" -i "${repo_file}" done done < <(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list" -exec grep -ilE 'ui.com|ubnt.com' {} +) } if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list" -exec grep -lE '^[^#]*\b(ui|ubnt)\.com' {} + | wc -l)" -gt "1" ]]; then cleanup_unifi_repos; fi check_dns() { system_dns_servers="($(grep -s '^nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'))" local domains=("mongodb.com" "ubuntu.com" "ui.com" "ubnt.com" "glennr.nl" "raspbian.org" "adoptium.org") if command -v host &> /dev/null; then dns_check_command="host"; elif command -v ping &> /dev/null; then dns_check_command="ping -c 1"; fi if [[ -n "${dns_check_command}" ]]; then for domain in "${domains[@]}"; do if ! ${dns_check_command} "${domain}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "Failed to resolve ${domain}..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dns-check.log" local dns_servers=("" "") for dns_server in "${dns_servers[@]}"; do if ! grep -qF "${dns_server}" /etc/resolv.conf; then if echo "nameserver ${dns_server}" | tee -a /etc/resolv.conf >/dev/null; then echo -e "Added ${dns_server} to /etc/resolv.conf..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dns-check.log" if ${dns_check_command} "${domain}" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "Successfully resolved ${domain} after adding ${dns_server}." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dns-check.log" return 0 fi fi fi done return 1 fi done fi return 1 } check_docker_setup() { if [[ -f /.dockerenv ]] || grep -q '/docker/' /proc/1/cgroup || { command -v pgrep &>/dev/null && (pgrep -f "^dockerd" &>/dev/null || pgrep -f "^containerd" &>/dev/null); }; then docker_setup="true"; else docker_setup="false"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"docker-container": "'"${docker_setup}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log"; eus_database_move; fi } update_eus_db() { if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then if [[ -n "${script_local_version_dots}" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= if .["versions-ran"] | index("'"${script_local_version_dots}"'") | not then .["versions-ran"] += ["'"${script_local_version_dots}"'"] else . end' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi if [[ -z "${abort_reason}" ]]; then script_success="$(jq -r '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'".success' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((script_success=script_success+1)) jq --arg script_success "${script_success}" '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"success": "'"${script_success}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi jq '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"last-run": "'"$(date +%s)"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move script_total_runs="$(jq -r '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'"."total-runs"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((script_total_runs=script_total_runs+1)) jq --arg script_total_runs "${script_total_runs}" '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"total-runs": "'"${script_total_runs}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move jq '."database" += {"name-servers": "'"${system_dns_servers}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi check_docker_setup } eus_database_move() { if [[ -z "${eus_database_move_file}" ]]; then eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/db/db.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log"; fi if [[ -s "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" ]] && jq . "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" >/dev/null 2>&1; then mv "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" "${eus_database_move_file}" &>> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" else if ! [[ -s "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"${eus_database_move_file}.tmp\" is empty." >> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" else echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"${eus_database_move_file}.tmp\" does not contain valid JSON. Contents:" >> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" cat "${eus_database_move_file}.tmp" >> "${eus_database_move_log_file}" fi fi unset eus_database_move_file } support_file() { check_docker_setup if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${script_option_support_file}" == 'true' ]]; then header; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Creating support file..." eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "support" if "$(which dpkg)" -l lsb-release 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then lsb_release -a &> "/tmp/EUS/support/lsb-release"; else cat /etc/os-release &> "/tmp/EUS/support/os-release"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then df -hP | awk 'BEGIN {print"{\"disk-usage\":["}{if($1=="Filesystem")next;if(a)print",";print"{\"mount\":\""$6"\",\"size\":\""$2"\",\"used\":\""$3"\",\"avail\":\""$4"\",\"use%\":\""$5"\"}";a++;}END{print"]}";}' | jq &> "/tmp/EUS/support/disk-usage.json" else df -h &> "/tmp/EUS/support/df" fi uname -a &> "/tmp/EUS/support/uname-results" lscpu &> "/tmp/EUS/support/lscpu-results" echo "$PATH" &> "/tmp/EUS/support/PATH" "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongo\\|oracle\\|openjdk\\|unifi\\|temurin" &> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi-packages-list" "$(which dpkg)" -l &> "/tmp/EUS/support/dpkg-packages-list" journalctl -u unifi -p debug --since "1 week ago" --no-pager &> "/tmp/EUS/support/ujournal.log" journalctl --since yesterday &> "/tmp/EUS/support/journal.log" ps axjf &> "/tmp/EUS/support/process-tree" if [[ "$(command -v netstat)" ]]; then netstat -tulp &> "/tmp/EUS/support/netstat-results"; fi # lsblk -iJ -fs &> "/tmp/EUS/support/disk-layout.json" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then system_hostname="$(uname --nodename)" system_kernel_name="$(uname --kernel-name)" system_kernel_release="$(uname --kernel-release)" system_kernel_version="$(uname --kernel-version)" system_machine="$(uname --machine)" system_hardware="$(uname --hardware-platform)" system_os="$(uname --operating-system)" if [[ -n "$(command -v runlevel)" ]]; then system_runlevel="$(runlevel | awk '{print $2}')"; else system_runlevel="command not found"; fi process_with_pid_1="$(ps -p 1 -o comm=)" cpu_cores="$(grep -ic processor /proc/cpuinfo)" cpu_usage="$(awk '{u=$2+$4; t=$2+$4+$5; if (NR==1){u1=u; t1=t;} else print ($2+$4-u1) * 100 / (t-t1) "%"; }' <(grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat) <(sleep 1;grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat))" cpu_cores="$(grep -ic processor /proc/cpuinfo)" cpu_architecture="$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture)" cpu_type="$(uname -p)" mem_total="$(grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_free="$(grep "^MemFree:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_available="$(grep "^MemAvailable:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_used="$(($(grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') - $(grep "MemAvailable" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')))" mem_used_percentage="$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($(("$(grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" - "$(grep "^MemAvailable:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')")) / $(grep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')) * 100}")" mem_buffers="$(grep "^Buffers:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_cached="$(grep "^Cached:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_active="$(grep "^Active:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_inactive="$(grep "^Inactive:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" mem_dirty="$(grep "^Dirty:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" swap_total="$(grep "^SwapTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" swap_free="$(grep "^SwapFree:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" swap_used="$(($(grep "^SwapTotal:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') - $(grep "SwapFree" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')))" swap_cached="$(grep "^SwapCached:" /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq -n \ --argjson "system-stats" "$( jq -n \ --argjson "system" "$( jq -n \ --arg system_hostname "${system_hostname}" \ --arg system_kernel_name "${system_kernel_name}" \ --arg system_kernel_release "${system_kernel_release}" \ --arg system_kernel_version "${system_kernel_version}" \ --arg system_machine "${system_machine}" \ --arg system_hardware "${system_hardware}" \ --arg system_os "${system_os}" \ --arg system_runlevel "${system_runlevel}" \ --arg process_with_pid_1 "${process_with_pid_1}" \ "{ \"hostname\" : \"$system_hostname\", \"kernel-name\" : \"$system_kernel_name\", \"kernel-release\" : \"$system_kernel_release\", \"kernel-version\" : \"$system_kernel_version\", \"machine\" : \"$system_machine\", \"hardware\" : \"$system_hardware\", \"operating-system\" : \"$system_os\", \"runlevel\" : \"$system_runlevel\", \"init\" : \"$process_with_pid_1\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' \ jq -n \ --argjson "cpu" "$( jq -n \ --arg cpu_usage "${cpu_usage}" \ --arg cpu_cores "${cpu_cores}" \ --arg cpu_architecture "${cpu_architecture}" \ --arg cpu_type "${cpu_architecture}" \ "{ \"usage\" : \"$cpu_usage\", \"cores\" : \"$cpu_cores\", \"architecture\" : \"$cpu_architecture\", \"type\" : \"$cpu_type\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' \ jq -n \ --argjson "memory" "$( jq -n \ --arg mem_total "${mem_total}" \ --arg mem_free "${mem_free}" \ --arg mem_available "${mem_available}" \ --arg mem_used "${mem_used}" \ --arg mem_used_percentage "${mem_used_percentage}" \ --arg mem_buffers "${mem_buffers}" \ --arg mem_cached "${mem_cached}" \ --arg mem_active "${mem_active}" \ --arg mem_inactive "${mem_inactive}" \ --arg mem_dirty "${mem_dirty}" \ "{ \"total\" : \"$mem_total\", \"free\" : \"$mem_free\", \"available\" : \"$mem_available\", \"used\" : \"$mem_used\", \"used_percentage\" : \"$mem_used_percentage\", \"buffers\" : \"$mem_buffers\", \"cached\" : \"$mem_cached\", \"active\" : \"$mem_active\", \"inactive\" : \"$mem_inactive\", \"dirty\" : \"$mem_dirty\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' \ jq -n \ --argjson "swap" "$( jq -n \ --arg swap_total "${swap_total}" \ --arg swap_free "${swap_free}" \ --arg swap_used "${swap_used}" \ --arg swap_cached "${swap_cached}" \ "{ \"total\" : \"$swap_total\", \"free\" : \"$swap_free\", \"used\" : \"$swap_used\", \"cached\" : \"$swap_cached\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' &> "/tmp/EUS/support/sysstat.json" else jq -n \ --arg system_hostname "${system_hostname}" \ --arg system_kernel_name "${system_kernel_name}" \ --arg system_kernel_release "${system_kernel_release}" \ --arg system_kernel_version "${system_kernel_version}" \ --arg system_machine "${system_machine}" \ --arg system_hardware "${system_hardware}" \ --arg system_os "${system_os}" \ --arg system_runlevel "${system_runlevel}" \ --arg process_with_pid_1 "${process_with_pid_1}" \ --arg cpu_usage "${cpu_usage}" \ --arg cpu_cores "${cpu_cores}" \ --arg cpu_architecture "${cpu_architecture}" \ --arg cpu_type "${cpu_type}" \ --arg mem_total "${mem_total}" \ --arg mem_free "${mem_free}" \ --arg mem_available "${mem_available}" \ --arg mem_used "${mem_used}" \ --arg mem_used_percentage "${mem_used_percentage}" \ --arg mem_buffers "${mem_buffers}" \ --arg mem_cached "${mem_cached}" \ --arg mem_active "${mem_active}" \ --arg mem_inactive "${mem_inactive}" \ --arg mem_dirty "${mem_dirty}" \ --arg swap_total "${swap_total}" \ --arg swap_free "${swap_free}" \ --arg swap_used "${swap_used}" \ --arg swap_cached "${swap_cached}" \ '{ system: { hostname: $system_hostname, "kernel-name": $system_kernel_name, "kernel-release": $system_kernel_release, "kernel-version": $system_kernel_version, machine: $system_machine, hardware: $system_hardware, "operating-system": $system_os, runlevel: $system_runlevel, init: $process_with_pid_1 }, cpu: { usage: $cpu_usage, cores: $cpu_cores, architecture: $cpu_architecture, type: $cpu_type }, memory: { total: $mem_total, free: $mem_free, available: $mem_available, used: $mem_used, "used-percentage": $mem_used_percentage, buffers: $mem_buffers, cached: $mem_cached, active: $mem_active, inactive: $mem_inactive, dirty: $mem_dirty }, swap: { total: $swap_total, free: $swap_free, used: $swap_used, cached: $swap_cached } }' &> "/tmp/EUS/support/sysstat.json" fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2129 sed -n '3p' "${script_location}" &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/script" grep "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n1 &>> "/tmp/EUS/support/script" find "${eus_dir}" -type d,f &> "/tmp/EUS/support/dirs_and_files" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"name-servers": "'"${system_dns_servers}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log"; eus_database_move; fi # Create a copy of the system.properties file and remove any mongodb PII if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" ]]; then cp /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties" if grep -qE 'mongo\.password|mongo\.uri' "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties"; then sed -i -e '/mongo.password/d' -e '/mongo.uri/d' "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties"; echo "# Removed mongo.password and mongo.uri for privacy reasons" >> "/tmp/EUS/support/unifi.system.properties"; fi fi support_file_time="$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M-%S%N)" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then support_file_uuid="$(jq -r '.database.uuid' ${eus_dir}/db/db.json)-"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l tar 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then support_file="/tmp/eus-support-${support_file_uuid}${support_file_time}.tar.gz" support_file_name="$(basename "${support_file}")" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= . + {"support": (.support + {("'"${support_file_name}"'"): {"abort-reason": "'"${abort_reason}"'","upload-results": ""}})}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi tar czvfh "${support_file}" --exclude="${eus_dir}/unifi_db" --exclude="/tmp/EUS/downloads" --exclude="/usr/lib/unifi/logs/remote" "/tmp/EUS" "${eus_dir}" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences" "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" "/etc/default/unifi" "/etc/environment" "/var/log/dpkg.log" &> /dev/null elif "$(which dpkg)" -l zip 2> /dev/null | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then support_file="/tmp/eus-support-${support_file_uuid}${support_file_time}.zip" support_file_name="$(basename "${support_file}")" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= . + {"support": (.support + {("'"${support_file_name}"'"): {"abort-reason": "'"${abort_reason}"'","upload-results": ""}})}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi zip -r "${support_file}" "/tmp/EUS/" "${eus_dir}/" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/" "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" "/etc/apt/preferences" "/etc/apt/preferences.d/" "/etc/default/unifi" "/etc/environment" "/var/log/dpkg.log" -x "${eus_dir}/unifi_db/*" -x "/tmp/EUS/downloads" -x "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/remote" &> /dev/null fi if [[ -n "${support_file}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Support file has been created here: ${support_file} \\n" if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then if [[ "$(jq -r '.database."support-file-upload"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == 'true' ]]; then upload_result="$(curl --silent -X POST -F "file=@${support_file}" "https://up.glennr.nl/upload" | jq -r '.[]')" jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'".support."'"${support_file_name}"'"."upload-results" = "'"${upload_result}"'"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi fi fi if [[ "${script_option_support_file}" == 'true' ]]; then exit 0; fi } abort() { if [[ -n "${abort_reason}" && "${abort_function_skip_reason}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} ${abort_reason}.. \\n"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -f "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then script_aborts="$(jq -r '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'".aborts' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((script_aborts=script_aborts+1)) jq --arg script_aborts "${script_aborts}" '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"aborts": "'"${script_aborts}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list && -s /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list ]]; then while read -r service; do echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting ${service}.." if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if service "${service}" start &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/abort-script-service-start.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started ${service}!"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to start ${service}!"; fi else if systemctl start "${service}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/abort-script-service-start.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started ${service}!"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to start ${service}!"; fi fi done < /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list fi echo -e "\\n\\n${RED}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" if [[ "$(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}')" -le '5368709120' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} You only have $(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') of disk space available on \"/\"... \\n"; fi if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log" ]]; then if grep -ioq "Invalid access at address.*Bus error" "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You've got \"Invalid access at address\" messages in your logs, this is often caused by bad storage or bad memory... \\n"; fi; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} An error occurred. Aborting script..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the UI Community Forums!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UI Community Thread: https://community.ui.com/questions/ccbc7530-dd61-40a7-82ec-22b17f027776 \\n" support_file update_eus_db cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos exit 1 } eus_create_directories() { for dir_name in "$@"; do if ! [[ -d "${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}" ]]; then if ! [[ -d "${eus_dir}/logs" ]]; then if ! mkdir -p "${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}"; then abort_reason="Failed to create directory ${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}."; header_red; abort fi else if ! mkdir -p "${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/create-directories.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to create directory ${eus_directory_location}/${dir_name}."; header_red; abort fi fi fi done eus_directory_location="${eus_dir}" } eus_directories() { if uname -a | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -iq "cloudkey\\|uck\\|ubnt-mtk"; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' is_cloudkey="true" elif grep -iq "UCKP\\|UCKG2\\|UCK" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then eus_dir='/srv/EUS' is_cloudkey="true" else eus_dir='/usr/lib/EUS' is_cloudkey="false" fi eus_directory_location="${eus_dir}" eus_create_directories "logs" if ! rm -rf /tmp/EUS &> /dev/null; then abort_reason="Failed to remove /tmp/EUS."; header_red; abort; fi eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "upgrade" "dpkg" "repository" grep -sriIl "unifi-[0-9].[0-9]" /etc/apt/sources.list* &> /tmp/EUS/repository/unifi-repo-file if [[ "${is_cloudkey}" == "true" ]]; then if grep -iq "UCK.mtk7623" /usr/lib/version &> /dev/null; then cloudkey_generation="1"; fi; fi if ! [[ -d "/etc/apt/keyrings" ]]; then if ! install -m "0755" -d "/etc/apt/keyrings" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log"; then if ! mkdir -p "/etc/apt/keyrings" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to create /etc/apt/keyrings."; abort; fi; fi; if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log" ]]; then rm --force "${eus_dir}/logs/keyrings-directory-creation.log"; fi; fi if [[ "$(command -v stat)" ]]; then tmp_permissions="$(stat -c '%a' /tmp)"; echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"/tmp\" has permissions \"${tmp_permissions}\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-tmp-permissions.log"; fi # shellcheck disable=SC2012 if [[ "${tmp_permissions}" != '1777' ]]; then if [[ -z "${tmp_permissions}" ]]; then echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | \"/tmp\" has permissions \"$(ls -ld /tmp | awk '{print $1}')\"..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-tmp-permissions.log"; fi; chmod 1777 /tmp &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/update-tmp-permissions.log"; fi } script_logo() { cat << "EOF" _______________ ___ _________ .___ __ .__ .__ \_ _____/ | \/ _____/ | | ____ _______/ |______ | | | | | __)_| | /\_____ \ | |/ \ / ___/\ __\__ \ | | | | | \ | / / \ | | | \\___ \ | | / __ \| |_| |__ /_______ /______/ /_______ / |___|___| /____ > |__| (____ /____/____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ EOF } start_script() { script_location="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" script_file_name="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" script_name="$(grep -i "# Script" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed -e 's/^ //g')" eus_directories header script_logo echo -e " Easy UniFi Network Application Install Script" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting the Easy UniFi Install Script.." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Thank you for using my Easy UniFi Install Script :-)\\n\\n" sleep 4 } start_script check_dns help_script() { if [[ "${script_option_help}" == 'true' ]]; then header; script_logo; else echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi echo -e " Easy UniFi Network Application Install Script assistance\\n" echo -e " Script usage: bash ${script_file_name} [options] Script options: --skip Skip any kind of manual input. --skip-swap Skip swap file check/creation. --add-repository Add UniFi Repository if --skip is used. --local-install Inform script that it's a local UniFi Network installation, to open port 10001/udp ( discovery ). --custom-url [argument] Manually provide a UniFi Network Application download URL. example: --custom-url https://dl.ui.com/unifi/7.4.162/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb --help Shows this information :)\\n\\n Script options for UniFi Easy Encrypt: --v6 Run the script in IPv6 mode instead of IPv4. --email [argument] Specify what email address you want to use for renewal notifications. example: --email glenn@glennr.nl --fqdn [argument] Specify what domain name ( FQDN ) you want to use, you can specify multiple domain names with : as seperator, see the example below: --fqdn glennr.nl:www.glennr.nl --server-ip [argument] Specify the server IP address manually. example: --server-ip --retry [argument] Retry the unattended script if it aborts for X times. example: --retry 5 --external-dns [argument] Use external DNS server to resolve the FQDN. example: --external-dns --force-renew Force renew the certificates. --dns-challenge Run the script in DNS mode instead of HTTP. --dns-provider Specify your DNS server provider. example: --dns-provider ovh Supported providers: cloudflare, digitalocean, dnsimple, dnsmadeeasy, gehirn, google, linode, luadns, nsone, ovh, rfc2136, route53, sakuracloud --dns-provider-credentials Specify where the API credentials of your DNS provider are located. example: --dns-provider-credentials ~/.secrets/EUS/ovh.ini --private-key [argument] Specify path to your private key (paid certificate) example: --private-key /tmp/PRIVATE.key --signed-certificate [argument] Specify path to your signed certificate (paid certificate) example: --signed-certificate /tmp/SSL_CERTIFICATE.cer --chain-certificate [argument] Specify path to your chain certificate (paid certificate) example: --chain-certificate /tmp/CHAIN.cer --intermediate-certificate [argument] Specify path to your intermediate certificate (paid certificate) example: --intermediate-certificate /tmp/INTERMEDIATE.cer --own-certificate Requirement if you want to import your own paid certificates with the use of --skip.\\n\\n" exit 0 } rm --force /tmp/EUS/script_options &> /dev/null rm --force /tmp/EUS/le_script_options &> /dev/null script_option_list=(-skip --skip --skip-swap --add-repository --local --local-controller --local-install --custom-url --help --v6 --ipv6 --email --mail --fqdn --domain-name --server-ip --server-address --retry --external-dns --force-renew --renew --dns --dns-challenge --dns-provider --dns-provider-credentials --support-file) dns_provider_list=(cloudflare digitalocean dnsimple dnsmadeeasy gehirn google linode luadns nsone ovh rfc2136 route53 sakuracloud) while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in -skip | --skip) script_option_skip="true" echo "--skip" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options echo "--skip" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --skip-swap) script_option_skip_swap="true" echo "--skip-swap" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options;; --add-repository) script_option_add_repository="true" echo "--add-repository" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options;; --local | --local-controller | --local-install) script_option_local_install="true" echo "--local-install" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options;; --custom-url) if [[ -n "${2}" ]]; then if echo "${2}" | grep -ioq ".deb"; then custom_url_down_provided="true"; custom_download_url="${2}"; else header_red; echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Provided URL does not have the 'deb' extension...\\n"; help_script; fi; fi script_option_custom_url="true" if [[ "${custom_url_down_provided}" == 'true' ]]; then echo "--custom-url ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options; else echo "--custom-url" &>> /tmp/EUS/script_options; fi;; --help) script_option_help="true" help_script;; --v6 | --ipv6) echo "--v6" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --email | --mail) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--email ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --fqdn | --domain-name) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--fqdn ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options fqdn_specified="true" shift;; --server-ip | --server-address) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--server-ip ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --retry) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo -e "--retry ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --external-dns) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then echo -e "--external-dns" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options; else echo -e "--external-dns ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options; fi done;; --force-renew | --renew) echo -e "--force-renew" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --dns | --dns-challenge) echo -e "--dns-challenge" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --dns-provider) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done for dns_provider_check in "${dns_provider_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${dns_provider_check}" == "$2" ]]; then supported_provider="true"; break; fi; done if [[ "${supported_provider}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} DNS Provider ${2} is not supported... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi echo "--dns-provider ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --dns-provider-credentials) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--dns-provider-credentials ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --priv-key | --private-key) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--private-key ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --signed-crt | --signed-certificate) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--signed-certificate ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --chain-crt | --chain-certificate) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--chain-certificate ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --intermediate-crt | --intermediate-certificate) for option in "${script_option_list[@]}"; do if [[ "${2}" == "${option}" ]]; then header_red; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Option ${1} requires a command argument... \\n\\n"; help_script; fi done echo "--intermediate-certificate ${2}" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options shift;; --own-certificate) echo "--own-certificate" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options;; --debug) script_option_debug="true";; --support-file) script_option_support_file="true" support_file;; esac shift done # Check script options. if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/script_options && -s /tmp/EUS/script_options ]]; then IFS=" " read -r script_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/script_options)"; fi # Create EUS database. create_eus_database() { eus_create_directories "db" if [[ -z "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then return "1"; fi if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]] || ! jq empty "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > /dev/null 2>&1; then uuid="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid 2>> /dev/null)"; if [[ -z "${uuid}" ]]; then uuid="$(uuidgen -r 2>> /dev/null)"; fi architecture="$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture)" jq -n \ --arg uuid "${uuid}" \ --arg os_codename "${os_codename}" \ --arg architecture "${architecture}" \ --arg script_name "${script_name}" \ ' { "database": { "uuid": "'"${uuid}"'", "support-file-upload": "false", "opt-in-requests": "0", "opt-in-rotations": "0", "distribution": "'"${os_codename}"'", "architecture": "'"${architecture}"'" }, "scripts": { "'"${script_name}"'": { "aborts": "0", "success": "0", "total-runs": "0", "last-run": "'"$(date +%s)"'", "versions-ran": ["'"$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')"'"], "support": {} } } } | if "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Update Script" or "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Installation Script" then .scripts["'"${script_name}"'"] |= . + { ( if "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Update Script" then "upgrade-path" elif "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Installation Script" then "install-version" else empty end ): [] } else . end ' &> "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" else jq --arg script_name "${script_name}" ' .scripts |= if has("'"${script_name}"'") then . else .["'"${script_name}"'"] = { "aborts": "0", "success": "0", "total-runs": "0", "last-run": "'"$(date +%s)"'", "versions-ran": ["'"$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')"'"], "support": {} } + ( if "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Update Script" then {"upgrade-path": []} elif "'"${script_name}"'" == "UniFi Network Easy Installation Script" then {"install-version": []} else {} end ) end ' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi } create_eus_database if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep -c "downloads-distro.mongodb.org")" -gt 0 ]]; then grep -riIl "downloads-distro.mongodb.org" /etc/apt/ &>> /tmp/EUS/repository/dead_mongodb_repository while read -r glennr_mongo_repo; do sed -i '/downloads-distro.mongodb.org/d' "${glennr_mongo_repo}" 2> /dev/null if ! [[ -s "${glennr_mongo_repo}" ]]; then rm --force "${glennr_mongo_repo}" 2> /dev/null fi done < /tmp/EUS/repository/dead_mongodb_repository rm --force /tmp/EUS/repository/dead_mongodb_repository fi # Check if DST_ROOT certificate exists if grep -siq "^mozilla/DST_Root" /etc/ca-certificates.conf; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Detected DST_Root certificate..." if sed -i '/^mozilla\/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt$/ s/^/!/' /etc/ca-certificates.conf; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully commented out the DST_Root certificate! \\n" update-ca-certificates &> /dev/null else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to comment out the DST_Root certificate... \\n" fi fi # Check if apt-key is deprecated aptkey_depreciated() { apt-key list >/tmp/EUS/aptkeylist 2>&1 if grep -ioq "apt-key is deprecated" /tmp/EUS/aptkeylist; then apt_key_deprecated="true"; fi rm --force /tmp/EUS/aptkeylist } aptkey_depreciated find "${eus_dir}/logs/" -printf "%f\\n" | grep '.*.log' | awk '!a[$0]++' &> /tmp/EUS/log_files while read -r log_file; do if [[ -f "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" ]]; then log_file_size=$(stat -c%s "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}") if [[ "${log_file_size}" -gt "10485760" ]]; then tail -n1000 "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" &> "${log_file}.tmp" mv "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}.tmp" "${eus_dir}/logs/${log_file}" fi fi done < /tmp/EUS/log_files rm --force /tmp/EUS/log_files cleanup_malformed_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be malformed repositories..."; cleanup_malformed_repositories_found_message="true"; fi cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path="$(echo "${line}" | sed -n 's/.*in list file \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p')" cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1)" if [[ -f "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" ]]; then if sed -i "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number}s/^/#/" "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}" &>/dev/null; then cleanup_malformed_repositories_changes_made="true"; fi echo "Duplicates commented out in '${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}' at line $cleanup_malformed_repositories_line_number" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-malformed-repository-lists.log" else echo "Warning: Invalid file path '${cleanup_malformed_repositories_file_path}'. Skipping." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-malformed-repository-lists.log" fi done < <(grep -E '^E: Malformed entry ' "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log | awk -F': Malformed entry ' '{print $2}' | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_malformed_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The malformed repositories have been commented out! \\n"; repository_changes_applied="true"; fi unset cleanup_malformed_repositories_found_message unset cleanup_malformed_repositories_changes_made fi } cleanup_duplicated_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be duplicated repositories..."; cleanup_duplicated_repositories_found_message="true"; fi cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f1)" cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1)" if [[ -f "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" ]]; then if sed -i "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number}s/^/#/" "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}" &>/dev/null; then cleanup_duplicated_repositories_changes_made="true"; fi echo "Duplicates commented out in '${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}' at line $cleanup_duplicated_repositories_line_number" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-duplicate-repository-lists.log" else echo "Warning: Invalid file path '${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_file_path}'. Skipping." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-duplicate-repository-lists.log" fi done < <(grep -E '^W: Target .+ is configured multiple times in ' "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log | awk -F' is configured multiple times in ' '{print $2}' | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_duplicated_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The duplicated repositories have been commented out! \\n"; repository_changes_applied="true"; fi unset cleanup_duplicated_repositories_found_message unset cleanup_duplicated_repositories_changes_made fi } cleanup_unavailable_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then if ! [[ -e "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" ]]; then return; fi while read -r domain; do if ! grep -q "^#.*${domain}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list; then if [[ "${cleanup_unavailable_repositories_found_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There are repositories that are causing issues..."; cleanup_unavailable_repositories_found_message="true"; fi if sed -i -e "/^[^#].*${domain}/ s|^deb|# deb|g" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list &>/dev/null; then cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made="true"; echo "Unavailable repository with domain ${domain} has been commented out" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/cleanup-unavailable-repository-lists.log"; fi fi done < <(awk '/Unauthorized|Failed/ {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i ~ /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)/) {split($i, parts, "/"); print parts[3]}}' "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log | sort -u 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Repositories causing errors have been commented out! \\n"; repository_changes_applied="true"; fi unset cleanup_unavailable_repositories_found_message unset cleanup_unavailable_repositories_changes_made fi } cleanup_conflicting_repositories() { if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then while IFS= read -r logfile; do while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ ${line} == *"Conflicting values set for option Trusted regarding source"* ]]; then if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_1}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be repositories with conflicting details..."; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_1="true"; fi # Extract the conflicting source URL and remove trailing slash source_url="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP 'source \Khttps?://[^ /]*' | sed 's/ //g')" # Extract package name and version from the conflicting source URL package_name="$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'/' '{print $(NF-1)}' | sed 's/ //g')" version="$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' | sed 's/ //g')" # Loop through each file and awk to comment out the conflicting source while read -r file_with_conflict; do if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_1}" != 'true' ]]; then echo "Conflicting Trusted values for ${source_url}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/trusted-repository-conflict.log"; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_1="true"; fi if awk -v source="${source_url}" -v package="${package_name}" -v ver="${version}" ' $0 ~ source && $0 ~ package && $0 ~ ver { if ($0 !~ /^#/) { print "#" $0; } else { print $0; } next } 1' "${file_with_conflict}" &> tmpfile; then mv tmpfile "${file_with_conflict}" &> /dev/null; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made="true"; fi echo "awk command executed for ${file_with_conflict}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/trusted-repository-conflict.log" done < <(grep -l "^deb.*${source_url}.*${package_name}.*${version}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*) break elif [[ ${line} == *"Conflicting values set for option Signed-By regarding source"* ]]; then if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_2}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There appear to be repositories with conflicting details..."; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_2="true"; fi # Extract the conflicting source URL and keys conflicting_source="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP 'https?://[^ ]+' | sed 's/\/$//')" # Remove trailing slash key1="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP '/\S+\.gpg' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ //g')" key2="$(echo "${line}" | grep -oP '!= \S+\.gpg' | sed 's/!= //g' | sed 's/ //g')" # Loop through each file and awk to comment out the conflicting source while read -r file_with_conflict; do if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_2}" != 'true' ]]; then echo "Conflicting Signed-By values for ${conflicting_source}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/signed-by-repository-conflict.log"; echo "Conflicting keys: ${key1} != ${key2}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/signed-by-repository-conflict.log"; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_message_2="true"; fi if awk -v source="${conflicting_source}" -v key1="${key1}" -v key2="${key2}" ' !/^#/ && $0 ~ source && ($0 ~ key1 || $0 ~ key2) { print "#" $0; next } 1' "${file_with_conflict}" &> tmpfile; then mv tmpfile "${file_with_conflict}" &> /dev/null; cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made="true"; fi echo "awk command executed for ${file_with_conflict}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/signed-by-repository-conflict.log" done < <(grep -l "^deb.*${conflicting_source}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*) break fi done < "${logfile}" done < <(grep -il "Conflicting values set for option Trusted regarding source\|Conflicting values set for option Signed-By regarding source" "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log 2>> /dev/null) if [[ "${cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Repositories causing errors have been commented out! \\n"; repository_changes_applied="true"; fi unset cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_1 unset cleanup_conflicting_repositories_found_message_2 unset cleanup_conflicting_repositories_changes_made fi } run_apt_get_update() { eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "apt" if ! [[ -s /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys ]]; then if [[ "${apt_fix_missing}" == 'true' ]] || [[ -z "${afm_first_run}" ]]; then apt_fix_option="--fix-missing"; afm_first_run="1"; unset apt_fix_missing; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get update..." # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if apt-get update ${apt_fix_option} 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-update.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get update! \\n"; else echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Something went wrong during running apt-get update! \\n"; fi; fi if grep -ioq "fix-missing" /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then apt_fix_missing="true"; return; else unset apt_fix_option; fi grep -o 'NO_PUBKEY.*' /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log | sed 's/NO_PUBKEY //g' | tr ' ' '\n' | awk '!a[$0]++' &> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys fi if [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done" ]]; then while read -r key_done; do if grep -ioq "${key_done}" /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys; then sed -i "/${key_done}/d" /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys; fi done < <(cat /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_failed) fi if [[ -s /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then while read -r key; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Key ${key} is missing.. adding!" http_proxy="$(env | grep -i "http.*Proxy" | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/[";]//g')" if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then if apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${http_proxy}" --recv-keys "$key" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; else fail_key="true"; fi elif [[ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ]]; then apt_http_proxy="$(grep "http.*Proxy" /etc/apt/apt.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[";]//g')" if [[ -n "${apt_http_proxy}" ]]; then if apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${apt_http_proxy}" --recv-keys "$key" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; else fail_key="true"; fi fi else if apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv "$key" &> /dev/null && echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n"; then echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done; else fail_key="true"; fi fi if [[ "${fail_key}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying different method to get key: ${key}" gpg -vvv --debug-all --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys "${key}" &> /tmp/EUS/apt/failed_key debug_key="$(grep "KS_GET" /tmp/EUS/apt/failed_key | grep -io "0x.*")" if wget -q "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=${debug_key}" -O- | gpg --dearmor --yes > "/tmp/EUS/apt/EUS-${key}.gpg"; then mv "/tmp/EUS/apt/EUS-${key}.gpg" /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ && echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added key ${key}!\\n" && echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_done else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add key ${key}... \\n" echo "${key}" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys_failed fi fi sleep 1 done < /tmp/EUS/apt/missing_keys else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Keys appear to be missing..." && sleep 1 echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Required package dirmngr is missing... cannot recover keys... \\n" fi apt-get update &> /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log if "$(which dpkg)" -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if grep -qo 'NO_PUBKEY.*' /tmp/EUS/apt/apt-update.log; then run_apt_get_update; fi; fi fi cleanup_malformed_repositories cleanup_duplicated_repositories cleanup_unavailable_repositories cleanup_conflicting_repositories if [[ "${repository_changes_applied}" == 'true' ]]; then unset repository_changes_applied; run_apt_get_update; fi rm --force "/tmp/EUS/apt/"*.log &> /dev/null } check_add_mongodb_repo_variable() { if [[ -e "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" ]]; then rm --force "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" &> /dev/null; fi check_add_mongodb_repo_variables=( "add_mongodb_30_repo" "add_mongodb_32_repo" "add_mongodb_34_repo" "add_mongodb_36_repo" "add_mongodb_40_repo" "add_mongodb_42_repo" "add_mongodb_44_repo" "add_mongodb_50_repo" "add_mongodb_60_repo" "add_mongodb_70_repo" "add_mongod_70_repo" ) for mongodb_repo_variable in "${check_add_mongodb_repo_variables[@]}"; do if [[ "${!mongodb_repo_variable}" == 'true' ]]; then if echo "${mongodb_repo_variable}" &>> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable; then unset "${mongodb_repo_variable}"; fi; fi; done } reverse_check_add_mongodb_repo_variable() { local add_mongodb_repo_variable if [[ -e "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" ]]; then while read -r add_mongodb_repo_variable; do declare -n add_mongodb_xx_repo="$add_mongodb_repo_variable" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 add_mongodb_xx_repo="true" done < "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/check_add_mongodb_repo_variable" fi } add_glennr_mongod_repo() { repo_http_https="https" mongod_armv8_v="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongod-armv8" | grep -i "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/+.*//g' | sort -V | tail -n 1)" if [[ "${mongod_armv8_v::2}" == '70' ]] || [[ "${add_mongod_70_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongod_version_major_minor="7.0" mongod_repo_type="mongod/7.0" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo stretch" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo ${os_codename}" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo xenial" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo bionic" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo focal" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo jammy" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (noble) ]]; then mongod_codename="repo noble" else mongod_codename="repo xenial" fi fi if [[ -n "${mongod_version_major_minor}" ]]; then if ! [[ -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding key for the Glenn R. APT Repository..." aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then if curl -fsSL "${repo_http_https}://get.glennr.nl/apt/keys/apt-glennr.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg -o "/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" --dearmor --yes &> /dev/null; then glennr_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" glennr_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${glennr_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${glennr_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository." abort fi fi else if wget -qO - "${repo_http_https}://get.glennr.nl/apt/keys/apt-glennr.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then glennr_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" glennr_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${glennr_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${glennr_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the Glenn R. APT Repository." abort fi fi fi else if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/apt-glennr.gpg"; fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the Glenn R. APT reposity for mongod ${mongod_version_major_minor}..." if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then arch="arch=arm64"; elif [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then arch="arch=amd64"; else arch="arch=amd64,arm64"; fi if echo "deb [ ${arch}${signed_by_value} ] ${repo_http_https}://apt.glennr.nl/${mongod_codename} ${mongod_repo_type}" &> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-mongod-${mongod_version_major_minor}.list"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the Glenn R. APT reposity for mongod ${mongod_version_major_minor}!\\n" && sleep 2 if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' ]]; then run_apt_get_update mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongod-armv8 | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" ]]; then mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongod-armv8 | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed '/mongod/d' | sed 's/*//g' | sort -r -V | head -n 1)"; fi mongod_upgrade_to_version="${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot//./}" if [[ "${mongod_upgrade_to_version::2}" == "${mongo_version_max}" ]]; then install_mongod_version="${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" install_mongod_version_with_equality_sign="=${mongod_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" fi fi else abort_reason="Failed to add the Glenn R. APT reposity for mongod ${mongod_version_major_minor}." abort fi fi unset mongod_armv8_v unset signed_by_value } add_extra_repo_mongodb() { unset repo_arguments unset repo_url if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then if [[ "${add_extra_repo_mongodb_security}" == 'true' ]]; then repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" repo_arguments="-security main" fi else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi fi if [[ -z "${repo_arguments}" ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi if [[ -z "${repo_url}" ]]; then get_repo_url; fi repo_codename="${add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename}" os_codename="${add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename}" get_repo_url add_repositories get_distro get_repo_url unset add_extra_repo_mongodb_security unset add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename } add_mongodb_repo() { if [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then add_glennr_mongod_repo; fi # if any "add_mongodb_xx_repo" is true, (set skip_mongodb_org_v to true, this is disabled). mongodb_add_repo_variables=( "add_mongodb_30_repo" "add_mongodb_32_repo" "add_mongodb_34_repo" "add_mongodb_36_repo" "add_mongodb_40_repo" "add_mongodb_42_repo" "add_mongodb_44_repo" "add_mongodb_50_repo" "add_mongodb_60_repo" "add_mongodb_70_repo" "add_mongod_70_repo" ) for add_repo_variable in "${mongodb_add_repo_variables[@]}"; do if [[ "${!add_repo_variable}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_add_repo_variables_true_statements+=("${add_repo_variable}"); fi; done if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" == 'true' ]]; then skip_mongodb_org_v="true"; fi if [[ "${skip_mongodb_org_v}" != 'true' ]]; then mongodb_org_v="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-org-server" | grep -i "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/+.*//g' | sort -V | tail -n 1)" fi repo_http_https="https" if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '30' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_30_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true"; unset add_mongodb_30_repo; fi mongodb_version_major_minor="3.0" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu precise" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "wheezy" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian wheezy" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '32' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_32_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true"; unset add_mongodb_32_repo; fi mongodb_version_major_minor="3.2" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '34' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_34_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="3.4" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '36' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_36_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="3.6" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '40' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_40_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="4.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu trusty" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian jessie" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '42' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_42_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="4.2" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '44' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_44_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="4.4" if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then mongo_version_locked="4.4.18"; fi if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '50' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_50_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="5.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian stretch" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (buster) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bullseye" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '60' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_60_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="6.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian buster" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bullseye" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu bionic" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu xenial" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_v::2}" == '70' ]] || [[ "${add_mongodb_70_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then mongodb_version_major_minor="7.0" if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="bullseye" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bookworm|trixie|forky|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_security="true" add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="bullseye" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bullseye) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bullseye" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then mongodb_codename="debian bookworm" mongodb_repo_type="main" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno) ]]; then add_extra_repo_mongodb_security="true" add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb add_extra_repo_mongodb_codename="focal" add_extra_repo_mongodb fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then mongodb_codename="ubuntu jammy" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" else mongodb_codename="ubuntu focal" mongodb_repo_type="multiverse" fi fi fi if [[ "$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/releases/mongodb-versions.json | jq -r '.versions."'"${mongodb_version_major_minor}"'".expired')" == 'true' ]]; then trusted_mongodb_repo=" trusted=yes"; fi mongodb_key_check_time="$(date +%s)" jq --arg mongodb_key_check_time "${mongodb_key_check_time}" '."database" += {"mongodb-key-last-check": "'"${mongodb_key_check_time}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move if [[ "${try_different_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then try_different_mongodb_repo_test="a different"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2="different "; else try_different_mongodb_repo_test="the"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2=""; fi if [[ "${try_http_mongodb_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then repo_http_https="http"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test="a HTTP instead of HTTPS"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2="HTTP "; else try_different_mongodb_repo_test="the"; try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2=""; fi if [[ -n "${mongodb_version_major_minor}" ]]; then if ! [[ -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" ]] || [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}..." aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then if wget -qO - "${repo_http_https}://pgp.mongodb.com/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg --dearmor --yes | tee -a "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" &> /dev/null; then mongodb_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" else if wget -qO - "${repo_http_https}://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg --dearmor --yes | tee -a "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" &> /dev/null; then mongodb_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}." abort fi fi fi fi else if wget -qO - "${repo_http_https}://pgp.mongodb.com/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then mongodb_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" else if wget -qO - "${repo_http_https}://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.asc" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then mongodb_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" mongodb_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${mongodb_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${mongodb_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor}." abort fi fi fi fi fi else if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then signed_by_value=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/mongodb-server-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.gpg"; fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding ${try_different_mongodb_repo_test} MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor} repository..." if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then arch="arch=arm64"; elif [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then arch="arch=amd64"; else arch="arch=amd64,arm64"; fi if echo "deb [ ${arch}${signed_by_value}${trusted_mongodb_repo} ] ${repo_http_https}://repo.mongodb.org/apt/${mongodb_codename}/mongodb-org/${mongodb_version_major_minor} ${mongodb_repo_type}" &> "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-${mongodb_version_major_minor}.list"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the ${try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2}MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor} repository!\\n" && sleep 2 if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' ]]; then run_apt_get_update mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" ]]; then mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${mongo_version_max_with_dot}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed '/mongodb/d' | sort -r -V | head -n 1)"; fi if [[ "${mongodb_downgrade_process}" == "true" ]]; then unset mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}" | grep -i Candidate | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2)" if [[ -z "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" ]]; then mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot="$(apt-cache policy mongodb-org-server | grep -i "${previous_mongodb_version_with_dot}" | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/-1//g' -e 's/100//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/http/d' -e 's/*//g' | cut -d':' -f2 | sed '/mongodb/d' | sort -r -V | head -n 1)"; fi fi mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version="${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot//./}" if [[ -n "${mongo_version_locked}" ]]; then install_mongodb_version="${mongo_version_locked}"; install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign="=${mongo_version_locked}"; fi if [[ "${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version::2}" == "${mongo_version_max}" ]] || [[ "${mongodb_downgrade_process}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -z "${mongo_version_locked}" ]]; then install_mongodb_version="${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign="=${mongodb_org_upgrade_to_version_with_dot}" fi fi fi else abort_reason="Failed to add the ${try_different_mongodb_repo_test_2}MongoDB ${mongodb_version_major_minor} repository." abort fi fi unset skip_mongodb_org_v unset signed_by_value } # Check if system runs Unifi OS if "$(which dpkg)" -l unifi-core 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then unifi_core_system="true" if grep -sq unifi-native /mnt/.rofs/var/lib/dpkg/status; then unifi_native_system="true"; fi if [[ -f /proc/ubnthal/system.info ]]; then if grep -iq "shortname" /proc/ubnthal/system.info; then unifi_core_device="$(grep "shortname" /proc/ubnthal/system.info | sed 's/shortname=//g')"; fi; fi if [[ -f /etc/motd && -s /etc/motd && -z "${unifi_core_device}" ]]; then unifi_core_device="$(grep -io "welcome.*" /etc/motd | sed -e 's/Welcome //g' -e 's/to //g' -e 's/the //g' -e 's/!//g')"; fi if [[ -f /usr/lib/version && -s /usr/lib/version && -z "${unifi_core_device}" ]]; then unifi_core_device="$(cut -d'.' -f1 /usr/lib/version)"; fi if [[ -z "${unifi_core_device}" ]]; then unifi_core_device='Unknown device'; fi fi # Decide on Network Application file to download. if [[ "${unifi_core_system}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${unifi_native_system}" == 'true' ]]; then unifi_deb_file_name="unifi-native_sysvinit" else unifi_deb_file_name="unifi-uos_sysvinit" fi else unifi_deb_file_name="unifi_sysvinit_all" fi cancel_script() { if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#########################################################################${RESET}\\n" else header fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Cancelling the script!\\n\\n" author update_eus_db cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos remove_yourself exit 0 } http_proxy_found() { header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} HTTP Proxy found. | ${WHITE_R}${http_proxy}${RESET}\\n\\n" } remove_yourself() { if [[ "${set_lc_all}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${original_lang}" ]]; then export LANG="${original_lang}"; else unset LANG; fi; if [[ -n "${original_lcall}" ]]; then export LC_ALL="${original_lcall}"; else unset LC_ALL; fi; fi if [[ "${delete_script}" == 'true' || "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -e "${script_location}" ]]; then rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null; fi; fi } christmass_new_year() { date_d=$(date '+%d' | sed "s/^0*//g; s/\.0*/./g") date_m=$(date '+%m' | sed "s/^0*//g; s/\.0*/./g") if [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" -ge '18' && "${date_d}" -lt '26' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} GlennR wishes you a Merry Christmas! May you be blessed with health and happiness!" christmas_message="true" fi if [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" -ge '24' && "${date_d}" -le '30' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date -d "+1 year" +"%Y") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} May the new year turn all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements!" new_year_message="true" elif [[ "${date_m}" == '12' && "${date_d}" == '31' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date -d "+1 year" +"%Y") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one!" new_year_message="true" fi if [[ "${date_m}" == '1' && "${date_d}" -le '5' ]]; then if [[ "${christmas_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e ""; fi date_y=$(date '+%Y') echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} HAPPY NEW YEAR ${date_y}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements" new_year_message="true" fi } author() { update_eus_db cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos christmass_new_year if [[ "${new_year_message}" == 'true' || "${christmas_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Looks like you're using a ${RED}EOL/unsupported${RESET} OS Release (${os_codename})\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Please update to a supported release...\\n"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${RED}# ${RESET}Please update to the latest UniFi OS Release!\\n"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Author | ${WHITE_R}Glenn R.${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Email | ${WHITE_R}glennrietveld8@hotmail.nl${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${GRAY_R}Website | ${WHITE_R}https://GlennR.nl${RESET}" echo -e "\\n\\n" } # Set architecture architecture="$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture)" if [[ "${architecture}" == 'i686' ]]; then architecture="i386"; fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && -e "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"architecture": "'"${architecture}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log"; eus_database_move; fi # Get distro. get_distro() { if [[ -z "$(command -v lsb_release)" ]] || [[ "${skip_use_lsb_release}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -f "/etc/os-release" ]]; then if grep -iq VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release; then os_codename=$(grep VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/VERSION_CODENAME//g' | tr -d '="' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') elif ! grep -iq VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release; then os_codename=$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | tr -d '="' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\((\|)\)//g' | sed 's/\/sid//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ -z "${os_codename}" ]]; then os_codename=$(grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release | sed 's/PRETTY_NAME=//g' | tr -d '="' | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\((\|)\)//g' | sed 's/\/sid//g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') fi fi fi else os_codename=$(lsb_release -cs | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ "${os_codename}" == 'n/a' ]]; then skip_use_lsb_release="true" get_distro return fi fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(precise|maya|luna)$ ]]; then repo_codename=precise; os_codename=precise elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|freya)$ ]]; then repo_codename=trusty; os_codename=trusty elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|loki)$ ]]; then repo_codename=xenial; os_codename=xenial elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|hera|juno)$ ]]; then repo_codename=bionic; os_codename=bionic elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(focal|ulyana|ulyssa|uma|una|odin|jolnir)$ ]]; then repo_codename=focal; os_codename=focal elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(jammy|vanessa|vera|victoria|virginia|horus)$ ]]; then repo_codename=jammy; os_codename=jammy elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(stretch|continuum)$ ]]; then repo_codename=stretch; os_codename=stretch elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(buster|debbie|parrot|engywuck-backports|engywuck|deepin)$ ]]; then repo_codename=buster; os_codename=buster elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bullseye|kali-rolling|elsie|ara)$ ]]; then repo_codename=bullseye; os_codename=bullseye elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ ^(bookworm|lory|faye)$ ]]; then repo_codename=bookworm; os_codename=bookworm else repo_codename="${os_codename}" fi if [[ -n "$(command -v jq)" && "$(jq -r '.database.distribution' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != "${os_codename}" ]]; then jq '."database" += {"distribution": "'"${os_codename}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log"; eus_database_move; fi } get_distro get_repo_url() { unset archived_repo if [[ "${os_codename}" != "${repo_codename}" ]]; then os_codename="${repo_codename}"; os_codename_changed="true"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l apt-transport-https 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then http_or_https="https" add_repositories_http_or_https="http[s]*" if [[ "${copied_source_files}" == 'true' ]]; then while read -r revert_https_repo_needs_http_file; do if [[ "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" == 'source.list' ]]; then mv "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" "/etc/apt/source.list" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/revert-https-repo-needs-http.log" else mv "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}" "/etc/apt/source.list.d/$(basename "${revert_https_repo_needs_http_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/revert-https-repo-needs-http.log" fi done < <(find "${eus_dir}/repositories" -type f -name "*.list") fi else http_or_https="http" add_repositories_http_or_https="http" fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l curl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if curl -s "${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/" | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"; else repo_url="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"; fi else if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"; else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com"; fi fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if curl -s "${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/" | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian"; else repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian"; fi if [[ "${architecture}" == 'armhf' ]]; then repo_arch_value="arch=armhf" if curl -s "${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/" | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_raspbian_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_raspbian_repo}" == "true" ]]; then raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian"; else raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian"; fi fi if [[ "${use_raspberrypi_repo}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then repo_arch_value="arch=arm64"; fi if curl -s "${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/" | grep -iq "${os_codename}" 2> /dev/null; then archived_repo="true"; fi if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://legacy.raspbian.org/raspbian"; else repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian"; fi unset use_raspberrypi_repo fi fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_url="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.debian.org/debian" if [[ "${architecture}" == 'armhf' ]]; then raspbian_repo_url="${http_or_https}://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian" fi fi fi } get_repo_url cleanup_archived_repos() { if [[ "${archived_repo}" == "true" ]]; then repo_file_patterns=( "deb.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "deb.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "ftp.*.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "ftp.*.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "ftp.*.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org\\/ ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org\\/debian-security ${os_codename}" "security.debian.org\\/debian-security\\/ ${os_codename}" "ftp.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "ftp.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "http.debian.net\\/debian ${os_codename}" "http.debian.net\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "*.archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "*.archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" "archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "archive.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" "security.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "security.ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" "archive.raspbian.org\\/raspbian ${os_codename}" "archive.raspbian.org\\/raspbian\\/ ${os_codename}" "archive.raspberrypi.org\\/raspbian ${os_codename}" "archive.raspberrypi.org\\/raspbian\\/ ${os_codename}" "httpredir.debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "httpredir.debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" ) #repo_file_patterns=( "debian.org\\/debian ${os_codename}" "debian.org\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "debian.net\\/debian ${os_codename}" "debian.net\\/debian\\/ ${os_codename}" "ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu ${os_codename}" "ubuntu.com\\/ubuntu\\/ ${os_codename}" ) while read -r repo_file; do for pattern in "${repo_file_patterns[@]}"; do sed -e "/${pattern}/ s/^#*/#/g" -i "${repo_file}" done #done < <(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list" -exec grep -ilE 'deb.debian.org/debian|security.debian.org|ftp.[a-Z]{1,2}.debian.org/debian|ftp.debian.org/debian|[a-Z]{1,2}.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu|security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' {} +) done < <(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list" -exec grep -ilE 'debian.org|debian.net|ubuntu.com|raspbian.org|raspberrypi.org' {} +) fi } cleanup_archived_repos add_repositories() { # Check if repository is already added if grep -sq "^deb .*http\?s\?://$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g')${repo_url_arguments}\?/\? ${repo_codename}${repo_arguments}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; then unset repo_key_name unset repo_url_arguments unset repo_arguments unset signed_by_value_repo_key return # Repository already added, exit function fi # Add repository key if required if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' && -n "${repo_key}" && -n "${repo_key_name}" ]]; then if gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring "/etc/apt/keyrings/${repo_key_name}.gpg" --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys "${repo_key}" &> /dev/null; then signed_by_value_repo_key=" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/${repo_key_name}.gpg" else abort_reason="Failed to add repository key ${repo_key}." abort fi fi # Handle Debian versions if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) && "$(command -v jq)" ]]; then os_version_number="$(lsb_release -rs | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -d'.' -f1)" check_debian_version="${os_version_number}" if echo "${repo_url}" | grep -ioq "archive.debian"; then check_debian_version="${os_version_number}-archive" elif echo "${repo_url_arguments}" | grep -ioq "security.debian"; then check_debian_version="${os_version_number}-security" fi if [[ "$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/releases/debian-versions.json | jq -r '.versions."'"${check_debian_version}"'".expired')" == 'true' ]]; then signed_by_value_repo_key+=" trusted=yes" fi fi # Add repository to sources list if [[ -n "${signed_by_value_repo_key}" && -n "${repo_arch_value}" ]]; then local brackets="[${signed_by_value_repo_key}${repo_arch_value}] "; else local brackets=""; fi local repo_entry="deb ${brackets}${repo_url}${repo_url_arguments} ${repo_codename}${repo_arguments}" if ! echo -e "${repo_entry}" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list; then abort_reason="Failed to add repository." abort fi # Handle HTTP repositories if [[ "${add_repositories_http_or_https}" == 'http' ]]; then eus_create_directories "repositories" while read -r https_repo_needs_http_file; do if [[ -d "${eus_dir}/repositories" ]]; then cp "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" "${eus_dir}/repositories/$(basename "${https_repo_needs_http_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" copied_source_files="true" fi sed -i '/https/{s/^/#/}' "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" sed -i 's/##/#/g' "${https_repo_needs_http_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/https-repo-needs-http.log" done < <(grep -ril "^deb https*://$(echo "${repo_url}" | sed -e 's/https\:\/\///g' -e 's/http\:\/\///g') ${repo_codename}${repo_arguments}" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*) fi # Clean up unset variables unset repo_key_name unset repo_url_arguments unset repo_arguments unset signed_by_value_repo_key # Check if OS codename changed and reset variables if [[ "${os_codename_changed}" == 'true' ]]; then unset os_codename_changed get_distro get_repo_url fi } if ! [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya|trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|bionic|tara|tessa|tina|tricia|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; fi header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} This script is not made for your OS.." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Feel free to contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums if you need help with installing your UniFi Network Application." echo -e "" echo -e "OS_CODENAME = ${os_codename}" echo -e "" echo -e "" exit 1 fi if ! grep -iq '^*localhost' /etc/hosts; then if [[ "${script_option_debug}" != 'true' ]]; then clear; fi header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ' localhost' does not exist in your /etc/hosts file." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You will most likely see application startup issues if it doesn't exist..\\n\\n" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to add " localhost" to your /etc/hosts file? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding ' localhost' to /etc/hosts" sed -i '1i # ------------------------------' /etc/hosts sed -i '1i localhost' /etc/hosts sed -i '1i # Added by GlennR EUS script' /etc/hosts && echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Done..\\n\\n" sleep 3;; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi check_and_add_to_path() { local directory="$1" if ! echo "${PATH}" | grep -qE "(^|:)$directory(:|$)"; then export PATH="$directory:$PATH" echo "Added $directory to PATH" &>> "${eus_dir/logs/path.log}" fi } check_and_add_to_path "/usr/local/sbin" check_and_add_to_path "/usr/sbin" check_and_add_to_path "/sbin" script_version_check() { local version local local_version local online_version version="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)" local_version="$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" online_version="$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/update/unifi-update.sh | grep -i "# Version" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" IFS='.' read -r -a local_parts <<< "${local_version}" IFS='.' read -r -a online_parts <<< "${online_version}" max_length=$(("${#local_parts[@]}" > "${#online_parts[@]}" ? "${#local_parts[@]}" : "${#online_parts[@]}")) local local_adjusted=() local online_adjusted=() for ((i = 0; i < max_length; i++)) do local local_segment="${local_parts[$i]:-0}" local online_segment="${online_parts[$i]:-0}" local max_segment_length="${#local_segment}" [[ "${#online_segment}" -gt "${max_segment_length}" ]] && max_segment_length="${#online_segment}" if [[ "${#local_segment}" -lt max_segment_length ]]; then local_segment="$(printf "%s%s" "${local_segment}" "$(printf '0%.0s' $(seq $((max_segment_length - ${#local_segment}))) )")" fi if [[ "${#online_segment}" -lt max_segment_length ]]; then online_segment="$(printf "%s%s" "${online_segment}" "$(printf '0%.0s' $(seq $((max_segment_length - ${#online_segment}))) )")" fi local_adjusted+=("$local_segment") online_adjusted+=("$online_segment") done local local_version_adjusted local online_version_adjusted local_version_adjusted="$(IFS=; echo "${local_adjusted[*]}")" online_version_adjusted="$(IFS=; echo "${online_adjusted[*]}")" if [[ "${local_version_adjusted}" -lt "${online_version_adjusted}" ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You're currently running script version ${local_version} while ${online_version} is the latest!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading and executing version ${online_version} of the script...\\n\\n" sleep 3 rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null rm --force "unifi-${version}.sh" 2> /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2068 wget -q "${wget_progress[@]}" "https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/install/unifi-${version}.sh" && bash "unifi-${version}.sh" ${script_options[@]}; exit 0 fi } script_version_check if ! [[ -d /etc/apt/sources.list.d ]]; then mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d; fi # Check if we should handle broken UniFi installation process if we found old database files. if [[ -d "/usr/lib/unifi/logs/" ]]; then if [[ "$(command -v zgrep)" ]]; then grep_command="zgrep"; else grep_command="grep"; fi while read -r found_mongodb_version; do while read -r file; do if ! "${grep_command}" -A30 -aE "$(echo "${found_mongodb_version}" | cut -d'.' -f1)\.$(echo "${found_mongodb_version}" | cut -d'.' -f2)\.$(echo "${found_mongodb_version}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" "${file}" | "${grep_command}" -sqiaE "This version of MongoDB is too recent to start up on the existing data files|This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade.|UPGRADE PROBLEM"; then last_known_good_mongodb_version="${found_mongodb_version}"; break fi done < <(find /usr/lib/unifi/logs/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec "${grep_command}" -Eial "db version v${found_mongodb_version}|buildInfo\":{\"version\":\"${found_mongodb_version}\"" {} \;) if [[ -n "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" ]]; then break; fi done < <(find /usr/lib/unifi/logs/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 "${grep_command}" -sEioa "db version v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}|buildInfo\":{\"version\":\"[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}\"" | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/db version v//g' -e 's/buildInfo":{"version":"//g' -e 's/"//g' | sort -V | uniq | sort -r) if [[ -n "${last_known_good_mongodb_version}" ]]; then previous_mongodb_version="${last_known_good_mongodb_version//./}"; previous_mongodb_version_with_dot="${last_known_good_mongodb_version}"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8" | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then recovery_check_mongodb_server_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8" | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/\.//g')" if [[ "${recovery_check_mongodb_server_version::2}" != "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" ]]; then recovery_required="true"; fi fi fi unifi_package="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" if [[ -n "${unifi_package}" ]] || [[ "${recovery_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if ! [[ "${unifi_package}" =~ (hi|ii) ]] || [[ "${recovery_required}" == 'true' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} You have a broken UniFi Network Application installation...\\n\\n${WHITE}#${RESET} Removing the broken UniFi Network Application installation..." if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken_unifi.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed the broken UniFi Network Application installation! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove the broken UniFi Network Application installation...\\n" fi broken_unifi_install="true" if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version="$(head -n1 /usr/lib/unifi/data/db/version)"; fi if [[ -z "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version="$(grep -sEio "UniFi [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,3}" /usr/lib/unifi/logs/server.log | sed 's/UniFi //g' | tail -n1)"; fi if [[ -z "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l unifi | tail -n1 | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d"-" -f1)"; fi if [[ -n "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit="$(echo "${broken_unifi_install_version}" | cut -d"." -f1)" broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit="$(echo "${broken_unifi_install_version}" | cut -d"." -f2)" broken_unifi_install_version_third_digit="$(echo "${broken_unifi_install_version}" | cut -d"." -f3)" unifi_download_link="$(curl -s "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${broken_unifi_install_version_first_digit}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${broken_unifi_install_version_second_digit}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${broken_unifi_install_version_third_digit}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[]._links.data.href" | sed '/null/d')" if [[ -z "${unifi_download_link}" ]]; then unifi_download_link="$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/releases/unifi-network-application-versions.json | jq -r '.versions."'"${broken_unifi_install_version}"'"."download_link"' | sed '/null/d')" fi if [[ -n "${unifi_download_link}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if we need to change the version that the script will install..." eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads "unifi_sysvinit_all_${broken_unifi_install_version}_XXXXX.deb")" if wget -O "$unifi_temp" "${unifi_download_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-broken-install-download.log"; then unifi_network_application_downloaded="true" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The script will install UniFi Network Application version ${broken_unifi_install_version}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to change the version to UniFi Network Application ${broken_unifi_install_version}...\\n" fi fi sleep 3 fi jq '.scripts."'"$script_name"'" += {"recovery": {"broken-install": {"script-version": "'"$(grep -i "# Version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)"'", "status": "'"$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | awk '{print $1}')"'", "unifi-version": "'"${broken_unifi_install_version}"'", "previous-mongodb-version": "'"${last_known_good_mongodb_version}"'", "detected-date": "'"$(date +%s)"'"}}}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi fi # Check if --show-progrss is supported in wget version if wget --help | grep -q '\--show-progress'; then if ! grep -q "show-progress" /tmp/EUS/wget_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--show-progress" &>> /tmp/EUS/wget_option; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/wget_option && -s /tmp/EUS/wget_option ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a wget_progress <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/wget_option)"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/wget_option &> /dev/null; fi # Check if --allow-change-held-packages is supported in apt get_apt_options() { if [[ "${remove_apt_options}" == "true" ]]; then get_apt_option_arguments="false"; unset apt_options; fi if [[ "${get_apt_option_arguments}" != "false" ]]; then if [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -ge "1" ]] || [[ "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "1" && "$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $2,$3}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -ge "1" ]]; then if ! grep -q "allow-change-held-packages" /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; then echo "--allow-change-held-packages" &>> /tmp/EUS/apt_option; fi; fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/apt_option && -s /tmp/EUS/apt_option ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a apt_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/apt_option)"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/apt_option &> /dev/null; fi fi unset get_apt_option_arguments unset remove_apt_options } get_apt_options # Check if UniFi is already installed. if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi is already installed on your system!${RESET}" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You can use my Easy Update Script to update your UniFi Network Application.${RESET}\\n\\n" read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Would you like to download and run my Easy Update Script? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") rm --force "${script_location}" 2> /dev/null wget -q "${wget_progress[@]}" https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/update/unifi-update.sh && bash unifi-update.sh; exit 0;; [Nn]*) exit 0;; esac fi broken_packages_check() { local broken_packages broken_packages="$(apt-get check 2>&1 | grep -i "Broken" | awk '{print $2}')" if [[ -n "${broken_packages}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Broken packages found: ${broken_packages}. Attempting to fix..." | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install --fix-broken &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully fixed the broken packages! \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to fix the broken packages! \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/broken-packages.log" fi fi } check_dpkg_interrupted() { if [[ -e "/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.status" ]] || tail -n5 "${eus_dir}/logs/"* | grep -iq "you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Looks like dpkg was interrupted... running \"dpkg --configure -a\"... \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-interrupted.log" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" --configure -a &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-interrupted.log" while read -r log_file; do sed -i 's/--configure -a/--configure -a (completed)/g' "${log_file}" &> /dev/null done < <(find "${eus_dir}/logs/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec grep -Eil "you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem" {} \;) fi } check_dpkg_lock() { local lock_files=( "/var/lib/dpkg/lock" "/var/lib/apt/lists/lock" "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock" ) local lock_owner for lock_file in "${lock_files[@]}"; do if command -v lsof &>/dev/null; then lock_owner="$(lsof -F p "${lock_file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -oP '(?<=^p).*')" elif command -v fuser &>/dev/null; then lock_owner="$(fuser "${lock_file}" 2>/dev/null)" fi if [[ -n "${lock_owner}" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} $(echo "${lock_file}" | cut -d'/' -f4) is currently locked by process ${lock_owner}... We'll give it 2 minutes to finish." | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" local timeout="120" local start_time start_time="$(date +%s)" while true; do kill -0 "${lock_owner}" &>/dev/null local kill_result="$?" if [[ "$kill_result" -eq "0" ]]; then local current_time current_time="$(date +%s)" local elapsed_time="$((current_time - start_time))" if [[ "${elapsed_time}" -ge "${timeout}" ]]; then process_killed="true" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Timeout reached. Killing process ${lock_owner} forcefully. \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" kill -9 "${lock_owner}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" rm -f "${lock_file}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" break else sleep 1 fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} $(echo "${lock_file}" | cut -d'/' -f4) is no longer locked! \\n" | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/dpkg-lock.log" break fi done if [[ "${process_killed}" == 'true' ]]; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" --configure -a 2>/dev/null; fi check_dpkg_lock broken_packages_check return fi done check_dpkg_interrupted } check_dpkg_lock armhf_recommendation() { print_architecture=$("$(which dpkg)" --print-architecture) if [[ "${print_architecture}" == 'armhf' && "${is_cloudkey}" == "false" ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your installation might fail, please consider getting a Cloud Key Gen2 or go with a VPS at OVH/DO/AWS." if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You could try using Debian Bullseye before going with a UCK G2 ( PLUS ) or VPS" fi echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloud-key-gen2" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloudkey-gen2-plus\\n\\n" sleep 20 fi } armhf_recommendation old_systemd_version_check() { if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show systemd | awk -F '[.-]' '{print $1}')" -lt "231" ]]; then old_systemd_version="true" /usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper create-dirs &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" if ! [[ -d "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/etc/systemd/system"; eus_create_directories "unifi.service.d"; fi if echo -e "[Service]\nPermissionsStartOnly=true\nExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper init\nExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper init-uos\nExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper create-dirs\nExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/unifi-network-service-helper cleanup" &> /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf; then daemon_reexec systemctl daemon-reload &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" systemctl reset-failed unifi.service &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log" fi if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if service unifi restart &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log"; then old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart="true"; fi else if systemctl restart unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/old-systemd.log"; then old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart="true"; fi fi fi } check_service_overrides() { if [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service" ]] || [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application service overrides detected... Removing them..." unifi_override_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l unifi | tail -n1 | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'-' -f1)" eus_create_directories "unifi-service-overrides" if [[ -d "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/${unifi_override_version}/" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service" ]]; then mv "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service" "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/${unifi_override_version}/unifi.service" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log" fi if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/" ]]; then find /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/ -type f &> "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/override-files-tmp.list" while read -r override_file; do override_file_name="$(basename "${override_file}")" mv "${override_file}" "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/${unifi_override_version}/${override_file_name}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log" done < "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/override-files-tmp.list" rm --force "${eus_dir}/unifi-service-overrides/override-files-tmp.list" &> /dev/null fi fi if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show systemd | awk -F '[.-]' '{print $1}')" -ge "230" ]]; then if systemctl revert unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully reverted the UniFi Network Application service overrides! \\n" check_service_overrides_reverted="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to revert the UniFi Network Application service overrides...\\n" fi else if [[ -e "/etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf" ]]; then if rm --force /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service.d/override.conf &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully reverted the UniFi Network Application service overrides! \\n" check_service_overrides_reverted="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to revert the UniFi Network Application service overrides...\\n" fi fi fi if [[ "${check_service_overrides_reverted}" == 'true' ]]; then systemctl daemon-reload &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/service-override.log"; fi sleep 3 fi fi } system_properties_check() { if [[ -e "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" ]]; then if grep -qE 'unifi\.x(m[xs]|ss)=[0-9]*[A-Za-z]+' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then if sed -i 's/\(unifi\.\(xmx\|xms\|xss\)=\)\([0-9]\+\)[A-Za-z]*/\1\3/' "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then echo "Corrected unifi.xmx, unifi.xms, and unifi.xss patterns in system.properties" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/system-properties-update.log" fi fi fi } custom_url_question() { header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Please enter the application download URL below." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m ' custom_download_url custom_url_download_check } custom_url_upgrade_check() { echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script will now install application version: ${unifi_clean}!" && sleep 3 unifi_network_application_downloaded="true" } custom_url_download_check() { eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads unifi_sysvinit_all_XXXXX.deb)" header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the application release..." echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_custom_url_download.log" if ! wget -O "$unifi_temp" "${custom_download_url}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_custom_url_download.log"; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The URL you provided cannot be downloaded.. Please provide a working URL." sleep 3 custom_url_question else "$(which dpkg)" -I "${unifi_temp}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' &> "${unifi_temp}.tmp" package_maintainer=$(awk '/maintainer/{print$2}' "${unifi_temp}.tmp") unifi_clean=$(awk '/version/{print$2}' "${unifi_temp}.tmp" | grep -io "5.*\\|6.*\\|7.*\\|8.*" | cut -d'-' -f1 | cut -d'/' -f1) rm --force "${unifi_temp}.tmp" &> /dev/null if [[ "${package_maintainer}" =~ (unifi|ubiquiti) ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded the application release!" sleep 2 custom_url_upgrade_check else header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You did not provide a UniFi Network Application that is maintained by Ubiquiti ( UniFi )..." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to provide the script with another URL? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") custom_url_question;; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi fi } if [[ "${script_option_custom_url}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${custom_url_down_provided}" == 'true' ]]; then custom_url_download_check; else custom_url_question; fi; fi ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Required Packages # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # Install needed packages if not installed install_required_packages() { sleep 2 installing_required_package=yes header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing required packages for the script..\\n" run_apt_get_update sleep 2 } apt_get_install_package() { if [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]]; then apt_get_install_package_variable="update"; apt_get_install_package_variable_2="updated" else apt_get_install_package_variable="install"; apt_get_install_package_variable_2="installed" fi run_apt_get_update check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- ${required_package} installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${required_package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/apt.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ${apt_get_install_package_variable_2} ${required_package}! \\n"; sleep 2 else if [[ -z "${java_install_attempts}" ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to ${apt_get_install_package_variable} ${required_package}."; abort; fi fi fi unset required_package } if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l curl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing curl..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install curl &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install curl in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_arguments="/updates main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="curl" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed curl! \\n" && sleep 2 fi script_version_check get_repo_url fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l sudo 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing sudo..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install sudo &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install sudo in the first run...\\n" repo_arguments=" main" add_repositories required_package="sudo" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed sudo! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l jq 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing jq..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install jq &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install jq in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main universe"; add_repositories; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; add_repositories; fi repo_arguments="-security main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_arguments="/updates main"; add_repositories; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_arguments="-security main"; add_repositories; fi repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="jq" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed jq! \\n" && sleep 2 fi create_eus_database fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l lsb-release 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing lsb-release..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install lsb-release &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install lsb-release in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="lsb-release" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed lsb-release! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l net-tools 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing net-tools..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install net-tools &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install net-tools in the first run...\\n" repo_arguments=" main" add_repositories required_package="net-tools" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed net-tools! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l apt 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then apt_version_1=$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'.' -f1) if [[ "${apt_version_1}" -le "1" ]]; then apt_version_2=$("$(which dpkg)" -l apt | grep ^"ii" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'.' -f2) if [[ "${apt_version_1}" == "0" ]] || [[ "${apt_version_2}" -le "4" ]]; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l apt-transport-https 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then check_dpkg_lock if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing apt-transport-https..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install apt-transport-https &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install apt-transport-https in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main universe"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main universe"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_arguments="/updates main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="apt-transport-https" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed apt-transport-https! \\n" && sleep 2 fi get_repo_url fi fi fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l software-properties-common 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing software-properties-common..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install software-properties-common &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install software-properties-common in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_arguments="/updates main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi fi add_repositories if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_arguments="/updates main"; add_repositories; fi required_package="software-properties-common" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed software-properties-common! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l dirmngr 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing dirmngr..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install dirmngr &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install dirmngr in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe" add_repositories repo_arguments=" main restricted" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="dirmngr" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed dirmngr! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l wget 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing wget..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install wget &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install wget in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_arguments="/updates main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="wget" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed wget! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l netcat netcat-traditional 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi if apt-cache search netcat | grep "^netcat\b" | awk '{print$1}' | grep -iq "traditional"; then required_package="netcat-traditional" else required_package="netcat" fi netcat_installed_package_name="${required_package}" check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing ${required_package}..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${required_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install ${required_package} in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${required_package}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi netcat_installed="true" fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l psmisc 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing psmisc..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install psmisc &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install psmisc in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise) ]]; then repo_arguments="-updates main restricted"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmicdisco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="psmisc" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed psmisc! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l gnupg 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing gnupg..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install gnupg &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install gnupg in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main universe"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main universe"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="gnupg" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed gnupg! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l perl 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing perl..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install perl &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install perl in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_arguments="/updates main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="perl" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed perl! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if [[ "${fqdn_specified}" == 'true' ]]; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l dnsutils 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing dnsutils..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install dnsutils &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install dnsutils in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_url_arguments="-security/"; repo_arguments="/updates main"; add_repositories; fi repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="dnsutils" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed dnsutils! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi fi unifi_required_packages_check() { if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l logrotate 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing logrotate..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install logrotate &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install logrotate in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="logrotate" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed logrotate! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l procps 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing procps..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install procps &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install procps in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments="-security main"; fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then repo_arguments="/updates main" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="procps" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed procps! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l adduser 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then install_required_packages; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing adduser..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install adduser &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/required.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install adduser in the first run...\\n" if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories required_package="adduser" apt_get_install_package else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed adduser! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi } unifi_required_packages_check ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Variables # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8" | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions if ! [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v mongod)" ]]; then if "${mongocommand}" --port 27117 --eval "print(\"waited for connection\")" &> /dev/null; then "$(which mongod)" --quiet --eval "db.version()" | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions else "$(which mongod)" --version --quiet | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e '/db version/d' -e '/mongodb shell/d' -e 's/build info: //g' | jq -r '.version' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions fi fi fi mongodb_version_installed="$(sort -V /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions | tail -n 1)" mongodb_version_installed_no_dots="${mongodb_version_installed//./}" if [[ -n "${mongodb_version_installed}" ]]; then mongodb_installed="true"; fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server"; then mongodb_installed="true"; fi rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb_versions &> /dev/null first_digit_mongodb_version_installed="$(echo "${mongodb_version_installed}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" second_digit_mongodb_version_installed="$(echo "${mongodb_version_installed}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" # system_memory="$(awk '/MemTotal/ {printf( "%.0f\n", $2 / 1024 / 1024)}' /proc/meminfo)" system_swap="$(awk '/SwapTotal/ {printf( "%.0f\n", $2 / 1024 / 1024)}' /proc/meminfo)" system_free_disk_space="$(df -k / | awk '{print $4}' | tail -n1)" # abort_function_skip_reason="false" remove_apt_options="false" # SERVER_IP="$(ip addr | grep -A8 -m1 MULTICAST | grep -m1 inet | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d'/' -f1)" if [[ -z "${SERVER_IP}" ]]; then SERVER_IP="$(hostname -I | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $NF; }')"; fi PUBLIC_SERVER_IP="$(curl https://ip.glennr.nl/ -s)" # if [[ "${unifi_network_application_downloaded}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${custom_download_url}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${unifi_clean}" ]]; then unifi_clean="$(echo "${custom_download_url}" | grep -io "5.*\\|6.*\\|7.*\\|8.*" | cut -d'-' -f1 | cut -d'/' -f1)"; fi unifi_secret="$(echo "${custom_download_url}" | grep -io "5.*\\|6.*\\|7.*\\|8.*" | cut -d'/' -f1)" elif [[ -n "${broken_unifi_install_version}" ]]; then unifi_clean="${broken_unifi_install_version}" fi else unifi_clean="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d'-' -f1)" unifi_secret="$(grep -i "# Application version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" unifi_repo_version="$(grep -i "# Debian repo version" "${script_location}" | head -n 1 | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g')" fi first_digit_unifi="$(echo "${unifi_clean}" | cut -d'.' -f1)" second_digit_unifi="$(echo "${unifi_clean}" | cut -d'.' -f2)" third_digit_unifi="$(echo "${unifi_clean}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" # jq '.scripts."'"${script_name}"'" |= if .["install-version"] | index("'"${unifi_clean}"'") | not then .["install-version"] += ["'"${unifi_clean}"'"] else . end' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move # if [[ "${cloudkey_generation}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '3' ]]; then header_red unifi_latest_72=$(curl -s "https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/latest-versions/7.2/latest.version") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean} is not supported on your Gen1 UniFi Cloudkey (UC-CK)." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The latest supported version on your Cloudkey is ${unifi_latest_72} and older.. \\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Consider upgrading to a Gen2 Cloudkey:" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloud-key-gen2" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus | https://store.ui.com/products/unifi-cloudkey-gen2-plus\\n\\n" author exit 0 fi fi # if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '5' ]]; then if [[ "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" == '32' ]]; then header_red if [[ "${first_digit_mongodb_version_installed}" -le "2" && "${second_digit_mongodb_version_installed}" -le "5" ]]; then unifi_latest_supported_version="7.3"; else unifi_latest_supported_version="7.4"; fi unifi_latest_supported_version=$(curl -s "https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/latest-versions/${unifi_latest_supported_version}/latest.version") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your 32-bit system/OS is no longer supported by UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean}!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The latest supported version on your system/OS is ${unifi_latest_supported_version} and older..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Consider upgrading to a 64-bit system/OS!\\n\\n" author exit 0 fi fi # mongo_version_max="36" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.6" add_mongodb_36_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" # MongoDB Version override if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -le '5' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -le '13' ]]; then mongo_version_max="34" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.4" add_mongodb_34_repo="true" unset add_mongodb_36_repo mongo_version_not_supported="3.6" fi if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '5' && "${second_digit_unifi}" == '13' && "${third_digit_unifi}" -gt '10' ]]; then mongo_version_max="36" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.6" add_mongodb_36_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" fi # JAVA/MongoDB Version override if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '8' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '8' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge "1" ]]; then mongo_version_max="70" mongo_version_max_with_dot="7.0" add_mongodb_70_repo="true" unset add_mongodb_44_repo unset add_mongodb_36_repo unset add_mongodb_34_repo mongo_version_not_supported="7.1" required_java_version="openjdk-17" required_java_version_short="17" elif [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge "5" ]]; then mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" add_mongodb_44_repo="true" unset add_mongodb_36_repo unset add_mongodb_34_repo mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" required_java_version="openjdk-17" required_java_version_short="17" elif [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" =~ (3|4) ]]; then required_java_version="openjdk-11" required_java_version_short="11" else required_java_version="openjdk-8" required_java_version_short="8" fi # Stick to 4.4 if cpu doesn't report avx support. if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" =~ (44|70) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then cpu_model_name="$(lscpu | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -i 'model name' | cut -f 2 -d ":" | awk '{$1=$1}1')" cpu_model_regex="^(cortex-a55|cortex-a65|cortex-a65ae|cortex-a75|cortex-a76|cortex-a77|cortex-a78|cortex-x1|cortex-x2|cortex-x3|cortex-x4|neoverse n1|neoverse n2|neoverse e1|neoverse e2|neoverse v1|neoverse v2|cortex-a510|cortex-a520|cortex-a715|cortex-a720)$" if ! [[ "${cpu_model_name}" =~ ${cpu_model_regex} ]]; then if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" =~ (70) ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "mongod-armv8" || [[ "${script_option_skip}" == 'true' ]]; then mongod_armv8_installed="true" yes_no="y" else echo -e "${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Your CPU is no longer officially supported by MongoDB themselves..." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Would you like to try mongod compiled from MongoDB source code specifically for your CPU by Glenn R.? (Y/n) ' yes_no fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") add_mongod_70_repo="true" glennr_compiled_mongod="true" if [[ "${broken_unifi_install}" == 'true' ]]; then broken_glennr_compiled_mongod="true"; fi cleanup_unifi_repos if [[ "${mongod_armv8_installed}" != 'true' ]]; then echo ""; fi;; [Nn]*) unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18";; esac unset yes_no else unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18" fi fi else if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then unset add_mongodb_70_repo add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" mongo_version_locked="4.4.18" fi fi fi mongo_command() { if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongocommand="mongosh" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongocommand="mongosh" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongocommand="mongosh" else mongocommand="mongo" fi } prevent_mongodb_org_server_install() { if ! [[ -e "/etc/apt/preferences.d/eus_prevent_install_mongodb-org-server" ]]; then tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/eus_prevent_install_mongodb-org-server &>/dev/null << EOF Package: mongodb-org-server Pin: release * Pin-Priority: -1 EOF fi } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # libssl # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### libssl_installation() { echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading libssl..." while read -r libssl_package; do libssl_package_empty="false" if ! libssl_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp "libssl${libssl_version}_XXXXX.deb")"; then abort_reason="Failed to create temporarily libssl download file."; abort; fi if wget "${wget_progress[@]}" -O "$libssl_temp" "${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/${libssl_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; then if [[ "${libssl_download_success_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded libssl! \\n"; libssl_download_success_message="true"; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing libssl..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "$libssl_temp" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed libssl! \\n" libssl_install_success="true" break else if [[ "${libssl_install_failed_message}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install libssl... trying some different versions... \\n"; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Attempting to install different versions... \\n"; libssl_install_failed_message="true"; fi rm --force "$libssl_temp" &> /dev/null fi else abort_reason="Failed to download libssl." abort fi done < <(curl -s "${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/?C=M;O=D" | grep -io "${libssl_grep_arg}" | cut -d'"' -f1) if [[ "${libssl_package_empty}" != 'false' ]]; then curl -s "${libssl_repo_url}/pool/main/o/${libssl_url_arg}/?C=M;O=D" &> /tmp/EUS/libssl.html if ! [[ -s "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json" ]] || ! jq empty "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; then libssl_json_time="$(date +%F-%R)" if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show jq | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -ge "16" ]]; then jq -n \ --argjson "libssl failures" "$( jq -n \ --argjson "${libssl_json_time}" "{ \"version\" : \"$libssl_version\", \"URL Argument\" : \"$libssl_url_arg\", \"Grep Argument\" : \"$libssl_grep_arg\", \"Repository URL\" : \"$libssl_repo_url\", \"Curl Results\" : \"\" }" \ '$ARGS.named' )" \ '$ARGS.named' &> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json" else jq -n \ --arg libssl_version "${libssl_version}" \ --arg libssl_url_arg "${libssl_url_arg}" \ --arg libssl_grep_arg "${libssl_grep_arg}" \ --arg libssl_repo_url "${libssl_repo_url}" \ '{ "libssl failures": { "version": $libssl_version, "URL Argument": $libssl_url_arg, "Grep Argument": $libssl_grep_arg, "Repository URL": $libssl_repo_url, "Curl Results": "" } }' &> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json" fi jq --arg libssl_json_time "${libssl_json_time}" --arg libssl_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.log"; eus_database_move else jq --arg libssl_repo_url "${libssl_repo_url}" --arg libssl_grep_arg "${libssl_grep_arg}" --arg libssl_url_arg "${libssl_url_arg}" --arg libssl_version "${libssl_version}" --arg version "${version}" --arg libssl_curl_results "$( "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.json"; eus_database_move_log_file="${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-failure-debug-info.log"; eus_database_move fi rm --force /tmp/EUS/libssl.html &> /dev/null abort_reason="Failed to locate any libssl packages for version ${libssl_version}." abort fi if [[ "${libssl_install_success}" != 'true' ]]; then apt-cache policy libc6 libssl3 &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl.log"; abort_reason="Failed to install libssl."; abort; fi rm --force "$libssl_temp" 2> /dev/null } libssl_installation_check() { if [[ -n "${mongodb_package_libssl}" ]]; then if apt-cache policy "^${mongodb_package_libssl}$" | grep -ioq "candidate"; then if [[ -n "${mongodb_package_version_libssl}" ]]; then required_libssl_version="$(apt-cache depends "${mongodb_package_libssl}=${mongodb_package_version_libssl}" | sed -e 's/>//g' -e 's///g' -e 's/> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-dynamic-failure.log"; unset required_libssl_version; fi unset mongodb_package_libssl unset mongodb_package_version_libssl fi fi if [[ -z "${required_libssl_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${mongo_version_max}" == '70' ]]; then if grep -sioq "jammy" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-7.0.list"; then required_libssl_version="libssl3" else required_libssl_version="libssl1.1" fi elif [[ "${mongo_version_max}" == '44' ]]; then required_libssl_version="libssl1.1" elif [[ "${mongo_version_max}" == '36' ]]; then required_libssl_version="libssl1.1" else required_libssl_version="libssl1.0.0" fi fi unset libssl_install_required if [[ "${required_libssl_version}" == 'libssl3' ]]; then libssl_version="3.0.0" libssl_url_arg="openssl" libssl_grep_arg="libssl3_3.0.*${architecture}.deb" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl3 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then libssl_install_required="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl3t64 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then unset libssl_install_required; fi elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libssl3 | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g' | sort -V | tail -n1)" -lt "${libssl_version//./}" ]]; then libssl_install_required="true" fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian" else if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else libssl_repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi fi if [[ "${libssl_install_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f1)" -lt "2" ]] || [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f1)" == "2" && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libc6 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -d'.' -f2)" -lt "34" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]] || [[ "${architecture}" != "arm64" ]]; then repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" repo_arguments="-security main" repo_codename="jammy" os_codename="jammy" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]] || [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" os_codename="bookworm" get_repo_url repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories run_apt_get_update get_distro get_repo_url fi fi elif [[ "${required_libssl_version}" == 'libssl1.1' ]]; then libssl_version="1.1.0" libssl_url_arg="openssl" libssl_grep_arg="libssl1.1.*${architecture}.deb" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl1.1 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then libssl_install_required="true" elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libssl1.1 | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g')" -lt "${libssl_version//./}" ]]; then libssl_install_required="true" fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="${http_or_https}://deb.debian.org/debian" else if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else libssl_repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi fi elif [[ "${required_libssl_version}" == 'libssl1.0.0' ]]; then libssl_version="1.0.2" libssl_url_arg="openssl1.0" libssl_grep_arg="libssl1.0.*${architecture}.deb" if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l libssl1.0.0 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then libssl_install_required="true" elif [[ "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show libssl1.0.0 | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' -e 's/[^0-9.]//g' -e 's/\.//g')" -lt "${libssl_version//./}" ]]; then libssl_install_required="true" fi if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then libssl_repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" else libssl_repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to detect what libssl version is required..." echo -e "$(date +%F-%R) | Failed to detect what libssl version is required..." &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/libssl-dynamic-failure.log" sleep 3 fi if [[ "${libssl_install_required}" == 'true' ]]; then libssl_installation; fi unset required_libssl_version } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Checks # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### if [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -lt "5000000" && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' && "${is_cloudkey}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You only have $(df -B1 / | awk 'NR==2{print $4}' | awk '{ split( "B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB" , v ); s=1; while( $1>1024 && s<9 ){ $1/=1024; s++ } printf "%.1f %s", $1, v[s] }') of disk space available on \"/\".. Please expand the disk size!" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp "Do you want to proceed at your own risk? (Y/n)" yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") ;; [Nn]*) cancel_script;; esac else cancel_script fi fi # MongoDB version check. if [[ "${mongodb_version_installed_no_dots::2}" -gt "${mongo_version_max}" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" apt-cache rdepends mongodb-* | sed "/mongo/d" | sed "/Reverse Depends/d" | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed 's/|//g' | sed 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/unifi-video//g' -e 's/unifi//g' -e 's/libstdc++6//g' -e '/^$/d' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/reverse_depends if [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/reverse_depends" ]]; then mongodb_has_dependencies="true"; fi header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean} does not support MongoDB ${mongo_version_not_supported}..." if [[ "${mongodb_has_dependencies}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The following services depend on MongoDB..." while read -r service; do echo -e "${RED}-${RESET} ${service}"; done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/reverse_depends echo -e "\\n\\n" echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Uninstalling MongoDB will also get rid of the applications/services listed above..." fi echo -e "\\n\\n" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' && "${mongodb_has_dependencies}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp "Do you want to proceed with uninstalling MongoDB? (Y/n)" yes_no else sleep 5 fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") mongodb_installed="false" header check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preparing unsupported mongodb uninstall... \\n" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing the UniFi Network Application so that the files are kept on the system...\\n" if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed the UniFi Network Application! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to remove the UniFi Network Application." abort fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi-video" | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing UniFi Video so that the files are kept on the system...\\n" if "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq unifi-video &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed UniFi Video! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to remove UniFi Video." abort fi fi sleep 2 echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for MongoDB repository entries..." if grep -qriIl "mongo" /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo -ne "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Removing repository entries for MongoDB..." && sleep 1 sed -i '/mongodb/d' /etc/apt/sources.list if ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* > /dev/null 2>&1; then rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* 2> /dev/null fi echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed all MongoDB repository entries! \\n" else echo -e "\\r${YELLOW}#${RESET} There were no MongoDB Repository entries! \\n" fi sleep 2 while read -r mongodb_package_purge; do check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging package ${mongodb_package_purge}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge "${mongodb_package_purge}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged ${mongodb_package_purge}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to purge ${mongodb_package_purge}... \\n" mongodb_package_purge_failed="true" fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -i "mongo" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "${mongodb_package_purge_failed}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} There was a failure during the purge process...\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Uninstalling MongoDB with different actions...\\n" while read -r mongodb_package_remove; do check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing package ${mongodb_package_remove}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" --remove --force-remove-reinstreq "${mongodb_package_remove}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unsupported-mongodb-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${mongodb_package_remove}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove ${mongodb_package_remove}... \\n" fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -i "mongo" | awk '{print $2}') fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoremove..." if apt-get -y autoremove &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoremove! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoremove"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoclean..." if apt-get -y autoclean &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoclean! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoclean"; fi sleep 3;; [Nn]*) cancel_script;; esac fi # Memory and Swap file. if [[ "${system_swap}" == "0" && "${script_option_skip_swap}" != 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' && "${is_cloudkey}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red if [[ "${system_memory}" -lt "2" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} System memory is lower than recommended!"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Creating swap file.\\n" sleep 2 if [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -ge "10000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You have more than 10GB of free disk space!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are creating a 2GB swap file!\\n" dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=2048 count=1048576 &>/dev/null chmod 600 /swapfile &>/dev/null mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null swapon /swapfile &>/dev/null echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null elif [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -ge "5000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You have more than 5GB of free disk space." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are creating a 1GB swap file..\\n" dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576 &>/dev/null chmod 600 /swapfile &>/dev/null mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null swapon /swapfile &>/dev/null echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null elif [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -ge "4000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You have more than 4GB of free disk space." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are creating a 256MB swap file..\\n" dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=256 count=1048576 &>/dev/null chmod 600 /swapfile &>/dev/null mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null swapon /swapfile &>/dev/null echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null elif [[ "${system_free_disk_space}" -lt "4000000" ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}---${RESET}\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your free disk space is extremely low!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There is not enough free disk space to create a swap file..\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} I highly recommend upgrading the system memory to atleast 2GB and expanding the disk space!" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script will continue the script at your own risk..\\n" sleep 10 fi else header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} A swap file already exists!\\n\\n" sleep 2 fi if [[ -d /tmp/EUS/services ]]; then if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list ]]; then cat /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_list &>> /tmp/EUS/services/stopped_services; fi find /tmp/EUS/services/ -type f -printf "%f\\n" | sed 's/ //g' | sed '/file_list/d' | sed '/stopped_services/d' &> /tmp/EUS/services/file_list while read -r file; do rm --force "/tmp/EUS/services/${file}" &> /dev/null done < /tmp/EUS/services/file_list rm --force /tmp/EUS/services/file_list &> /dev/null fi # Check if UniFi Network Application ports are in use. if netstat -tuln | grep -qE '(:8443|:8080|:8843|:8880|:6789)\s'; then unifi_ports_in_use="true"; fi check_free_ports() { local port="${1}" free_port="" for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)); do test_port="$((port + i))" netstat -tuln | grep -q ":${test_port} " || { free_port="${test_port}" break } done } change_default_unifi_ports() { unifi_ports=( "8843/tcp/portal.https.port/Hotspot Portal https redirection" "8880/tcp/portal.http.port/Hotspot Portal http redirection" "8443/tcp/unifi.https.port/Dashboard Management" "8080/tcp/unifi.http.port/Device Inform" "6789/tcp/unifi.stun.port/Mobile Speedtest" ) eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "services" "ports" for port in "${unifi_ports[@]}"; do port_clean="$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f1)" if netstat -tulpn | grep -q ":${port_clean}\\b"; then port_pid="$(netstat -tulpn | grep ":${port_clean}\\b" | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/[/].*//g' | head -n1)" port_service="$(head -n1 "/proc/${port_pid}/comm")" if [[ "$(find "/proc/${port_pid}/exe" -maxdepth 0 -printf '%u\n' 2>/dev/null)" != "unifi" ]]; then check_free_ports "${port_clean}" echo -e "${port_service}" &>> /tmp/EUS/services/list echo -e "${port_pid}" &>> /tmp/EUS/services/pid_list sed -i "s/^$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1)\.$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f2)\.port/#&/" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Changing the $(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4) to ${free_port}..." if echo -e "$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1).$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f2).port=${free_port}" >> /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/change-default-ports.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully changed the $(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4) to ${free_port}! \\n" echo -e "${port_clean}/${free_port}/$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4)" &>> "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to change the $(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f4) port." fi fi fi done chown unifi:unifi /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Ask to keep script or delete # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### support_file_requests_opt_in() { if [[ "$(jq -r '.database."support-file-upload"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != 'true' ]]; then opt_in_requests="$(jq -r '.database."opt-in-requests"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((opt_in_requests=opt_in_requests+1)) if [[ "${opt_in_requests}" -ge '3' ]]; then opt_in_rotations="$(jq -r '.database."opt-in-rotations"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ((opt_in_rotations=opt_in_rotations+1)) jq '."database" += {"opt-in-rotations": "'"${opt_in_rotations}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move jq --arg opt_in_requests "0" '."database" += {"opt-in-requests": "'"${opt_in_requests}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move else jq '."database" += {"opt-in-requests": "'"${opt_in_requests}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi fi } support_file_upload_opt_in() { if [[ "$(jq -r '.database."support-file-upload"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" != 'true' && "$(jq -r '.database."opt-in-requests"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == '0' ]]; then if [[ "${installing_required_package}" != 'yes' ]]; then if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}---${RESET}\\n"; fi else if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then header; fi fi if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script generates support files when failures are detected, these can help Glenn R. to"; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} improve the script quality for the Community and resolve your issues in future versions of the script.\\n"; read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to automatically upload the support files? (Y/n) ' yes_no; fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") upload_support_files="true";; [Nn]*) upload_support_files="false";; esac jq '."database" += {"support-file-upload": "'"${upload_support_files}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi } support_file_upload_opt_in support_file_requests_opt_in script_removal() { header read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to keep the script on your system after completion? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") ;; [Nn]*) delete_script="true";; esac } if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then script_removal fi # Expired MongoDB key check if [[ "$(jq -r '.database."mongodb-key-last-check"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" == 'null' ]]; then mongodb_key_check_time="$(date +%s)" jq --arg mongodb_key_check_time "${mongodb_key_check_time}" '."database" += {"mongodb-key-last-check": "'"${mongodb_key_check_time}"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move fi while read -r mongodb_repo_version; do if [[ "$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/releases/mongodb-versions.json | jq -r '.versions."'"${mongodb_repo_version}"'".updated')" -ge "$(jq -r '.database."mongodb-key-last-check"' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json")" ]]; then if [[ "${expired_header}" != 'true' ]]; then if header; then expired_header="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" != 'true' ]]; then if echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for expired MongoDB repository keys..."; then expired_mongodb_check_message="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script detected that the repository key for MongoDB version ${mongodb_repo_version} has been updated by MongoDB... \\n"; fi if [[ "${mongodb_repo_version//./}" =~ (30|32|34|36|40|42|44|50|60|70) ]]; then mongodb_key_update="true" mongodb_version_major_minor="${mongodb_repo_version}" mongodb_org_v="${mongodb_repo_version//./}" add_mongodb_repo continue fi fi while read -r repo_file; do if ! grep -ioq "trusted=yes" "${repo_file}" && [[ "$(curl -s https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/releases/mongodb-versions.json | jq -r '.versions."'"${mongodb_repo_version}"'".expired')" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${expired_header}" != 'true' ]]; then if header; then expired_header="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" != 'true' ]]; then if echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for expired MongoDB repository keys..."; then expired_mongodb_check_message="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${mongodb_repo_version//./}" =~ (30|32|34|36|40|42|44|50|60|70) ]]; then if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} The script will add a new repository entry for MongoDB version ${mongodb_repo_version}... \\n"; fi mongodb_key_update="true" mongodb_version_major_minor="${mongodb_repo_version}" mongodb_org_v="${mongodb_repo_version//./}" add_mongodb_repo else eus_create_directories "repository/archived" if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The repository for version ${mongodb_repo_version} will be moved to \"${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")\"..."; fi if mv "${repo_file}" "${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-archiving.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully moved the repository list to \"${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")\"! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to move the repository list to \"${eus_dir}/repository/archived/$(basename -- "${repo_file}")\"... \\n"; fi mongodb_expired_archived="true" fi fi done < <(grep -riIl "${mongodb_repo_version} main\\|${mongodb_repo_version} multiverse" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/) if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message_3}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${expired_mongodb_check_message}" == 'true' && "${mongodb_key_update}" != 'true' && "${mongodb_expired_archived}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The script didn't detect any expired MongoDB repository keys! \\n"; expired_mongodb_check_message_3="true"; sleep 3; fi; fi done < <(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep mongodb | grep -io "[0-9].[0-9]" | awk '!NF || !seen[$0]++') if [[ "${mongodb_key_update}" == 'true' ]]; then run_apt_get_update; unset mongodb_key_update; sleep 3; fi daemon_reexec() { if [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then if ! systemctl daemon-reexec &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/daemon-reexec.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to re-execute the systemctl daemon... \\n" sleep 3 fi fi } daemon_reexec ########################################################################################################################################################################## # # # UniFi deb Package modification # # # ########################################################################################################################################################################## unifi_deb_package_modification() { if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then temurin_type="jdk" custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true" elif "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then temurin_type="jre" if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -lt '8' ]]; then custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true" elif [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -ge '8' ]]; then custom_unifi_deb_file_required="false" fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "mongod-armv8"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package="mongod-armv8" custom_unifi_deb_file_required="true" prevent_mongodb_org_server_install fi if [[ "${custom_unifi_deb_file_required}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -n "${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" && -n "${temurin_type}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type} and ${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" elif [[ -n "${temurin_type}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}" elif [[ -n "${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" ]]; then unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1="${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" fi eus_temp_dir="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=${eus_dir} unifi.deb.XXX)" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} This setup is using ${unifi_deb_package_modification_message_1}... Editing the UniFi Network Application dependencies..." if dpkg-deb -x "${unifi_temp}" "${eus_temp_dir}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then if dpkg-deb --control "${unifi_temp}" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then if [[ -e "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" ]]; then current_state_unifi_deb="$(stat -c "%y" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control")" if [[ -n "${temurin_type}" ]]; then if sed -i "s/openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless/temurin-${required_java_version_short}-${temurin_type}/g" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}" ]]; then if sed -i "s/mongodb-org-server/${unifi_deb_package_modification_mongodb_package}/g" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success="true"; fi; fi if [[ "${unifi_deb_package_modification_control_modified_success}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully edited the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file! \\n" if [[ "${current_state_unifi_deb}" != "$(stat -c "%y" "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control")" ]]; then unifi_new_deb="$(basename "${unifi_temp}" .deb).new.deb" cat "${eus_temp_dir}/DEBIAN/control" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Building a new UniFi Network Application deb file... This may take a while..." if "$(which dpkg)" -b "${eus_temp_dir}" "${unifi_new_deb}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-custom-deb-file.log"; then unifi_temp="${unifi_new_deb}" echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully built a new UniFi Network Application deb file! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to build a new UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to detect the required files to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to unpack the current UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to edit the dependencies of the UniFi Network Application deb file...\\n" fi rm -rf "${eus_temp_dir}" &> /dev/null fi } ########################################################################################################################################################################## # # # UniFi Ignore Dependencies # # # ########################################################################################################################################################################## ignore_unifi_package_dependencies() { if [[ -z "${required_java_version}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${first_digit_unifi}" && -n "${first_digit_current_unifi}" ]]; then first_digit_unifi="${first_digit_current_unifi}"; unifi_version_modified="true"; fi if [[ -z "${second_digit_unifi}" && -n "${second_digit_current_unifi}" ]]; then second_digit_unifi="${second_digit_current_unifi}"; unifi_version_modified="true"; fi if [[ -z "${third_digit_unifi}" && -n "${third_digit_current_unifi}" ]]; then third_digit_unifi="${third_digit_current_unifi}"; unifi_version_modified="true"; fi java_required_variables if [[ "${unifi_version_modified}" == 'true' ]]; then get_unifi_version; fi fi if [[ -f "/tmp/EUS/ignore-depends" ]]; then rm --force /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends &> /dev/null; fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8"; then echo -e "mongodb-server" &>> /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends; fi if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -lt '8' ]]; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "${required_java_version}-jre-headless"; then echo -e "${required_java_version}-jre-headless" &>> /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends; fi fi if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends && -s /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends ]]; then IFS=" " read -r -a ignored_depends <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ',' < /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends | sed 's/.$//')"; rm --force /tmp/EUS/ignore-depends &> /dev/null; dpkg_ignore_depends_flag="--ignore-depends=${ignored_depends[*]}"; fi } ################################################################################################################################################################################################### # # # Installation Script starts here # # # ################################################################################################################################################################################################### remove_older_mongodb_repositories() { echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for older MongoDB repository entries..." if grep -qriIl "mongo" /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo -ne "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing old repository entries for MongoDB..." && sleep 1 sed -i '/mongodb/d' /etc/apt/sources.list if ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* > /dev/null 2>&1; then rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* 2> /dev/null fi echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed all older MongoDB repository entries! \\n" else echo -e "\\r${YELLOW}#${RESET} There were no older MongoDB Repository entries! \\n" fi sleep 2 } mongodb_upgrade_check() { while read -r mongodb_upgrade_check_package; do mongodb_upgrade_check_from_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show "${mongodb_upgrade_check_package}" | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/\.//g')" mongodb_upgrade_check_to_version="$(apt-cache madison "${mongodb_upgrade_check_package}" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $3}' | sort -V | tail -n 1 | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/\.//g')" if [[ "${mongodb_upgrade_check_to_version::2}" -gt "${mongodb_upgrade_check_from_version::2}" ]]; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preventing ${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} from upgrading..." if echo "${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} from upgrading! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to prevent ${mongodb_upgrade_check_package} from upgrading...\\n" if [[ "${mongodb_upgrade_check_remove_old_mongo_repo}" != 'true' ]]; then remove_older_mongodb_repositories; mongodb_upgrade_check_remove_old_mongo_repo="true"; run_apt_get_update; fi fi fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | awk '{print $1,$2}' | awk '/ii.*mongo/ {print $2}' | sed 's/:.*//') } system_upgrade() { if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list && -s /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list ]]; then while read -r package; do check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- updating ${package} ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" echo -ne "\\r${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Updating package ${package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' --only-upgrade install "${package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/install.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully updated package ${package}!"; fi elif tail -n1 /usr/lib/EUS/logs/upgrade.log | grep -ioq "Packages were downgraded and -y was used without --allow-downgrades" "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log"; then check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' --only-upgrade --allow-downgrades install "${package}" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/install.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully updated package ${package}!" continue else echo -e "\\r${RED}#${RESET} Something went wrong during the update of package ${package}... \\n${RED}#${RESET} The script will continue with an apt-get upgrade...\\n" break fi fi echo -e "\\r${RED}#${RESET} Something went wrong during the update of package ${package}... \\n${RED}#${RESET} The script will continue with an apt-get upgrade...\\n" break fi done < /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list echo "" fi if ls /tmp/EUS/apt/*.log 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then cleanup_malformed_repositories; cleanup_duplicated_repositories; cleanup_unavailable_repositories; cleanup_conflicting_repositories; if [[ "${repository_changes_applied}" == 'true' ]]; then unset repository_changes_applied; run_apt_get_update; fi; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- apt-get upgrade ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get upgrade..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' upgrade 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/upgrade.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get upgrade! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get upgrade... \\n"; fi; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "\\n------- apt-get dist-upgrade ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get dist-upgrade..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' dist-upgrade 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/upgrade.log" > /tmp/EUS/apt/dist-upgrade.log; then if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get dist-upgrade! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get dist-upgrade... \\n"; fi; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoremove..." if apt-get -y autoremove &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoremove! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoremove"; fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get autoclean..." if apt-get -y autoclean &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt-cleanup.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get autoclean! \\n"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to run apt-get autoclean"; fi sleep 3 } cleanup_codename_mismatch_repos header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if your system is up-to-date...\\n" && sleep 1 run_apt_get_update mongodb_upgrade_check echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The package(s) below can be upgraded!" echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" rm --force /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list &> /dev/null { apt-get --just-print upgrade 2>&1 | perl -ne 'if (/Inst\s([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\s\[([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\]\s\(([\w,\-,\d,\.,~,:,\+]+)\)? /i) {print "$1 ( \e[1;34m$2\e[0m -> \e[1;32m$3\e[0m )\n"}';} | while read -r line; do echo -en "${WHITE_R}-${RESET} $line\\n"; echo -en "$line\\n" | awk '{print $1}' &>> /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list; done; if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list ]]; then number_of_updates=$(wc -l < /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list); else number_of_updates='0'; fi if [[ "${number_of_updates}" == '0' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} There are no packages that need an upgrade..."; fi echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to proceed with updating your system? (Y/n) ' yes_no else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Performing the updates!" fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n"; system_upgrade;; [Nn]*) ;; esac check_dpkg_lock while read -r mongo_package; do echo "${mongo_package} install" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections &> /dev/null done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | awk '{print $1,$2}' | awk '/ii.*mongo/ {print $2}' | sed 's/:.*//') rm --force /tmp/EUS/upgrade/upgrade_list &> /dev/null mongodb_installation() { jq '.scripts["'"$script_name"'"].tasks += {"mongodb-install ('"$(date +%s)"')": [.scripts["'"$script_name"'"].tasks["mongodb-install ('"$(date +%s)"')"][0] + {"add-mongodb-repo":"'"${mongodb_add_repo_variables_true_statements[*]}"'"}]}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move unset mongodb_key_update if [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -type f -name "*.list" -exec grep -ilE 'raspbian.org|raspberrypi.org' {} + | wc -l)" -ge "1" ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" os_codename="bookworm" use_raspberrypi_repo="true" get_repo_url repo_arguments=" main" add_repositories run_apt_get_update get_distro get_repo_url fi fi list_of_mongod_armv8_dependencies="$(apt-cache depends mongod-armv8 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -i depends | awk '!a[$0]++' | sed -e 's/|//g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's///g' -e 's/depends://g' | sort -V | awk '!/^gcc/ || !f++')" mongod_armv8_dependency_version="$(echo "${list_of_mongod_armv8_dependencies}" | grep -Eio "gcc-[0-9]{1,2}-base" | sed -e 's/gcc-//g' -e 's/-base//g')" while read -r mongod_armv8_dependency; do if [[ "${mongod_armv8_dependency}" =~ (libssl1.0.0|libssl1.1|libssl3) ]]; then mongodb_package_libssl="mongod-armv8" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongod_version}" libssl_installation_check continue fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl11 "${mongod_armv8_dependency}" 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongod_armv8_dependency_version_current="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show "${mongod_armv8_dependency}" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $1}')" else mongod_armv8_dependency_version_current="0" fi if [[ "${mongod_armv8_dependency_version_current}" -le "${mongod_armv8_dependency_version}" ]]; then if ! apt-cache policy "${mongod_armv8_dependency}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed '1,/version table/d' | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/100//g' -e '/http/d' -e '/var/d' -e 's/*//g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -iq "^${mongod_armv8_dependency_version}"; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish) ]]; then repo_codename="jammy" os_codename="jammy" get_repo_url elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm" os_codename="bookworm" get_repo_url fi repo_arguments=" main" add_repositories run_apt_get_update get_distro get_repo_url fi mongod_armv8_dependency_install_version="$(apt-cache policy "${mongod_armv8_dependency}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed '1,/version table/d' | sed -e 's/500//g' -e 's/100//g' -e '/http/d' -e '/var/d' -e 's/*//g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -i "^${mongod_armv8_dependency_version}" | head -n1)" if [[ -z "${mongod_armv8_dependency_install_version}" ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to locate required version for ${mongod_armv8_dependency}...\\n" fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing ${mongod_armv8_dependency}..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongod_armv8_dependency}"="${mongod_armv8_dependency_install_version}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongod-armv8-dependencies.log"; then if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongod_armv8_dependency}"="${mongod_armv8_dependency_install_version}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongod-armv8-dependencies.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to install ${mongod_armv8_dependency}." abort else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${mongod_armv8_dependency}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${mongod_armv8_dependency}! \\n" && sleep 2 fi fi done < <(echo "${list_of_mongod_armv8_dependencies}") mongodb_installation_server_package="mongod-armv8${install_mongod_version_with_equality_sign}" else mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check mongodb_installation_server_package="mongodb-org-server${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3}! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3}...\\n" try_different_mongodb_repo="true" add_mongodb_repo mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the second run..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the second run! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the second run...\\n" try_different_mongodb_repo="true" try_http_mongodb_repo="true" add_mongodb_repo mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the third run..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_installation_server_package}" "mongodb-org-shell${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" "mongodb-org-tools${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-org-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the third run! \\n" mongodb_installed="true" else abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-org version ${mongo_version_max_with_dot::3} in the third run." abort fi fi fi if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" && "${mongodb_version_major_minor}" == "4.4" ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep mongodb-org | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $2}' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list check_dpkg_lock while read -r mongodb_package; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preventing ${mongodb_package} from upgrading..." if echo "${mongodb_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${mongodb_package} from upgrading! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to prevent ${mongodb_package} from upgrading." abort fi done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list rm /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list fi } mongodb_server_clients_installation() { if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|tara|tessa|tina|tricia) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main universe" repo_codename="xenial" os_codename="xenial" get_repo_url elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" repo_codename="stretch" os_codename="stretch" get_repo_url fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing mongodb-server and mongodb-clients..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients in the first run...\\n" add_repositories run_apt_get_update check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients for the second time..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients in the second run... \\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to save the installation...\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get install -f..." if ! apt-get install -f &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to run apt-get install -f." abort else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran \"apt-get install -f\"! \\n" check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients again..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-server-client-install.log"; then if [[ "${architecture}" == "armhf" ]]; then mongodb_installation_armhf else abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients... Consider switching to a 64-bit platform and re-run the scripts." abort fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" fi fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" fi fi get_distro get_repo_url } mongodb_installation_armhf() { aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then if wget -qO - "${raspbian_repo_url}.public.key" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg --dearmor --yes | tee -a "/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg" &> /dev/null; then raspbian_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" raspbian_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${raspbian_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${raspbian_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the raspbian repository! \\n"; signed_by_value_raspbian="[ signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/raspbian.gpg ]" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the raspbian repository."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for the raspbian repository." abort fi else if wget -qO - "${raspbian_repo_url}.public.key" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then raspbian_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" raspbian_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${raspbian_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${raspbian_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for the raspbian repository! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for the raspbian repository."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for the raspbian repository." abort fi fi if [[ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr_armhf.list" ]]; then rm --force "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr_armhf.list"; fi echo "deb ${signed_by_value_raspbian}${raspbian_repo_url} ${os_codename} main contrib non-free rpi" &> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list run_apt_get_update check_dpkg_lock if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients in the first run... \\n${RED}#${RESET} Trying to save the installation...\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running \"apt-get install -f\"..." if apt-get install -f &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran \"apt-get install -f\"! \\n" check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Trying to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients again..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install mongodb-server mongodb-clients &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-armhf-install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed mongodb-server and mongodb-clients! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to install mongodb-server and mongodb-clients... Consider switching to a 64-bit platform and re-run the scripts." abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to run apt-get install -f."; abort fi fi sleep 3 } header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preparing for MongoDB installation..." sleep 2 if [[ "${mongodb_installed}" != 'true' ]]; then # Remove all current MongoDB Repository Entries echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking for MongoDB repository entries..." if grep -qriIl "mongo" /etc/apt/sources.list*; then echo -ne "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Removing repository entries for MongoDB..." && sleep 1 sed -i '/mongodb/d' /etc/apt/sources.list if ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* > /dev/null 2>&1; then rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb* 2> /dev/null fi echo -e "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed all MongoDB repository entries! \\n" else echo -e "\\r${YELLOW}#${RESET} There were no MongoDB Repository entries! \\n" fi if [[ "${broken_unifi_install}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -z "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then previous_mongodb_version="$(grep -sEio "db version v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}|buildInfo\":{\"version\":\"[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{1,2}\"" /usr/lib/unifi/logs/mongod.log | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/db version v//g' -e 's/buildInfo":{"version":"//g' -e 's/"//g' | sed 's/\.//g')"; fi if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then unset add_mongodb_30_repo unset add_mongodb_32_repo unset add_mongodb_34_repo unset add_mongodb_36_repo unset add_mongodb_40_repo unset add_mongodb_42_repo unset add_mongodb_44_repo unset add_mongodb_50_repo unset add_mongodb_60_repo unset add_mongodb_70_repo unset install_mongodb_version unset install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign unset mongo_version_locked unset glennr_compiled_mongod unset downgrade_mongodb if [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '26' ]]; then broken_unifi_install_mongodb_server_clients="true" mongodb_server_clients_installation elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == "30" ]]; then add_mongodb_30_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="30" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == "32" ]]; then add_mongodb_32_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="32" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.2" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '34' ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="34" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.4" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '36' ]]; then add_mongodb_36_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.0" mongo_version_max="36" mongo_version_max_with_dot="3.6" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '40' ]]; then add_mongodb_40_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" mongo_version_max="40" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '42' ]]; then add_mongodb_42_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" mongo_version_max="42" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.2" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '44' ]]; then add_mongodb_44_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="4.5" mongo_version_max="44" mongo_version_max_with_dot="4.4" if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then mongo_version_locked="4.4.18"; fi elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '50' ]]; then add_mongodb_50_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="5.1" mongo_version_max="50" mongo_version_max_with_dot="5.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '60' ]]; then add_mongodb_60_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="6.1" mongo_version_max="60" mongo_version_max_with_dot="6.0" elif [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" == '70' ]]; then add_mongodb_70_repo="true" mongo_version_not_supported="7.1" mongo_version_max="70" mongo_version_max_with_dot="7.0" if [[ "${broken_glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then add_mongod_70_repo="true" glennr_compiled_mongod="true" fi fi fi fi # if [[ "${broken_unifi_install_mongodb_server_clients}" != 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble|sarah|serena|sonya|sylvia|tara|tessa|tina|tricia) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya) && "${broken_unifi_install}" != 'true' ]]; then add_mongodb_34_repo="true"; fi add_mongodb_repo mongodb_installation elif [[ ! "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then mongodb_server_clients_installation fi elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then add_mongodb_repo mongodb_installation elif [[ ! "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|arm64) ]]; then mongodb_server_clients_installation fi else header_red echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} The script is unable to grab your OS ( or does not support it )" echo "${architecture}" echo "${os_codename}" fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} MongoDB is already installed! \\n" fi else if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongodb_org_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-org-server | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" mongodb_org_version_no_dots="${mongodb_org_version//./}" if [[ "${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" == '44' && "$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-org-server | sed -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-.*//g' | awk -F. '{print $3}')" -ge "19" ]]; then if ! (lscpu 2>/dev/null | grep -iq "avx") || ! grep -iq "avx" /proc/cpuinfo; then downgrade_mongodb="true"; fi; fi if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then if [[ "${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" != "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" ]] && [[ "${previous_mongodb_version::2}" != $(("${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" - 2)) ]]; then downgrade_mongodb="true"; fi; fi elif "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" && [[ "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" == 'true' ]]; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging mongodb-org-server..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge mongodb-org-server &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/arm64-purge-mongodb.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged mongodb-org-server! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to purge mongodb-org-server." abort fi mongodb_installation fi fi sleep 3 if [[ "${mongo_version_locked}" == '4.4.18' ]] || [[ "${downgrade_mongodb}" == 'true' ]]; then if "$(which dpkg)" -l mongodb-org-server 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then mongodb_org_version="$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show mongodb-org-server | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" mongodb_org_version_no_dots="${mongodb_org_version//./}" if [[ "${mongodb_org_version_no_dots::2}" == '44' && "$(echo "${mongodb_org_version}" | cut -d'.' -f3)" -gt "18" ]] || [[ "${downgrade_mongodb}" == 'true' ]]; then echo "" eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "mongodb" "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "mongodb-org" | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | awk '{print $2}' &> /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list check_add_mongodb_repo_variable if [[ -n "${previous_mongodb_version}" ]]; then mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable="add_mongodb_${previous_mongodb_version::2}_repo" declare "$mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable=true" mongodb_downgrade_process="true" else add_mongodb_44_repo="true" fi if [[ -z "${mongo_version_locked}" ]]; then unset_mongo_version_locked="true"; fi remove_older_mongodb_repositories skip_mongodb_org_v="true" add_mongodb_repo mongodb_package_libssl="mongodb-org-server" mongodb_package_version_libssl="${install_mongodb_version}" libssl_installation_check cp /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list.tmp &> /dev/null while read -r installed_mongodb_package; do if ! apt-cache policy "^${installed_mongodb_package}$" | grep -ioq "${install_mongodb_version}"; then sed -i "/${installed_mongodb_package}/d" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list fi done < "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list.tmp" rm --force "/tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list.tmp" &> /dev/null if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "mongod-armv8" && [[ "${install_mongodb_version//./}" != "70" ]]; then if [[ "${package}" == "mongod-armv8" ]]; then sed -i "s/mongod-armv8/mongodb-org-server/g" /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list; fi while read -r package; do if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "${package}"; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing ${package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' remove "${package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-downgrade.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${package}! \\n" if [[ "${package}" == "unifi" ]]; then reinstall_unifi="true"; fi else abort_reason="Failed to remove ${package} during the downgrade process." abort fi fi done < <(echo -e "mongod-armv8\\nunifi") fi check_dpkg_lock while read -r mongodb_package; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downgrading ${mongodb_package}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y --allow-downgrades "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install "${mongodb_package}${install_mongodb_version_with_equality_sign}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-downgrade.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downgraded ${mongodb_package} to version ${install_mongodb_version}! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to downgrade ${mongodb_package} from version ${mongodb_org_version} to ${install_mongodb_version}." abort fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preventing ${mongodb_package} from upgrading..." if echo "${mongodb_package} hold" | "$(which dpkg)" --set-selections &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/package-hold.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully prevented ${mongodb_package} from upgrading! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to prevent ${mongodb_package} from upgrading...\\n" fi done < /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list sleep 2 rm --force /tmp/EUS/mongodb/packages_list &> /dev/null if [[ -n "${mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable}" ]]; then unset "${mongodb_add_repo_downgrade_variable}" unset mongodb_downgrade_process else unset add_mongodb_44_repo fi if [[ "${reinstall_unifi}" == 'true' ]]; then eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "downloads" fw_update_dl_link="$(curl --silent https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/releases/unifi-network-application-versions.json | jq -r '.versions."'"$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}')"'".download_link' | sed '/null/d')" unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp/EUS/downloads "${unifi_deb_file_name}"_"$(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}')"_XXXXX.deb)" if wget "${wget_progress[@]}" -O "$unifi_temp" "${fw_update_dl_link}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_download.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded UniFi Network Application version $(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}')! \\n" unifi_deb_package_modification ignore_unifi_package_dependencies echo "unifi unifi/has_backup boolean true" 2> /dev/null | debconf-set-selections # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' "$(which dpkg)" -i ${dpkg_ignore_depends_flag} "${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/mongodb-downgrade.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully re-installed UniFi Network Application version $(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}')! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to reinstall UniFi Network Application $(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}') during the MongoDB Downgrade process." abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to download UniFi Network Application version $(dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show unifi | awk -F '[-]' '{print $1}') during the MongoDB Downgrade process." abort fi fi if [[ "${unset_mongo_version_locked}" == 'true' ]]; then unset mongo_version_locked; fi reverse_check_add_mongodb_repo_variable fi fi fi # Check if MongoDB is newer than 2.6 (3.6 for 7.5.x) for UniFi Network application 7.4.x if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '4' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '5' ]]; then if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" -gt '7' ]] || [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" -ge '5' ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot="3.6"; minimum_required_mongodb_version="36"; unifi_latest_supported_version_number="7.4"; fi if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == '7' && "${second_digit_unifi}" == '4' ]]; then minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot="2.6"; minimum_required_mongodb_version="26"; unifi_latest_supported_version_number="7.3"; fi mongodb_server_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep "mongodb-server \\|mongodb-org-server " | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" if [[ -z "${mongodb_server_version}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$(command -v mongod)" ]]; then if "${mongocommand}" --port 27117 --eval "print(\"waited for connection\")" &> /dev/null; then mongodb_server_version="$("$(which mongod)" --quiet --eval "db.version()" | sed 's/\.//g' | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/-.*//g')" else mongodb_server_version="$("$(which mongod)" --version --quiet | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -e '/db version/d' -e '/mongodb shell/d' -e 's/build info: //g' | jq -r '.version' | sed 's/\.//g')" fi fi fi if [[ "${mongodb_server_version::2}" -lt "${minimum_required_mongodb_version}" ]]; then header_red unifi_latest_supported_version=$(curl -s "https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/latest-versions/${unifi_latest_supported_version_number}/latest.version") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}.${third_digit_unifi} requires MongoDB ${minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot} or newer." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The latest version that you can run with MongoDB version $("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep "mongodb-server\\|mongodb-org-server\\|mongod-armv8" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.*://') is ${unifi_latest_supported_version} and older.. \\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Upgrade to MongoDB ${minimum_required_mongodb_version_dot} or newer, or perform a fresh install with the latest OS." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installation Script | https://community.ui.com/questions/ccbc7530-dd61-40a7-82ec-22b17f027776\\n\\n" if [[ "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" == '32' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} You're using a 32-bit OS.. please switch over to a 64-bit OS.\\n\\n" fi author exit 0 fi fi adoptium_java() { if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trixie|forky|lunar|impish|eoan|disco|cosmic|noble) ]]; then if ! curl -s "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^$/d' -e '/\/\//d' -e '/function/d' -e '/location/d' -e '/}/d' -e 's/\///g' -e '/Name/d' -e '/Index/d' -e '/\.\./d' -e '/Artifactory/d' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "${os_codename}"; then if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (trixie|forky) ]]; then os_codename="bookworm" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (lunar|impish) ]]; then os_codename="jammy" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (eoan|disco|cosmic) ]]; then os_codename="focal" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" elif [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (noble) ]]; then os_codename="jammy" adoptium_adjusted_os_codename="true" fi fi fi if curl -s "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^$/d' -e '/\/\//d' -e '/function/d' -e '/location/d' -e '/}/d' -e 's/\///g' -e '/Name/d' -e '/Index/d' -e '/\.\./d' -e '/Artifactory/d' | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "${os_codename}"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the key for adoptium packages..." aptkey_depreciated if [[ "${apt_key_deprecated}" == 'true' ]]; then if wget -qO - "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | gpg --dearmor --yes | tee -a "/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg" &> /dev/null; then adoptium_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" adoptium_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${adoptium_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${adoptium_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for adoptium packages! \\n"; signed_by_value_adoptium="[ signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/packages-adoptium.gpg ]" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for adoptium packages."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for adoptium packages." abort fi else if wget -qO - "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public" 2>&1 | tee -a "${eus_dir}/logs/repository-keys.log" | apt-key add - &> /dev/null; then adoptium_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" adoptium_apt_key_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${adoptium_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${adoptium_apt_key_exit_status}" -eq "0" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the key for adoptium packages! \\n" else abort_reason="Failed to add the key for adoptium packages."; abort fi else abort_reason="Failed to fetch the key for adoptium packages." abort fi fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the adoptium packages repository..." if echo "deb ${signed_by_value_adoptium}https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb ${os_codename} main" &> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-packages-adoptium.list; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added the adoptium packages repository!\\n" && sleep 2 else abort_reason="Failed to add the adoptium packages repository." abort fi if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch) ]]; then repo_codename="buster" repo_arguments=" main" get_repo_url add_repositories get_distro fi repo_arguments=" main" get_repo_url add_repositories run_apt_get_update else { echo "# Could not find \"${os_codename}\" on https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/"; echo "# List of what was found:"; curl -s "https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb/dists/" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e '/^$/d' -e '/\/\//d' -e '/function/d' -e '/location/d' -e '/}/d' -e 's/\///g' -e '/Name/d' -e '/Index/d' -e '/\.\./d' -e '/Artifactory/d' | awk '{print $1}'; } &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/adoptium.log" fi if [[ "${adoptium_adjusted_os_codename}" == 'true' ]]; then get_distro; fi } openjdk_java() { if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then repo_url="http://ppa.launchpad.net/openjdk-r/ppa/ubuntu" repo_arguments=" main" repo_key="EB9B1D8886F44E2A" repo_key_name="openjdk-ppa" else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" repo_arguments="-security main universe" fi add_repositories get_distro get_repo_url elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then if [[ "${architecture}" =~ (amd64|i386) ]]; then repo_url="http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" repo_arguments="-security main universe" else repo_url="http://ports.ubuntu.com" repo_arguments="-security main universe" fi add_repositories get_distro get_repo_url repo_arguments=" main" add_repositories get_distro get_repo_url elif [[ "${os_codename}" == "jessie" ]]; then check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} ${openjdk_variable} ${required_java_version}-jre-headless..." if ! DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -t jessie-backports "${required_java_version}-jre-headless" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" || [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to ${openjdk_variable_3} ${required_java_version}-jre-headless in the first run...\\n" if [[ "$(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep -P -c "^deb http[s]*://archive.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main")" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "deb http://archive.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list || abort http_proxy="$(env | grep -i "http.*Proxy" | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/[";]//g')" if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${http_proxy}" --recv-keys 8B48AD6246925553 7638D0442B90D010 || abort elif [[ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf ]]; then apt_http_proxy="$(grep "http.*Proxy" /etc/apt/apt.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[";]//g')" if [[ -n "${apt_http_proxy}" ]]; then apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --keyserver-options http-proxy="${apt_http_proxy}" --recv-keys 8B48AD6246925553 7638D0442B90D010 || abort fi else apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 8B48AD6246925553 7638D0442B90D010 || abort fi echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Running apt-get update..." required_package="${required_java_version}-jre-headless" if apt-get update -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until="false" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully ran apt-get update! \\n"; else abort_reason="Failed to ran apt-get update."; abort; fi echo -e "\\n------- ${required_package} installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' install -t jessie-backports "${required_java_version}-jre-headless" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed ${required_package}! \\n" && sleep 2; else abort_reason="Failed to install ${required_package}."; abort; fi sed -i '/jessie-backports/d' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/glennr-install-script.list unset required_package fi fi elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then if [[ "${required_java_version}" == "openjdk-8" ]]; then repo_codename="stretch" repo_arguments=" main" get_repo_url add_repositories get_distro elif [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-11|openjdk-17) ]]; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-11) ]]; then repo_codename="bullseye"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (bookworm|trixie|forky) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-11) ]]; then repo_codename="unstable"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (trixie|forky) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-17) ]]; then repo_codename="bookworm"; fi if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (stretch|buster) ]] && [[ "${required_java_version}" =~ (openjdk-17) ]]; then repo_codename="bullseye"; fi repo_arguments=" main" get_repo_url add_repositories get_distro fi fi } available_java_packages_check() { if apt-cache search --names-only ^"openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless" | grep -ioq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless"; then openjdk_available="true"; else unset openjdk_available; fi if apt-cache search --names-only ^"temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then temurin_available="true"; else unset temurin_available; fi } if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-8"; then openjdk_version="$("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep "openjdk-8" | awk '{print $3}' | grep "^8u" | sed 's/-.*//g' | sed 's/8u//g' | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -V | tail -n 1)" if [[ "${openjdk_version}" -lt '131' && "${required_java_version}" == "openjdk-8" ]]; then old_openjdk_version="true"; fi fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then if apt-cache search --names-only "^temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then temurin_jdk_to_jre="true" fi fi fi if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" || [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]] || [[ "${temurin_jdk_to_jre}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_openjdk_version}" == 'true' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} OpenJDK ${required_java_version_short} is to old...\\n" && sleep 2 openjdk_variable="Updating"; openjdk_variable_3="Update" else header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Preparing OpenJDK/Temurin ${required_java_version_short} installation...\\n" && sleep 2 openjdk_variable="Installing"; openjdk_variable_3="Install" fi openjdk_java adoptium_java run_apt_get_update available_java_packages_check java_install_attempts="$(apt-cache search --names-only ^"openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | awk '{print $1}' | wc -l)" until [[ "${java_install_attempts}" == "0" ]]; do if [[ "${openjdk_available}" == "true" && "${openjdk_attempted}" != 'true' ]]; then required_package="openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless"; apt_get_install_package; openjdk_attempted="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless"; then break; fi fi if [[ "${temurin_available}" == "true" ]]; then if apt-cache search --names-only ^"temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" && [[ "${temurin_jre_attempted}" != 'true' ]]; then required_package="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; apt_get_install_package; temurin_jre_attempted="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre"; then break; fi elif apt-cache search --names-only ^"temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" | grep -ioq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" && [[ "${temurin_jdk_attempted}" != 'true' ]]; then required_package="temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; apt_get_install_package; temurin_jdk_attempted="true" if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then break; fi fi fi ((java_install_attempts=java_install_attempts-1)) done if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}-jre-headless\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then abort_reason="Failed to install the required java version."; abort; fi unset java_install_attempts if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jre" && "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk"; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg6::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' remove "temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/temurin-jdk-remove.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to remove temurin-${required_java_version_short}-jdk... \\n" fi fi else header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Preparing OpenJDK/Temurin ${required_java_version_short} installation..." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} OpenJDK/Temurin ${required_java_version_short} is already installed! \\n" fi sleep 3 if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}"; then required_java_version_installed="true" fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -i "openjdk-.*-\\|oracle-java.*\\|temurin-.*-" | grep -vq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|oracle-java${required_java_version_short}\\|openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}"; then unsupported_java_version_installed="true" fi if [[ "${required_java_version_installed}" == 'true' && "${unsupported_java_version_installed}" == 'true' && "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' && "${unifi_core_system}" != 'true' ]]; then header_red echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Unsupported JAVA version(s) are detected, do you want to uninstall them?" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} This may remove packages that depend on these java versions." read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to proceed with uninstalling the unsupported JAVA version(s)? (y/N) ' yes_no case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*) header while read -r java_package; do echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Removing ${java_package}... \\n" if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' remove "${java_package}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/java-uninstall.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${java_package}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Successfully removed ${java_package}... \\n" fi done < <("$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -i "openjdk-.*-\\|oracle-java.*\\|temurin-.*-" | grep -v "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|oracle-java${required_java_version_short}\\|openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/:.*//') sleep 3;; [Nn]*|"") ;; esac fi update_ca_certificates() { if [[ "${update_ca_certificates_ran}" != 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Updating the ca-certificates..." rm /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts 2> /dev/null if update-ca-certificates -f &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully updated the ca-certificates\\n" && sleep 3 /usr/bin/printf '\xfe\xed\xfe\xed\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe2\x68\x6e\x45\xfb\x43\xdf\xa4\xd9\x92\xdd\x41\xce\xb6\xb2\x1c\x63\x30\xd7\x92' > /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure &> /dev/null update_ca_certificates_ran="true" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to update the ca-certificates...\\n" && sleep 3 fi fi } if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}"; then update_java_alternatives="$(update-java-alternatives --list | grep "^java-1.${required_java_version_short}.*openjdk\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)" if [[ -n "${update_java_alternatives}" ]]; then update-java-alternatives --set "${update_java_alternatives}" &> /dev/null fi update_alternatives="$(update-alternatives --list java | grep "java-${required_java_version_short}-openjdk\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $1}' | head -n1)" if [[ -n "${update_alternatives}" ]]; then update-alternatives --set java "${update_alternatives}" &> /dev/null fi header update_ca_certificates fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui" | grep -iq "openjdk-${required_java_version_short}\\|temurin-${required_java_version_short}"; then java_readlink="$(readlink -f "$( command -v java )" | sed "s:/bin/.*$::")" if ! echo "${java_readlink}" | grep -ioq "${required_java_version_short}"; then java_readlink="$(update-java-alternatives --list | grep "${required_java_version_short}" | awk '{print $3}' | head -n1)"; fi java_home_location="JAVA_HOME=${java_readlink}" current_java_home="$(grep -si "^JAVA_HOME" /etc/default/unifi)" if [[ -n "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ "${current_java_home}" != "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/default/unifi" ]]; then sed -i '/JAVA_HOME/d' /etc/default/unifi; fi echo "${java_home_location}" >> /etc/default/unifi fi fi current_java_home="$(grep -si "^JAVA_HOME" /etc/environment)" if [[ -n "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ "${current_java_home}" != "${java_home_location}" ]]; then if [[ -e "/etc/default/unifi" ]]; then sed -i 's/^JAVA_HOME/#JAVA_HOME/' /etc/environment; fi echo "${java_home_location}" >> /etc/environment # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /etc/environment fi fi fi if [[ "${required_java_version}" == "openjdk-8" ]]; then unifi_dependencies_list=( "binutils" "ca-certificates-java" "java-common" "jsvc" "libcommons-daemon-java" ) else unifi_dependencies_list=( "binutils" "ca-certificates-java" "java-common" ) fi for unifi_dependency in "${unifi_dependencies_list[@]}"; do if ! "$(which dpkg)" -l "${unifi_dependency}" 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $1}' | grep -iq "^ii\\|^hi\\|^ri\\|^pi\\|^ui"; then if [[ "${unifi_dependencies_mesasge}" != 'true' ]]; then header; echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Preparing installation of the UniFi Network Application dependencies...\\n"; sleep 2; unifi_dependencies_mesasge="true"; fi echo -e "\\n------- UniFi Dependecy \"${unifi_dependency}\" installation ------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/apt.log" if ! apt-cache search --names-only ^"${unifi_dependency}" | grep -ioq "${unifi_dependency}"; then if [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (precise|trusty|xenial|bionic|cosmic|disco|eoan|focal|groovy|hirsute|impish|jammy|kinetic|lunar|mantic|noble) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main universe" elif [[ "${repo_codename}" =~ (jessie|stretch|buster|bullseye|bookworm|trixie|forky) ]]; then repo_arguments=" main" fi add_repositories fi required_package="${unifi_dependency}" apt_get_install_package fi done # Quick workaround for 7.2.91 and older 7.2 versions. if [[ "${first_digit_unifi}" == "7" && "${second_digit_unifi}" == "2" && "${third_digit_unifi}" -le "91" ]]; then NAME="unifi" UNIFI_USER="${UNIFI_USER:-unifi}" DATADIR="${UNIFI_DATA_DIR:-/var/lib/$NAME}" if ! id "${UNIFI_USER}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then adduser --system --home "${DATADIR}" --no-create-home --group --disabled-password --quiet "${UNIFI_USER}" fi if ! [[ -d "/usr/lib/unifi/" ]]; then mkdir -p /usr/lib/unifi/ && chown -R unifi:unifi /usr/lib/unifi/; fi if ! [[ -d "/var/lib/unifi/" ]]; then mkdir -p /var/lib/unifi/ && chown -R unifi:unifi /var/lib/unifi/; fi fi header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing your UniFi Network Application ( ${WHITE_R}${unifi_clean}${RESET} )...\\n" sleep 2 if [[ "${unifi_network_application_downloaded}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_temp="$(mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp unifi_sysvinit_all_"${unifi_clean}"_XXX.deb)" unifi_fwupdate="$(curl -s "https://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${first_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${second_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${third_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[]._links.data.href" | sed '/null/d')" if [[ -z "${unifi_fwupdate}" ]]; then unifi_fwupdate="$(curl -s "http://fw-update.ui.com/api/firmware-latest?filter=eq~~version_major~~${first_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_minor~~${second_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~version_patch~~${third_digit_unifi}&filter=eq~~platform~~debian" | jq -r "._embedded.firmware[]._links.data.href" | sed '/null/d')"; fi unifi_download_urls=( "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/${unifi_secret}/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb" "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/${unifi_clean}/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb" "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/debian/pool/ubiquiti/u/unifi/unifi_${unifi_repo_version}_all.deb" "${unifi_fwupdate}" ) echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the UniFi Network Application..." echo -e "\\n------- $(date +%F-%R) -------\\n" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_download.log" for unifi_download_url in "${unifi_download_urls[@]}"; do if wget "${wget_progress[@]}" -O "${unifi_temp}" "${unifi_download_url}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_download.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded application version ${unifi_clean}! \\n"; unifi_downloaded="true"; break elif [[ "${unifi_download_url}" =~ ^https:// ]]; then if wget "${wget_progress[@]}" --no-check-certificate -O "${unifi_temp}" "${unifi_download_url/https:/http:}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_download.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded application version ${unifi_clean} (using HTTP)! \\n"; unifi_downloaded="true"; break fi fi done if [[ "${unifi_downloaded}" != "true" ]]; then abort_reason="Failed to download application version ${unifi_clean}."; abort; fi else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the UniFi Network Application..." echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application version ${unifi_clean} has already been downloaded! \n" fi unifi_deb_package_modification ignore_unifi_package_dependencies check_service_overrides unifi_required_packages_check system_properties_check if [[ -e /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties ]]; then mv /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties.eus-backup-$(date +%s)"; fi check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Installing the UniFi Network Application..." echo "unifi unifi/has_backup boolean true" 2> /dev/null | debconf-set-selections # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive "$(which dpkg)" -i ${dpkg_ignore_depends_flag} "${unifi_temp}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi_install.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully installed the UniFi Network Application! \\n" if [[ "${unifi_ports_in_use}" == 'true' ]]; then change_default_unifi_ports; fi else abort_reason="Failed to install the UniFi Network Application." abort fi if ! [[ -d "/var/run/unifi" ]]; then install -o unifi -g unifi -m 750 -d /var/run/unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/unifi-var-run-missing.log"; fi jq '."scripts"."'"${script_name}"'" += {"install-date": "'"$(date +%s)"'"}' "${eus_dir}/db/db.json" > "${eus_dir}/db/db.json.tmp" 2>> "${eus_dir}/logs/eus-database-management.log" eus_database_move rm --force "${unifi_temp}" 2> /dev/null if ! systemctl is-active --quiet unifi && [[ "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_service_not_running="true"; elif [[ "$(pgrep -f "/usr/lib/unifi" | grep -cv grep)" -lt "2" ]]; then unifi_service_not_running="true"; fi if [[ "${unifi_service_not_running}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Starting the UniFi Network Application..." old_systemd_version_check if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_systemd_version}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; else abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; fi; elif ! service unifi start &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/post-unifi-install-start.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; fi else if [[ "${old_systemd_version}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${old_systemd_version_check_unifi_restart}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; else abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; fi; elif ! systemctl start unifi &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/post-unifi-install-start.log"; then abort_reason="Failed to start the Network Application."; abort; else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully started the UniFi Network Application! \\n"; fi fi fi sleep 3 # Check if service is enabled if ! [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya|trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) && "${limited_functionality}" != 'true' ]]; then if systemctl list-units --full -all | grep -Fioq "unifi.service"; then SERVICE_UNIFI=$(systemctl is-enabled unifi) if [[ "$SERVICE_UNIFI" = 'disabled' ]]; then if ! systemctl enable unifi 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to enable service | UniFi" sleep 3 fi fi fi fi # Check if UniFi Repo is supported. if [[ "${architecture}" == "arm64" && "${first_digit_unifi}" -ge "8" && "${glennr_compiled_mongod}" != 'true' ]]; then unifi_repo_supported="true" elif [[ "${architecture}" == "amd64" ]]; then unifi_repo_supported="true" else unifi_repo_supported="false" fi if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' || "${script_option_add_repository}" == 'true' ]] && [[ "${unifi_repo_supported}" == "true" ]]; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Would you like to update the UniFi Network Application via APT?" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want the script to add the source list file? (y/N) ' yes_no; fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*) header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the UniFi Network Application repository for branch ${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi}... \\n" sleep 3 sed -i '/unifi/d' /etc/apt/sources.list rm --force /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list 2> /dev/null echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Downloading the UniFi Network Application repository key..." if wget -qO - "https://dl.ui.com/unifi/unifi-repo.gpg" | gpg --dearmor --yes 2>&1 | tee -a "/etc/apt/keyrings/unifi-repo.gpg" &> /dev/null; then unifi_wget_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" unifi_gpg_exit_status="${PIPESTATUS[2]}" if [[ "${unifi_wget_exit_status}" -eq "0" && "${unifi_gpg_exit_status}" -eq "0" && -s "/etc/apt/keyrings/unifi-repo.gpg" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully downloaded the key for the UniFi Network Application repository! \\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding the UniFi Network Application repository..." if [[ "${architecture}" == 'arm64' ]]; then arch="arch=arm64"; elif [[ "${architecture}" == 'amd64' ]]; then arch="arch=amd64"; else arch="arch=amd64,arm64"; fi if echo "deb [ ${arch} signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/unifi-repo.gpg ] https://www.ui.com/downloads/unifi/debian unifi-${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi} ubiquiti" &> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added UniFi Network Application source list! \\n" run_apt_get_update echo -ne "\\r${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if the added UniFi Network Application repository is valid..." && sleep 1 if grep -ioq "unifi-${first_digit_unifi}.${second_digit_unifi} Release' does not" /tmp/EUS/apt/apt_update; then echo -ne "\\r${RED}#${RESET} The added UniFi Repository is not valid/used, the repository list will be removed! \\n" rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list &> /dev/null else echo -ne "\\r${GREEN}#${RESET} The added UniFi Network Application Repository is valid! \\n" fi sleep 3 else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add the UniFi Network Application source list...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to add the UniFi Network Application source list...\\n" fi else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to download the key for the UniFi Network Application repository...\\n" fi;; [Nn]*|"") ;; esac fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l ufw | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi if grep -sioq "^unifi.http.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then diport="$(awk '/^unifi.http.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else diport="8080"; fi if grep -sioq "^unifi.stun.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then diport="$(awk '/^unifi.stun.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else stport="6789"; fi if grep -sioq "^portal.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then hpsport="$(awk '/^portal.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else hpsport="8843"; fi if grep -sioq "^portal.http.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then hphport="$(awk '/^portal.http.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else hphport="8880"; fi if ufw status verbose | awk '/^Status:/{print $2}' | grep -xq "active"; then if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' && "${script_option_local_install}" != 'true' ]]; then header read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Is/will your application only be used locally ( regarding device discovery )? (Y/n) ' yes_no case "${yes_no}" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Script will ensure that 10001/udp for device discovery will be added to UFW." script_option_local_install="true" sleep 3;; [Nn]*|*) ;; esac fi header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Uncomplicated Firewall ( UFW ) seems to be active." echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if all required ports are added!" rm -rf /tmp/EUS/ports/* &> /dev/null eus_directory_location="/tmp/EUS" eus_create_directories "ports" ssh_port=$(awk '/Port/{print $2}' /etc/ssh/sshd_config | head -n1) if [[ "${script_option_local_install}" == 'true' ]]; then unifi_ports=(3478/udp "${diport}"/tcp "${dmport}"/tcp "${hphport}"/tcp "${hpsport}"/tcp "${stport}"/tcp 10001/udp) echo -e "3478/udp\\n${diport}/tcp\\n${dmport}/tcp\\n${hphport}/tcp\\n${hpsport}/tcp\\n6789/tcp\\n10001/udp" &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports else unifi_ports=(3478/udp "${diport}"/tcp "${dmport}"/tcp "${hphport}"/tcp "${hpsport}"/tcp "${stport}"/tcp) echo -e "3478/udp\\n${diport}/tcp\\n${dmport}/tcp\\n${hphport}/tcp\\n${hpsport}/tcp\\n6789/tcp" &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports fi echo -e "${ssh_port}" &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports ufw status verbose &>> /tmp/EUS/ports/ufw_list while read -r port; do port_number_only=$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f1) # shellcheck disable=SC1117 if ! grep "^${port_number_only}\b\\|^${port}\b" /tmp/EUS/ports/ufw_list | grep -iq "ALLOW IN"; then required_port_missing="true" fi # shellcheck disable=SC1117 if ! grep -v "(v6)" /tmp/EUS/ports/ufw_list | grep "^${port_number_only}\b\\|^${port}\b" | grep -iq "ALLOW IN"; then required_port_missing="true" fi done < /tmp/EUS/ports/all_ports if [[ "${required_port_missing}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} We are missing required ports.." if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to add the required ports for your UniFi Network Application? (Y/n) ' yes_no else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding required UniFi ports.." sleep 2 fi case "${yes_no}" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n" for port in "${unifi_ports[@]}"; do port_number=$(echo "${port}" | cut -d'/' -f1) ufw allow "${port}" &> "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}" if [[ -f "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}" && -s "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}" ]]; then if grep -iq "added" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added port ${port} to UFW." fi if grep -iq "skipping" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${port_number}"; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Port ${port} was already added to UFW." fi fi done if [[ -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config && -s /etc/ssh/sshd_config ]]; then if ! ufw status verbose | grep -v "(v6)" | grep "${ssh_port}" | grep -iq "ALLOW IN"; then echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your SSH port ( ${ssh_port} ) doesn't seem to be in your UFW list.." if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to add your SSH port to the UFW list? (Y/n) ' yes_no else echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Adding port ${ssh_port}.." sleep 2 fi case "${yes_no}" in [Yy]*|"") echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n" ufw allow "${ssh_port}" &> "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}" if [[ -f "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}" && -s "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}" ]]; then if grep -iq "added" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully added port ${ssh_port} to UFW." fi if grep -iq "skipping" "/tmp/EUS/ports/${ssh_port}"; then echo -e "${YELLOW}#${RESET} Port ${ssh_port} was already added to UFW." fi fi;; [Nn]*|*) ;; esac fi fi;; [Nn]*|*) ;; esac else echo -e "\\n${WHITE_R}----${RESET}\\n\\n${WHITE_R}#${RESET} All required ports already exist!" fi echo -e "\\n\\n" && sleep 2 fi fi if [[ -z "${SERVER_IP}" ]]; then SERVER_IP=$(ip addr | grep -A8 -m1 MULTICAST | grep -m1 inet | cut -d' ' -f6 | cut -d'/' -f1) fi # Check if application is reachable via public IP. timeout 1 nc -zv "${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}" "${dmport}" &> /dev/null && public_reachable="true" # Check if application is up and running + if it respond on public IP if [[ "${public_reachable}" == 'true' ]]; then check_count=0 while [[ "${check_count}" -lt '60' ]]; do if [[ "${check_count}" == '3' ]]; then header echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if the UniFi Network application is responding... (this can take up to 60 seconds)" unifi_api_message="true" fi if [[ "$(curl -sk "https://localhost:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The application is up and running! \\n"; sleep 2; fi if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Checking if the application is also responding on it's public IP address..."; fi if [[ "$(curl -sk "https://${PUBLIC_SERVER_IP}:${dmport}/status" | jq -r '.meta.up' 2> /dev/null)" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The application is responding on it's public IP address! The script will continue with the SSL setup!"; sleep 4; fi public_reachable="true" else if [[ "${unifi_api_message}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} The application does not respond on it's public IP address... \\n"; sleep 4; fi public_reachable="false" fi break fi ((check_count=check_count+1)) sleep 1 done fi if [[ "${public_reachable}" == 'true' ]] && [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' || "${fqdn_specified}" == 'true' ]]; then echo -e "--install-script" &>> /tmp/EUS/le_script_options if [[ -f /tmp/EUS/le_script_options && -s /tmp/EUS/le_script_options ]]; then IFS=" " read -r le_script_options <<< "$(tr '\r\n' ' ' < /tmp/EUS/le_script_options)"; fi header le_script="true" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Your application seems to be exposed to the internet. ( port 8443 is open )" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} It's recommend to secure your application with a SSL certficate.\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Requirements:" echo -e "${WHITE_R}-${RESET} A domain name and A record pointing to the server that runs the UniFi Network Application." echo -e "${WHITE_R}-${RESET} Port 80 needs to be open ( port forwarded )\\n\\n" if [[ "${script_option_skip}" != 'true' ]]; then read -rp $'\033[39m#\033[0m Do you want to download and execute my UniFi Easy Encrypt Script? (Y/n) ' yes_no; fi case "$yes_no" in [Yy]*|"") rm --force unifi-easy-encrypt.sh &> /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2068 wget "${wget_progress[@]}" -q https://get.glennr.nl/unifi/extra/unifi-easy-encrypt.sh && bash unifi-easy-encrypt.sh ${le_script_options[@]};; [Nn]*) ;; esac fi if [[ "${netcat_installed}" == 'true' ]]; then header check_dpkg_lock echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} The script installed ${netcat_installed_package_name}, we do not need this anymore.\\n" echo -e "${WHITE_R}#${RESET} Purging package ${netcat_installed_package_name}..." if DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y "${apt_options[@]}" -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confdef' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' purge "${netcat_installed_package_name}" &>> "${eus_dir}/logs/uninstall-${netcat_installed_package_name}.log"; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Successfully purged ${netcat_installed_package_name}! \\n" else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Failed to purge ${netcat_installed_package_name}... \\n" fi sleep 2 fi if "$(which dpkg)" -l | grep "unifi " | grep -q "^ii\\|^hi"; then if grep -sioq "^unifi.https.port" "/usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties"; then dmport="$(awk '/^unifi.https.port/' /usr/lib/unifi/data/system.properties | cut -d'=' -f2)"; else dmport="8443"; fi header echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean} has been installed successfully" if [[ "${public_reachable}" = 'true' ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Your application address: ${WHITE_R}https://$PUBLIC_SERVER_IP:${dmport}${RESET}" if [[ "${le_script}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ -d /usr/lib/EUS/ ]]; then if [[ -f /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install && -s /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install ]]; then application_fqdn_le="$(tail -n1 /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install)" rm --force /usr/lib/EUS/server_fqdn_install &> /dev/null fi elif [[ -d /srv/EUS/ ]]; then if [[ -f /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install && -s /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install ]]; then application_fqdn_le="$(tail -n1 /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install)" rm --force /srv/EUS/server_fqdn_install &> /dev/null fi fi if [[ -n "${application_fqdn_le}" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Your application FQDN: ${WHITE_R}https://$application_fqdn_le:${dmport}${RESET}" fi fi else echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} Your application address: ${WHITE_R}https://$SERVER_IP:${dmport}${RESET}" fi echo -e "\\n" if [[ "${limited_functionality}" == 'true' ]]; then if [[ "$(pgrep -f "/usr/lib/unifi" | grep -cv grep)" -ge "2" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi is active ( running )"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} UniFi failed to start... Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!"; fi else if [[ "${os_codename}" =~ (precise|maya|trusty|qiana|rebecca|rafaela|rosa) ]]; then if systemctl status unifi | grep -iq running; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi is active ( running )"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} UniFi failed to start... Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!"; fi else if systemctl is-active -q unifi; then echo -e "${GREEN}#${RESET} UniFi is active ( running )"; else echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} UniFi failed to start... Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!"; fi fi fi if [[ -s "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" ]]; then if [[ "$(wc -l "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" | awk '{print $1}')" -ge "1" ]]; then if [[ "$(wc -l "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" | awk '{print $1}')" == "1" ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\n${YELLOW}#${RESET} We had to change one of the default UniFi Network Application ports, the port change is listed below." else echo -e "\\n\\n${YELLOW}#${RESET} We had to change a couple of the default UniFi Network Application ports, the port changes are listed below." fi while read -r line; do echo -e "${YELLOW}-${RESET} The $(echo "${line}" | cut -d'/' -f3) port was changed from $(echo "${line}" | cut -d'/' -f1) was changed to $(echo "${line}" | cut -d'/' -f2)..." done < "/tmp/EUS/ports/new-ports" fi fi echo -e "\\n" author remove_yourself else header_red echo -e "\\n${RED}#${RESET} Failed to successfully install UniFi Network Application ${unifi_clean}" echo -e "${RED}#${RESET} Please contact Glenn R. (AmazedMender16) on the Community Forums!${RESET}\\n\\n" remove_yourself fi